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Doctoral Program in Solid Mechanics

Solid mechanics is a classical engineering science that spans from basic to applied science. It can be regarded as a link between material science and applied mechanics with emphasis on the latter. Solid mechanics deals with the mechanical properties of materials and structures. The education involves in-depth studies in one of the solid mechanics research areas through balanced training in theoretical and numerical methods as well as experimental work.

General subject study plan and program description

General syllabus for education at third-cycle level in Solid Mechanics (pdf 346 kB)

Programme description: Doctoral Programme in Solid Mechanics (pdf 186 kB)

Research areas

  • Computational mechanics
  • Fracture mechanics
  • Composite mechanics
  • Contact mechanics
  • Material mechanics
  • Paper mechanics
  • Fatigue


The course SE3111 Continuous Mechanics, 12 credits, or equivalent, is compulsory in both licentiate and doctoral degrees. The course SE3161 Strength testing, 6 credits, or equivalent, is compulsory in the doctorate. Science theory and research methodology must be included in the education. In addition, graduate students who teaches in courses at the first level and advanced level shall take courses in teachning and learning in higher education.

In addition to the courses offered by the degree program, there are a large number of courses at the research level and advanced level at other departments that also can be included in the individual study plan, eg courses in vehicle engineering and aeronautics, physics, machine design, mathematics, materials science, mechanics, numerical analysis and computer science.

More information about the courses can be found in the general subject study plan.

Doctoral programmes and third-cycle subjects - KOPPS


The objectives of the Doctoral Program in Solid Mechanics follow the common objectives of postgraduate education according to the Higher Education Ordinance (1993: 100).

These goals are divided into three categories:

  1. Knowledge and understanding
  2. Skills and abilities
  3. Ability to make judgments and adopt a standpoint.

A concrete description of how these goals can be met within the framework of the doctoral program are described in the general subject study plan.

Previous knowledge

Basic eligibility complies with the general stated in the Higher Education Ordinance (1993: 100). As a special qualification for admission to postgraduate education in the subject of aerospace engineering, the applicant must have:

  1. Completed basic competencies in the area, or
  2. In some other way, within or outside the country, acquired the corresponding relevant knowledge in the relevant areas.

The application process

In order to apply for a doctoral program, there must be an available doctoral appointment. On KTH's central website, a list of all KTH's vacancies, including doctoral posts, is published.

More information about Doctoral Studies at KTH


For general questions regarding doctoral studies at KTH, please contact

Program Manager for the Doctoral Program in Solid Mechanics

Administrative support