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Noise Exposure in Future Air Traffic

Feb 2023 – Feb 2025

This project targets the interdependencies of future air traffic by high precision navigation, noise emissions as well as more environment friendly aircraft. Based on the major airports in Sweden, studies will firstly be performed to determine the optimal RNP AR (Required Navigation Performance Authorization Required) procedures for minimizing overall noise exposure to the communities. The focus will be to investigate the ability to design the lateral profile so that the urban area is avoided and how the sound is propagated during the turns related to non-straight approaches. Secondly, weather conditions could play an important role in noise propagation, operation behavior and procedures selection. Through a previous trafikverket funded project (STATMET), statistical historical meteorological data around Arlanda and Landvetter air space have been made available. Operational profiles for optimal noise emissions will be investigated taking the real wind conditions into consideration. More importantly, noise aspect of procedures designed based on historical meteorological data will be assessed. The final part of the project is to evaluate the impact of future aircraft designed for low noise and low emissions. This will be assessed by producing noise maps around airport with part or all the operating fleet replaced by future aircraft concepts such as electric aircraft and hydrogen powered aircraft. Trade-offs between energy consumption, emissions and noise will be a result from the studies.

Project members

The project is a collaboration between Chalmers (Xin Zhao), Aurskall akustik (Ulf
Tengzelius), Swedavia (Peter Lukic) and LFV (Olivier Petit).