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New publications at the Centre for the Future of Places

Published Oct 24, 2018

We are glad to announce that three new books by researchers of the Centre for the Future of Places is coming out in 2018. The paperback edition of the earlier published book "In the Post-urban World" has also been realeased this autumn.

"Samhällsbyggandet som mysterium", by Jesper Meijling and Tigran Haas is published by Nordic Academic Press and will be available to purchase before Christmas. Charles R. Wolfe`s "Urbanism Without Effort" has been published by Island Press while Daniel Solomon´s "Housing and the City: Love vs. Hope" is coming out in November.

Samhällsbyggandet som mysterium - Att förstå städernas arbete och liv genom Jane Jacobs

Jesper Meijling & Tigran Haas (red.)

Jane Jacobs blev känd över världen för sin bok The Death and Life of Great American Cities från 1961. Genom boken och sin profilerade aktivism på gatunivå blev hon en centralfigur inom stadsplaneringsfrågor och hennes insatser tolkas och debatteras än idag. Berömmelsen verkar samtidigt ha överskuggat hennes idoga författarskap trots att det sträcker sig fram till 2004. Jacobs utvecklade sin gärning från stadsbyggnadsfrågor vidare till idéer som spänner över samhälle, politik, filosofi och ekonomi, med oväntade vinklar som tvingar läsaren att reflektera och vidga sitt synfält. I Samhällsbyggandet som mysterium tar de initierade skribenterna upp unika aspekter av de brännande tankar och frågor Jacobs väcker om vårt samhällsbygge. Tillsammans tecknar de – för första gången på svenska – en mer heltäckande bild som speglar bredden i hennes verksamhet från 1930-tal till 2000-tal där författarna sätter in Jacobs arbeten i nutida kontexter. Bokens syntes utgör också en guide och introduktion till Jacobs författarskap som kan inspirera till vidare läsning.

Urbanism Without Effort - Reconnecting with First Principles of the City

Charles R. Wolfe

How do you create inviting and authentic urban environments where people feel at home? Countless community engagement workshops, studies by consulting firms, and downtown revitalization campaigns have attempted to answer this age-old question. In Urbanism Without Effort, Chuck Wolfe argues that “unplanned” places can often teach us more about great placemaking than planned ones.
From impromptu movie nights in a Seattle alley to the adapted reuse of Diocletian’s Palace in Split, Croatia, Wolfe searches for the “first principles” of what makes humans feel happy and safe amid the hustle and bustle of urban life. He highlights the common elements of cities around the world that spontaneously bring people together: being inherently walkable, factors that contribute to safety at night, the importance of intersections and corners, and more. In this age of skyrocketing metropolitan growth, he argues, looking to the past might be our best approach to creating the urban future we dream about.
A whirlwind global tour, Urbanism Without Effort offers readers inspiration, historical context, and a better understanding of how an inviting urban environment is created.

Housing and the City: Love vs. Hope

Daniel Solomon

Housing is a matter of great urgency around the world. In cities that drive technological change and staggering wealth, there is a fierce struggle over two different models of creating affordable living conditions for working people, the poor, and immigrants. In this thoughtful book—part history lesson, part memoir, part essay—award-winning architect Daniel Solomon explores the successes and failures of cities such as San Francisco, Paris, and Rome in a century-long battle between the so-called City of Hope, which sought to replace traditional urban fabric with more rational housing patterns, and the City of Love—love of the city’s layered history and respect for its intricate social fabric. Solomon demonstrates how the City of Hope has repeatedly failed its social purpose and driven a hot wedge into society’s latent divisions, while the City of Love has succeeded as the portal of assimilation and social harmony. Interwoven with stories from Solomon’s own fifty-year career, this engaging book adds a powerful new voice to the housing discussion. It will appeal to planners, architects, and lay people interested in cities as places of continuity, resilience, and refuge.

Paperback Edition - In the Post-urban World

Emergent Transformation of Cities and Regions in the Innovative Global Economy 

Edited by Tigran Haas; Hans Westlund

As we earlier reported, the book has won the Routledge Best Book Award 2018

In the last few decades, many global cities and towns have experienced unprecedented economic, social, and spatial structural change. Today, we find ourselves at the juncture between entering a post-urban and a post-political world, both presenting new challenges to our metropolitan regions, municipalities, and cities. Many megacities, declining regions and towns are experiencing an increase in the number of complex problems regarding internal relationships, governance, and external connections. In particular, a growing disparity exists between citizens that are socially excluded within declining physical and economic realms and those situated in thriving geographic areas. This book conveys how forces of structural change shape the urban landscape.

In The Post-Urban World is divided into three main sections: Spatial Transformations and the New Geography of Cities and Regions; Urbanization, Knowledge Economies, and Social Structuration; and New Cultures in a Post-Political and Post-Resilient World. One important subject covered in this book, in addition to the spatial and economic forces that shape our regions, cities, and neighbourhoods, is the social, cultural, ecological, and psychological aspects which are also critically involved. Additionally, the urban transformation occurring throughout cities is thoroughly discussed. Written by today’s leading experts in urban studies, this book discusses subjects from different theoretical standpoints, as well as various methodological approaches and perspectives; this is alongside the challenges and new solutions for cities and regions in an interconnected world of global economies. This book is aimed at both academic researchers interested in regional development, economic geography and urban studies, as well as practitioners and policy makers in urban development.

Belongs to: Centre for the Future of Places
Last changed: Oct 24, 2018