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  • KTH researchers in new project granted by Horizon Europe

    Published Dec 19, 2023

    Three collaborating KTH researchers, from different parts of the university, have been granted a new project in a Horizon Europe call.

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  • Stone from the new metro enriches Stockholm's waters

    a visualisation of an artificial lagoon
    The Isbladslagunen Illustration: Gaia arkitektur
    Published Dec 15, 2023

    Soon, Stockholm's predatory fish will have a sanctuary, parts of Stockholm's shoreline will be shielded against erosion, and the city's residents will get a new place for recreation. This results from...

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  • Soviet nuclear power plants closely connected to rivers

    Flyer introducing WaterCentre@KTH's lunch seminar with Achim Klüppelberg
    Published Nov 23, 2023

    Nuclear power production in the Soviet Union was closely connected to rivers. Many were built next to rivers dammed for construction of the hydro-power plants. But all plans were not finalised. A nuc...

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  • KTH researchers on robots, sailboats, seaweed, and släke in the Baltic Sea Seminar

    A man holding macroalgae
    Published Oct 05, 2023

    Several research projects and areas of research at KTH share a common theme: water. Visitors to this year's Baltic Sea Seminar at Kolskjulet, titled 'A Blue Economy Requires the Well-being of the Balt...

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  • New project: Understanding and securing the resilience of forest-based climate change mitigation

    a pine forest
    Photo: Siggy Nowak, Pixabay
    Published Sep 27, 2023

    Management of forests is an important tool to counteract climate change, but the temporal aspect of boreal climate change mitigation is not fully explored or understood. A new collaborative research p...

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  • Lunch seminar on the history of deep sea research

    Published Sep 26, 2023

    In WaterCentre@KTH's latest lunch seminar, Tirza Meyer - a contemporary historian and postdoctoral researcher in the history of media and environment with a specific focus on the history of ocean gove...

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  • KTH, Värmdö meeting at Djurö marine field station

    Published Sep 19, 2023

    The KTH and Värmdö collaboration leadership met to discuss how to continue to develop common interests. The visit included a tour of Djurö marine field station which both parties see a lot of potentia...

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  • Blog post at FLOWs: "Piped drinking water regimes beyond the state: insights from peri-urban Delhi"

    Published Sep 11, 2023

    Timos Karpouzoglou, a researcher on urban water infrastructure at KTH, and two co-writers, have published a blog post on the relation between formal, informal, piped and non-piped water. You can read ...

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  • Empowering the next generation to close the gender gap in the water sector

    Published Aug 29, 2023

    As part of World Water Week 2023, a session was hosted by SIWI and Xylem on empowering the next generation to close the gender gap in the water sector.

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  • PhD student position in water treatment technology at Uppsala University

    Published Aug 29, 2023

    The Uppsala University Department of Earth Sciences is looking for a Ph.D. student to participate in the exploration of the needs, potential, challenges, and sustainability of using recycled wastewate...

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  • New blog post: "Future-proof Urban Waterfront Planning"

    Published Jun 30, 2023

    "As part of the EU program SOS Climate Waterfront, we, Karen Jonkers and Metha Bregman visited on behalf of CPONH, the workshop SOS Climate Waterfront in Sweden.

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  • Study visit from NUS, Singapore

    students listening to a lecture
    Students from NUS Singapore
    Published Jun 09, 2023

    On 1 June 2023, a delegation from the National University of Singapore (NUS) visited KTH Campus and Djurö Marine field station, hosted by WaterCentre@KTH.

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  • City accelerator club event in Stockholm hosted by WaterCentre@KTH

    woman presenting in front of audience in a seminar room
    Published Jun 05, 2023

    The City Accelerator Club - Baltic Sea network for municipalities is a project from “Race for the Baltic” for municipalities to boost their commitment to the Baltic Sea. They have organized an event f...

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  • New blog post about waste in Stockholm's waterways

    industry buildings next to waterway
    Photo: Lauren McKee
    Published May 30, 2023

    Researcher and teacher Lauren McKee's students sampled the water in a number of waterways in Stockholm. Using genome sequencing they got in-depth knowledge of what hid in the murky water.

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  • Brown bag seminar on reduction of micropollutants in water

    man beside powerpoint image
    Philippe Sauvignet, Veolia. Photo: Joydeep Dutta
    Published May 26, 2023

    In WaterCentre@KTH's latest Brown bag lunch, 22 May 2023, Philippe Sauvignet from Veolia talked about methods to reduce micropollutants in water.

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  • WaterCentre meets KTH President

    Published Dec 22, 2022
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  • Webinar on Constructed wetland systems

    Published Nov 25, 2022

    Presenter Dr. Marco Hartl (M) (PhD., MSc.) has, among other things, been coordinating the world’s largest industrial constructed wetland, which is situated in the middle of the Omani desert.

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  • Open position as Director of Kristineberg Center for Marine Research and Innovation

    Published Nov 21, 2022

    Gothenburg University is hiring a director on 50% to Kristineberg center for marine research and innovation.

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  • IWA International Conference on eco-Technologies for Wastewater Treatment

    Published Nov 21, 2022

    ecoSTP-23 aims to discuss the latest cutting-edge eco-technologies for a sustainable transition in wastewater treatment, reuse, and resource recovery, at urban and industrial scale, giving special att...

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  • KTH coordinator for Hammarby Sjöstadsverket

    Published Oct 26, 2022
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