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The Athena Lecture Series

Published Apr 26, 2017

2017 – 2019
Lecture Series in the Memory of late Professor Doreen Massey

Urban Disclosures and Cities for All

The Centre for the Future of Places (CFP) offers a rich series of lectures by internationally recognized scholars in the field of urban sociology, architecture, urban design, urban and city planning and landscape architecture. This International Guest Faculty Scholar Lecture Series invites approximately 20 world class female scholars to KTH campus in the year 2017-2018. During their visit, invited guests present their scholarly and creative research in a public lecture. The public lecture is followed then by an engaging discussion with an invited guest and a moderator. Planned alongside the lectures are often a variety of activities designed to provide students & faculty the opportunity to further engage with the lecturer.

Director Tigran Haas presents the Athena Lecture Series:

The Centre for the Future of Places by bringing the brightest minds, most engaging speakers, and influential people to KTH campus, wants to encourage thought-provoking conversations and genesis of ideas. The series is an integral part of the Centres Biennial Research Theme “Urban Disclosures and Cities for All”.

Planned, designed and executed to create a KTH campus-wide conversation, The Athena Lecture Series gives students and faculty an opportunity to interact with leading faculty— female scholars, scientists, and professionals who are internationally and globally renowned. The Centre strives to achieve its mission and vision through the quest and spread of powerful ideas and thoughts, while also enabling the passionate and dedicated faculty and students at KTH to be exposed to a diverse and vibrant array of international world class people, backgrounds, and ideas.

All students, faculty, alumni, staff and community guests are invited to attend, but the events are especially aimed at faculty and students at the School of Architecture and the Built Environment. The Athena Distinguished Lecture Series is supported and funded by the Ax: son Johnson Foundation, specifically through the generous donations to the Centre for the Future of Places. The foundation’s support and generosity allow The Centre - CFP and KTH/ABE School to offer this unique world class guest lecture series at no cost to the audience.

20 speakers include:

Christine Boyer, Professor of Urbanism and Urban History, Princeton University

Margaret Crawford, Professor of Architecture, Urban History and Theory, University of California, Berkeley

Galen Cranz, Professor of social and cultural Bases of Architecture, University of California, Berkeley

Dana Cuff, Professor of Architecture/Urban Design and Urban Planning UCLA

Ellen Dunham Jones, Professor and Director of Urban Design, Georgia Tech

Nan Ellin, Founding Dean of the College of Architecture, Planning & Public Affairs, Arlington

Ann Forsyth, Professor of Urban Planning, Harvard University Graduate School of Design

Karen A. Franck, Professor of Architcture, New Jersey Institute of Technology

Rachel Kallus, Professor, Architecture & Town Planning, Technion, Tel Aviv

Setha Low, Professor of Environmental Psychology, Anthropology & Women's Studies, University of New York

Susan Fainstein, Professor of Urban Planning, Harvard University, Graduate School of Design

Saskia Sassen, Robert S. Lynd Professor of Sociology Columbia University

Emily Talen, Professor of Urbanism, University of Chicago, Social Sciences

Fran Tonkiss, Professor of Sociology at the London School of Economics (LSE)

Sharon Zukin, Professor of Sociology and Urban Culture, Brooklyn College New York

Belongs to: Centre for the Future of Places
Last changed: Apr 26, 2017