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  • Portrait: Farzin Golzar, new researcher at KTH and SEQWENS

    Published Dec 02, 2019
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  • KTH Innovation Challenge: Going climate neutral

    Published Oct 14, 2019

    By 2045, Sweden aims to achieve negative net emissions of greenhouse gases. Are you a KTH researcher with an idea or research result that can help reduce emissions and reach climate neutrality? Then y...

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  • “Important to me that it is about sustainability”

    Published Oct 08, 2019
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  • Students are helping islanders to save water

    Published Sep 27, 2019
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  • KTH paper won TU Delft Global Drinking Water Best Paper Award 2019

    Graphical abstract (From Sediment color tool for targeting arsenic-safe aquifers for the installation of shallow drinking water tubewells)
    Published Sep 19, 2019

    Prosun Bhattacharya and Mohammed Hossain have been awarded the TU Delft Global Drinking Water Best Paper Award 2019.

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  • Degree Projects about production and distribution of drinking water

    Published Sep 03, 2019
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  • Stockholm Junior Water Prize finalists visited KTH

    Stockholm Junior Water Prize finalists from 35 countries at KTH. Photo: Timos Karpouzoglou/KTH
    Published Aug 29, 2019
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  • Masters student intern position at Race for the Baltic

    Published Aug 29, 2019
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  • Call for Geoscience Research

    Published Jul 01, 2019

    Geological Survey of Sweden's call open until 16th September.

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  • Leadership students from Iowa got an interdisciplinary perspective on water issues

    Students from Iowa State University and WaterCentre director David Nilsson. Photo: Tony Andenoro/Iowa State University
    Published Jun 05, 2019
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  • Purified wastewater is reused in toilets

    Published May 15, 2019
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  • Innovative light-induced chemical pathway to clean wastewater plants from microplastics

    Published Apr 23, 2019
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  • David Nilsson, WaterCentre, about water scarcity in Klotet, SR (in Swedish)

    Published Apr 18, 2019
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  • Post-doc Job Opening at WaterCentre, apply by 3rd May

    Published Apr 16, 2019
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  • Funding for marine research and developing of marine infrastructure

    Published Apr 15, 2019
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  • Portrait: Roya Meydani, new doctoral student at KTH and Mistra InfraMaint

    Published Apr 02, 2019

    Roya Meydani is one of the first doctoral students working within Mistra InfraMaint at KTH. Her project is about decision support strategies for infrastructure owners.

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  • Use solar power to convert seawater into drinkable water

    Published Mar 25, 2019

    Watch a short film about the KTH research project about how solar power can be used to convert seawater into drinkable fresh water.

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  • Job opening at Race for the Baltic

    Published Feb 20, 2019

    Do you want to make a real difference? Race For The Baltic is now looking for a Project Manager who wants to participate in the journey, to make the most possible positive impact on the environment.

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  • Short film about Circular water challenge in the Stockholm Archipelago (in Swedish)

    Published Feb 08, 2019
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  • WaterFlow studies urban urban water regimes in Asia and Africa

    Published Feb 08, 2019

    In many parts of Asia and Africa, formal water regimes represent only part of the water supply picture. Water for drinking and other domestic uses such as food preparation, hygiene and sanitation also...

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