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  • New thesis on human-centered digital transformation in buildings

    Katarina Bäcklund
    Katarina Bäcklund posting her dissertation Human-Centric Operations of Smarter Higher Educational Buildings in Sweden.
    Published Jun 09, 2024

    Katarina Bäcklund's research indicates that smart buildings are not yet smart enough, and that not all data is smart data. There is still much to be done before the digital transformation can be fully...

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  • Stefan Ränk awarded KTH's Award for Industrial Collaboration

    Stefan Ränk accepts KTH's award for industrial collaboration 2023.
    Stefan Ränk accepts KTH's award for industrial collaboration 2023. Photo: Studio Slakthuset
    Published Apr 16, 2024

    On Friday the 12th of April, Stefan Ränk, the CEO of Einar Mattsson, received KTH's Award for Industrial Collaboration. This took place in grand fashion during KTH's inauguration of new professors at ...

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  • Open position: Doctoral student in Digitalisation and RE business models

    Staircase in building
    Image from Unsplash.
    Published Apr 08, 2024

    PhD project in Real Estate Construction and Management, focusing on how applications of innovative digital solutions in Real Estate generate value from a corporate and societal perspective.

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  • Open positions: Doctoral students for projects on Digital Twins

    Engineers standing around a table
    Photo: ThisisEngineering, Unsplash.
    Published Mar 22, 2024

    Apply for two open PhD positions focusing on Digital Twins – one at the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and one at the School of Industrial Engineering and Management. Both proj...

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  • New project explores fire protection for battery storage in buildings

    Published Feb 18, 2024

    A new project intends to evaluate how fire protection for battery storage can be developed as cost-efficiently as possible in collaboration with other important requirements, such as radiation and ven...

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  • Smart and Sustainable Buildings: new book from Jonas Anund Vogel

    Jonas Anund Vogel outside KTH Live-In Lab.
    Jonas Anund Vogel outside KTH Live-In Lab.
    Published Feb 16, 2024

    In his new book ”Smarta och hållbara byggnader” (Smart and Sustainable Buildings), Jonas Anund Vogel, director of KTH Live-In Lab and Dig-IT Lab, gathers his experience from research and networking on...

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  • Building The Future: Unveiling Educational and Competence Demands for Smart and Sustainable Building

    Published Feb 12, 2024

    A new paper details how the Swedish construction sector is becoming increasingly dynamic, and the challenges that arises from that.

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  • The mystery of the right amount of milk in coffee is finally solved!

    Image showing how different animals' fur can correspond to the amount of milk in coffee
    The study's suggested coffee-milk-system.
    Published Jan 23, 2024

    How can one bet communicate how much milk one wants in their coffee? Science has an answer.

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  • Untapped Energy-Saving Potential in Green and Smart Higher Educational Buildings

    Testbed Akademiska Hus.
    Testbed Akademiska Hus.
    Published Dec 21, 2023

    A study conducted by Katarina Bäcklund et al. explores the energy awareness ad energy-saving behaviours of occupants of a higher education smart building, a building that also acts as a testbed for th...

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  • Social Interactions for a Sustainable Lifestyle

    Illustration of KTH Live-In Lab used in this experimental campaign.
    Published Nov 27, 2023

    A study conducted by Angela Fontan PhD et al. in collaboration with KTH Live-In Lab explores digital technology in smart homes and its relation to sustainable living.

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  • Dig-IT Lab – New competence centre accelerating digitalization in the construction industry

    The new virtual testbeds that are now being planned within Dig-IT Lab – including an overall "Testbed Xn" – will support research and development in areas such as optimization, operations, business models, organization, sustainability and circularity. Ethical considerations, legal compliance and lifelong learning are other important areas.
    Published Sep 13, 2023

    Dig-IT Lab is a new Vinnova-funded competence centre at KTH, aiming at reducing the environmental impact of buildings through digitalization. The centre will promote collaboration as well as accelerat...

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  • Embodied carbon savings of co-living and implications for metrics

    Co-living design. Med författarens tillstånd.
    Published Aug 17, 2023

    A study conducted by Tove Malmqvist and Johanna Brismark in collaboration with KTH Live-In Lab, Co-Kitchen, and Max4lax explores the potential embodied carbon savings associated with co-living design.

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  • KTH Live-In Lab Annual Report 2022

    Researcher at KTH Live-In Lab
    Published Jun 22, 2023

    2022 was a year of collaboration, evolution and learning for KTH Live-In Lab. Read more about our work and our new projects in the Annual Report for 2022.

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  • Final Report CoKitchen

    Published May 05, 2023

    CoKitchen is a research project that investigated shared housing for students and has now completed its final report. The results can contribute to sustainable forms of housing and guide the design me...

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  • Debate: "Distance and hand hygiene alone are not enough"

    Published Apr 29, 2023

    An opinion piece published in Fastighetstidningen entitled "Distance and hand hygiene alone are not enough" makes the case for indoor air quality.

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  • COVID-19 guidance for the Swedish construction and real estate sectors – results from a survey study

    Published Apr 29, 2023

    New survey provides guidance for the construction and real estate sector. Results from the study show an imbalance of guidance during the pandemic.

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  • HYSTORE on Thermal Energy Storage Design and Optimization with Heat Pumps at Real Building-Scale

    Published Apr 24, 2023

    Researchers from Civil and Architectural Engineering (BYV, ABE school), Energy Technology (EGI, ITM school) and KTH Live-in-Lab (LIL, ITM school) join forces in a new Horizon project HYSTORE, for find...

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  • Giant battery maxes out solar energy

    Linda Lundmark
    Linda Lundmark, industrial doctoral student from the battery manufacturer Northvolt, tests a battery system for green electricity to student housing on KTH's Campus. (Photo: Christer Gummeson)
    Published Apr 19, 2023

    Being able to store energy from renewable sources, such as solar and wind, is crucial for the green transition. But how is it done in practice? In a pilot project for housing on KTH's campus, a system...

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  • Application to live at KTH Live-In Lab

    Residents wanted
    Published Apr 06, 2023

    Would you like to be part of making future smart and sustainable buildings possible? Are you interested in experiencing shared living at a smart house? We are looking for four new residents, for the p...

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  • Sustainable energy consumption via boosting or nudging - what works best?

    QR codes for tips.
    Boost interventions were communicated using QR codes posted next to the microwave, shower, and refrigerator.
    Published Mar 20, 2023

    "We are not as rational as we think but need help to make wise decisions in everyday life. That's why we need nudges, interventions that guide our decisions in a certain direction", says the nudge adv...

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