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News Electronics and Embedded Systems

  • Research wants to change fetal monitoring at birth
    18 Dec 2023

    Researchers at KTH and KI want to reduce the risk of organ failure in children during labour. Therefore, they have started a programme, "Continuous lactate measurement and preventive hypoxia during de...

  • Research behind the efficiency of mobile phone networks - one of the most highly cited
    27 Nov 2023

    The research behind using mobile phone masts with many small electrically steerable antennas has been included in Clarivate's annual Clarivate Highly Cited Researchers 2023 list. ”This is of cours...

  • Group photo of project members.
    Members of the project team. From left to right: Saul Rodriguez (KTH), Johanna Flodin (Muscle Matrix Support AB - MMS), Paul Ackermann (MMS), Malin Otter (KTH, degree project at MMS), Robin Juthberg (MMS), Nelida Aliaga (MMS), Jafeth Lizana (MMS), Bashar Jamal Pati (KTH - degree project at MMS).
    Funding boost on blood clot prevention
    8 Nov 2023

    Vinnova grants 4 MSEK for the development of next-generation Venous Thromboembolism prevention.

  • The satellite Mats. Photo: Swedish National Space Agency
    Space electronics in focus at Space Rendezvous
    24 Oct 2023

    Cosmic radiation causes electronics sent to space to break down just by being there. But there are KTH projects that make a difference, and they are in focus during the Space Rendezvous, which will be...

  • A new comprehensive approach is needed in wireless research
    17 Oct 2023

    Challenges in the industry are increasing as we move towards a digitalised society where everything needs to be connected. The competition for the rare earth metals required in our batteries is intens...

  • Fast communication with spintronics is possible, models show
    20 Jun 2023

    One step closer to better and faster communication in 5G and 6G has been taken. Ericsson and KTH will now evaluate the technology for two years, and the hope is to get closer to a prototype that can b...

  • Mikael Östling
    Mikael Östling. Photo: Håkan Lindgren
    Mikael Östling is elected to ECS as the first Swedish fellow
    19 Jun 2023

    Mikael Östling is back as a full-time professor at EECS in KTH Kista after six years as the Deputy President at KTH. As the only Swede, he is now appointed a Fellow of the Electrochemical Society (ECS...

  • Joel Gärtner and Kalle Ngo
    Joel Gärtner and Kalle Ngo
    Researchers found leak in cryptographic algorithm
    18 Apr 2023

    New and better methods are needed to protect sensitive data from hackers. This is the conclusion KTH researchers made when they managed to break an implementation of CRYSTALS-Kyber, a post quantum cry...

  • Cyrille Artho new director of CASTOR
    21 Mar 2023

    Cyrille Artho is the new Director of the CASTOR Software research centre. He’s lived in Japan for 11 years, where he worked on analysing networked software and testing together with software security....

  • Corrado Capriata with colleagues
    Corrado Capriata with his visiting family Stefano and Gabriella. Photo: Private.
    The visit to NYC gave him new colleagues and new insights for his research
    15 Feb 2023

    A desire to strengthen his knowledge, meet new people, and create new connections for his research led Corrado Capriata to a seven-month research exchange.

  • A student project at ForskarFredag 2019. Photo: Mario Romero Vega.
    This is EECS’ contribution to ForskarFredag
    21 Sep 2022

    Friday, 30 September, is the time for ForskarFredag at Vetenskapens Hus. Representants from EECS will be competing in presentation technology, lectures in swallowable microsystems and presenting stude...

  • Ana Rusu
    From implantable medical devices to spintronics-based systems
    10 Aug 2022

    The use of new implantable medical sensors in the body requires new ways of supplying them with energy. Ana Rusu’s group develops smart and energy-efficient integrated circuits and systems towards min...

  • Bellman 1992 and Bellman today.
    How it started, how it's going.
    "I'm not done!"
    7 Feb 2022

    Carl-Mikael ”Bellman” Zetterling, this year you have been at KTH for 30 years, how did you end up at KTH?

  • Han Xue, Division of Electronics and Embedded Systems
    Her first poster led to a victory at the EECS Winter Conference
    19 Jan 2022

    Han Xue, Division of Electronics and Embedded Systems and winner of the Poster Exhibition at the EECS Winter Conference. Tell us a bit about your research.