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Books, book reviews and chapters in books

E. Smeds, "Urban transport experimentation - a network or hybrid governance process?," in Handbook of Transportation and Public Policy, Anthony Perl, Rosalie Ray, Louise Reardon Ed., London : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2025.
A. Alyaseen et al., "From waste to resource : Incorporating foundry sand in SCC for sustainable construction solutions," in Alternative Cementitious Materials for Self-Compacting Concrete : Woodhead Publishing Series in Civil and Structural Engineering, : Elsevier BV, 2024, pp. 205-224.
S. Brolund de Carvalho et al., Solidarity Report : Two Witness Seminars on Danish and Swedish Welfare Housing in Crisis. 1st ed. Stockholm : Aktion Arkiv, 2024.
V. Ceccato, Säkra städer : Aktivt arbete mot brottskoncentration. 1st ed. Stockholm : Studentlitteratur AB, 2024.
A. Cowie et al., "Biochar, greenhouse gas accounting, and climate change mitigation," in Biochar for Environmental Management: Science, Technology and Implementation, : Informa UK Limited, 2024, pp. 759-784.
C. Gustafsson, S. Lundström and B. Söderberg, "Bostadsmarknaden och dess upplåtelseformer," in Fastighetsnomenklatur : Fastighetsekonomi och fastighetsrätt, Institutet för värdering av fastigheter och Samhällsbyggarna Ed., 15th ed. Lund : Studentlitteratur AB, 2024, pp. 469-488.
C. Gustafsson and B. Söderberg, "Uthyrning och hyreskontrakt," in Fastighetsnomenklatur : Fastighetsekonomi och fastighetsrätt, Institutet för värdering av fastigheter och Samhällsbyggarna Ed., 15th ed. Lund : Studentlitteratur AB, 2024, pp. 357-384.
P. Högselius, Death on the Beach : Essays from a Marginal World. London and Los Angeles : Barbican Press, 2024.
P. Högselius, Kärnkraften. Göteborg & Stockholm : Makadam Förlag, 2024.
P. Högselius and A. Klüppelberg, The Soviet Nuclear Archipelago : A Historical Geography of Atomic-Powered Communism. Vienna/ Budapest/ New York : Central European University Press, 2024.
E. Isberg, "Havsarkivet," in Bildningsboxen 3, Magnus Bremmer, Lars Molin and Hedvig Härnsten Ed., Stockholm : Norstedts Förlag, 2024.
S. Jolly, "Governing the transition towards smart grids through organised industry events," in Smart cities, energy and climate: governing cities for a low-carbon future, Oleg Golubchikov, Komali Yenneti Ed., : Wiley, 2024, pp. 277-291.
A. Kaijser et al., Maktens maskiner : Hur stora datorer moderniserade folkhemmet. 1st ed. Lund : Arkiv förlag & tidskrift, 2024.
Z. Kalantari, C. S. Ferreira and O. Rahmati, "Water and Cities: Natural Solutions to the Urban Challenges," in Elgar Encyclopedia of Water Policy, Economics and Management, : Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 2024, pp. 312-314.
D. Kitsakis et al., "Бүлэг 1 Эрх зүйн үндэслэл (Chapter 1: Legal foundations)," in 3DКАДАСТРЫН ШИЛДЭГ ТУРШЛАГУУД (Best Practices 3D Cadastres), Peter van Oosterom Ed., Copenhagen : International Federation of Surveyors (FIG), 2024, pp. 1-67.
A. Klüppelberg, "Water, Fish, and Contamination in Chernobyl’s Cooling Pond," in The Nuclear-Water Nexus, Per Högselius and Siegfried Evens Ed., Cambridge, MA : MIT Press, 2024.
D. Koch, "Narrative, dramaturgy, and spatial choreography : Movement and subjectivity in museum configurations," in Museum Configurations : An Inquiry Into The Design Of Spatial Syntaxes, John Peponis Ed., New York : Routledge, 2024, pp. 120-159.
J. Lehmann et al., "Persistence of biochar: Mechanisms, measurements, predictions," in Biochar for Environmental Management: Science, Technology and Implementation, : Taylor and Francis, 2024, pp. 277-311.
F. Mazzeo Rinaldi et al., "A classification algorithm to link official documents to Sustainable Development Goals," in Towards Sustainable Futures: The Role of Evaluation, : Informa UK Limited, 2024, pp. 166-185.
K. Müller, "Responsive Research Quality Articulations of the Humanities," in Making Universities Matter : Innovation, Technology, and Knowledge Management, Pauline Mattsson; Eugenia Perez Vico; Linus Salö Ed., Cham, Switzerland : Springer Nature, 2024, pp. 165-184.
K. Müller, "Varför våga lita på det omätbara?," in Humanioras betydelse – en idéskrift, Lovisa Brännstedt, Linus Salö & Kim Silow Kallenberg Ed., Lund : Humtank, 2024, pp. 77-81.
E. Perez Vico et al., "Valorizing the Humanities," in Making Universities Matter: Collaboration, Engagement, Impact, Pauline Mattsson, Eugenia Perez Vico & Linus Salö Ed., Cham, Switzerland : Springer Nature, 2024, pp. 211-232.
A. H. Persson, "Konsumenter som borgenärer i insolvensförfaranden : Vänbok till Gertrud Lennander," in Vänbok till Gertrud Lennander, Kerstin Calisendorff, Annina H Persson, Marie Karlsson- Tuula, Hans Renman Ed., Stockholm : Jure, 2024, pp. 161-167.
A. H. Persson, "Om snabbspår för mikroföretag i spansk rätt," in Festskrift till Mikael Möller, Jonathan Schytzer, Peter Strömgren, Margareta Brattström Ed., Uppsala : Iustus förlag, 2024, pp. 427-441.
L. Rahm, "Bildung : an exploration of postdigital education in the Anthropocene," in Framing Futures in Postdigital Education : Critical Concepts for Data-driven Practices, Anders Buch, Ylva Lindberg, Teresa Cerratto Pargman Ed., : Springer Nature, 2024, pp. 119-137.
P. Roberts and K. Lindström, "Animals, colonialism and Antarctica," in Colonialism and Antarctica : Attitudes, logics and practices, Roberts, P. and Mancilla, A. Ed., Manchester : Manchester University Press, 2024, pp. 225-247.
C. Sundberg and E. S. Azzi, "Biochar sustainability," in Biochar for Environmental Management: Science, Technology and Implementation, : Informa UK Limited, 2024, pp. 785-804.
S. Sörlin, "Ett utvidgat uppdrag," in Humanioras betydelse : en idéskrift, Lovisa Brännstedt, Linus Salö & Kim Silow Kallenberg Ed., 1st ed. Lund : Humtank, 2024, pp. 35-43.
M. Armiero, "Foreword," in Basilicata and Southern Italy between Film and Ecology, : Springer Nature, 2023, pp. 1-269.
C. Bengtsdotter et al., Katalysator : Restaureringskonst 2022–2023. Stockholm : Kungl. Konsthögskolan, 2023.
S. H. Bengtsson, "Urban development project ecologies : An organisational routines perspective," in Construction Project Organising, : Wiley Blackwell, 2023, pp. 135-147.
A. Bergström, "I städernas mitt : Restaurering i miljömedvetandets tid," in Katalysator : Restaureringskonst 2022–2023, Lone-Pia Bach, Victor Edman Ed., Stockholm : Kungl. Konsthögskolan, 2023, pp. 9-27.
F. Bertilsson, "Användbar humaniora : Textbedömning, argumentationsanalys och källkritik i den svenska försvarsforskningen och det psykologiska försvaret," in Humaniora i välfärdssamhället : Kunskapshistorier om efterkrigstiden, Johan Östling, Anton Svensson och Ragni Svensson Stringberg Ed., Göteborg & Stockholm : Makadam Förlag, 2023, pp. 267-289.
W. J. Boonstra, R. Hedling and A. Rieser, "Urban nature does not stop at the waterfront, neither should urban planning: A case study of street fishing in Stockholm," in Climate-Proof Planning : Creative Design Solutions in Stockholm, Ressano Garcia, Pedro; Suleiman, Lina; Larsen, Katarina Ed., Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2023.
E. Brandão et al., "Design Activism in Education : Making Changes to the Architectural Profession through Collaborative and Radical Pedagogy," in Emerging Perspectives on Teaching Architecture and Urbanism, Newcastle : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2023, pp. 137-171.
R. Danenberg, "Main Street Morphology, Adaptability, and Resilience," in Streetlife : Urban Retail Dynamics and Prospects, Conrad Kickert, Emily Talen Ed., : University of Toronto Press, 2023, pp. 244-259.
C. Dobbs, D. Haase and U. Mörtberg, "Understanding land use, land cover, and landscape patterns of the world's cities for sustainable biodiversity planning," in The Routledge Handbook of urban biodiversity, C. Nilon and M. Aronson Ed., 1st ed. : Taylor & Francis, 2023, p. 20.
F. Emil and E. Isberg, "Temporality and Environmental History in the Anthropocene : Timing Climates, Modelling Futures," in The Routledge Handbook of Environmental History, Emily O'Gorman, William San Martín, Mark Carey and Sandra Swart Ed., 1st ed. London : Routledge, 2023, pp. 217-229.
C. S.S. Ferreira et al., "Agricultural Land Degradation in Portugal and Greece," in Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, : Springer Nature, 2023, pp. 105-137.
C. S.S. Ferreira et al., "Impacts of land use and land cover changes on soil erosion," in Remote Sensing of Soil and Land Surface Processes: Monitoring, Mapping, and Modeling, : Elsevier BV, 2023, pp. 229-248.
S. O. Hansson, "The Failure of Luck Anti-Egalitarianism," in Risk and Responsibility in Context, : Informa UK Limited, 2023, pp. 111-126.
P. Högselius, "The political history of fossil fuels: Coal, oil, and natural gas in global perspective," in Handbook on the Geopolitics of the Energy Transition, : Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 2023, pp. 67-83.
P. Högselius, "The Political History of Fossil Fuels : Coal, Oil, and Natural Gas in Global Perspective," in Handbook on the Geopolitics of the Energy Transition, Daniel Scholten Ed., Cheltenham, UK & Northampton, MA : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023.
S. Höhler, "Spaceship Earth : A Review of a Concept," in Objective: Earth : Designing Our Planet, Jolanthe Kugler, Scott Longfellow Ed., Lausanne : mudac Museum of Contemporary Design and Applied Arts, 2023, pp. 112-125.
K. Isaksson, L. Eriksson and J. Witzell, "Discursive power dynamics affecting how climate targets are framed and integrated in national transport planning : The case of Sweden," in Discourse Analysis in Transport and Urban Development : Interpretation, Diversity and Controversy, Robin Hickman, Christine Hannigan Ed., : Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 2023, pp. 39-51.
A. Karvonen and J. Bylund, "Blessed mess : New modes of thinking, acting, and learning for sustainable urban transformations," in A Research Agenda for Sustainable Cities and Communities, : Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 2023, pp. 131-139.
S. Keerthanan, P. Bhattacharya and M. Vithanage, "Geochemical provenance of metalloids and their release : Implications on medical geology," in Medical Geology : En route to One Health, : Wiley, 2023, pp. 217-234.
A. Klüppelberg, "Using Historical Media to Start a Public Debate on Nuclear Energy : Watching HBO's “Chernobyl” 25 Metres Underground," in Public History in Action : Past and Present Practices of Making History Public, Armel Cornu, Carl-Filip Smedberg, Sarah Vorminder Ed., Uppsala : Opuscula Historica Upsaliensia, 2023, pp. 93-111.
T. Kuhn et al., "The Missing Links in Ecosystem Service Research," in Southern Baltic Coastal Systems Analysis, H. Schubert, F. Müller Ed., : Springer, 2023, pp. 223-234.
Full list in the KTH publications portal
Belongs to: School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE)
Last changed: Apr 08, 2021