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The Delphi Conversations III - Cities in Context

The Delphi Conversations are long-form roundtable discussions tackling urbanism topics from the perspective of academics and practitioners alike. While urban design is the overarching theme, we focus especially on the role of public spaces in encouraging social diversity, economic mobility and vibrant, livable cities.

This episode, recorded on September 7th 2018, spotlights issues around ‘authenticity’ in urban design, and features:

  • Manish Chalana, University of Washington
  • Amy Hochadel, Future Cities Catapult, London
  • Anne Vernez Moudon, University of Washington
  • Maria Adebowale-Schwarte, Living Space Project.

Moderator: Charles Wolfe, CFP Visiting Scholar.

Belongs to: Centre for the Future of Places
Last changed: Sep 17, 2018