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MSc thesis proposals

Developing an integrated resource optimization model of a river basin in Kenya
Language Models for Policy Analysis at SEI
Enhancing Socio-Economic Impact Assessment in Climate-Compatible and Self-Sufficient Rural Communities through Integrated Resource Optimization Models
Climate impact of renovation projects in the built environment– zooming in on technical installations
Developing a spatial database for energy planning in Sweden
Developing a transport demand model for whole system energy planning in Sweden
Developing a residential demand model for whole system energy planning in Sweden
The use of artificial intelligence (AI) and life cycle analysis (LCA) tools for predicting the environmental performance of sustainable transport fuels
Towards Zero-Waste through a Circular Recovery Model – Lessons for Managing Municipal Solid Waste from Sweden and India
The role of renewable gases (ReNewGas) in the decarbonization of energy systems in the EU
Extracting insights from a Knowledge Graph of an ongoing research programme for Climate Compatible Growth
An approach to increase the effectiveness of use of modelling tools to inform climate-compatible development strategies in Low and Middle Income Countries
Land-based mitigation technologies, measures, and systems in negative emission pathways
Spatial analysis of district heating
Seasonal storages – way ahead for industrial decarbonisation?