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Thesis Proposals

The degree project is the last step that the student needs to complete in order to obtain a degree from KTH. During the degree project, the student will work independently and use the knowledge and methods that the student has learned during their time at KTH. To support students in finding an interesting and challenging degree project, here are a number of ideas for degree projects gathered- many are suggestions from external actors. Each proposal has a contact person that the students are welcome to contact and discuss the ideas with. The proposals can also be seen as inspiration for your own ideas for a degree project. Previous degree projects are available here Rail Vehicles , Transport Planning  and Structural Engineering and Bridges .

If you have general questions or thoughts about a degree project in the railway field, please contact: Anders Lindahl ( ), Carlos Casanueva Perez ( ) or Ellen Bergseth ( )

Thesis proposals from autumn 2023 can be downloaded here:

Thesis proposals railway autumn 2023 (pdf 2.3 MB)

Page responsible:Oskar Fröidh
Belongs to: KTH Railway Group
Last changed: Nov 06, 2023