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Berg Wincent, B., Jenelius, E., & Burghout, W. (2024).
Shared e-scooters : A last-minute mode?
Travel Behaviour & Society, 37. E-publication ahead of print.


Peftitsi, S., Jenelius, E., & Cats, O. (2023).
Evaluating skip-stop policy in urban rail transit systems based on passenger cost
Journal of Public Transportation, 25.

Berg Wincent, B., Jenelius, E., Burghout, W. (2023).
Access distance to e-scooters : Analysis of app use and trip data in Stockholm
Journal of Cycling and Micromobility Research, 100004–100004.

Leffler, D., Burghout, W., Cats, O. & Jenelius, E. (2024).
An adaptive route choice model for integrated fixed and flexible transit systems
Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 12(1).

Gundlegård, D. & Grumert, E. F. (2023).
Clustering in Before-After Studies of ITS Measures.
2023 IEEE 26th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, ITSC, 2671-2676.

Farah, H., Olstam, J., Zheng, Z. (2023).
Guest Editorial Introduction
Special Issue on Deployment of Connected and Automated Vehicles in Mixed Traffic Environment and the Implications on Traffic Safety and Efficiency.


Postigo, I., Olstam, J., Rydergren, C. (2022).
Modeling Automated Driving in Microscopic Traffic Simulations for Traffic Performance Evaluations: Aspects to consider and state of the practice.
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 1-17.


Peftitsi, S., Jenelius, E., & Cats, O. (2021).
Evaluating crowding in individual train cars using a dynamic transit assignment model
Transportmetrica B, 9(1), 693–711.

Leffler, D., Burghout, W., Jenelius, E. & Cats, O. (2021).
Simulation of fixed versus on-demand station-based feeder operations
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 132, Article ID 103401. 

Cebecauer, M., Burghout, W., Jenelius, E., Tatiana, B. & Leffler, D. (2021).
Integrating Demand Responsive Services into Public Transport Disruption Management
IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2, 24-36.

Babicheva, T., Cebecauer, M., Barth, D., Burghout, W. & Kloul, L. (2021).
Empty Vehicle Redistribution with Time Windows in Autonomous Taxi Systems.
ACM/IMS Transactions on Data Science

Badia, H. & Jenelius, E. (2021).
Shared e-scooter micromobility: A review of travel behaviour, sustainability, infrastructure use, safety and policy measures.
Under review.

Cebecauer, M., Burghout, W., Jenelius E., Babicheva, T. & Leffler, D. (2021).
Integrating demand responsive services into public transport disruption management.
IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 2, 24-36.

Cebecauer, M., Burghout, W., Gundlegård, D. & Jenelius, E. (2021).
Similarity and interchangeability of flow and speed data for transport network day-type clustering and prediction.
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems – Under review.

Cebecauer, M., Jenelius, E., Gundelgård, D. & Burghout, W. (2021).
Revealing day-types in transport networks using traffic data clustering with external validation criteria.
Transportation Research Part C – Under review.

Grumert, E. and Periera, I. (2021).
Heads-up Green in Connected Traffic Signals.
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems – Under review

Grumert, E. and Olstam, J. (2021).
Automatic bottleneck identification.
Work in progress.

Leffler, D., Burghout, W., Jenelius, E. & Cats, O. (2021).
Simulation of Fixed versus On-Demand Station-based Feeder Operations.
Transportation Research Part C, vol. 132.

Lindberg, T., Johansson, F., Peterson, A. & Tapani, A. (2021).
Discrete Event Simulation of Bus Terminals: A Modular Approach with a High Spatial Resolution.
Journal of Advanced Transportation.

Peftitsi, S., Jenelius, E. & Cats, O. (2021)
Evaluating crowding in individual train cars using a dynamic transit assignment model.
Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics 9(1), 693-711.

Peftitsi, S., Jenelius, E. & Cats, O. (2021).
Modelling the effect of real-time crowding information (RTCI) on passenger distribution in trains.
Under review.


Liu, C., Tapani, A., Kristofersson, I. & Rydergren, Clas. (2020).
Appraisal of cycling infrastructure investments using a transport model with focus on cycling.
Case Studies on Transport Policy, 9(1), 125-136.

Liu, C., Tapani, A., Kristofersson, I. & Rydergren, Clas. (2020).
Development of a large-scale transport model with focus on cycling.
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 134, 164-183.

Olstam, J., Johansson, F., Adriano, A. & Sukennik, P. (2020).
An Approach for Handling Uncertainties Related to Behaviour and Vehicle Mixes in Traffic Simulation Experiments with Automated Vehicles.
Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2020.

Peftitsi, S., Jenelius, E. & Cats, O. (2020).
Determinants of passengers' metro car choice revealed through automated data sources : a Stockholm case study.
Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 16(3), 529-549.

Saadallah, A., Moreira-Matias, L., Sousa, R., Khiari, J., Jenelius, E. & Gama, J. (2020)
BRIGHT - Drift-aware demand predictions for taxi networks.
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 32(2), 234-245.

Tsanakas, N., Ekström, J., Gundlegård, D., Olstam, J. & Rydergren, C. (2020).
Data-driven network loading.
Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics 1(29), 237-265.


Babicheva, T. & Burghout, W. (2019).
Empty vehicle redistribution in autonomous taxi services.
EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics,Volume 8, Issue 5.

Ding-Mastera, J., Gao, S., Jenelius, E., Rahmani, M. & Ben-Akiva, M. (2019).
A latent-class adaptive routing choice model in stochastic time-dependent networks.
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 124, 1-17.

Jin, J. & Ma, X. (2019).
A non-parametric Bayesian framework for traffic-state estimation at signalized intersections.
Information Sciences, vol. 498, s. 21-40, 2019.  

Tympakianaki, A., Koutsopoulos, H. N. and Jenelius, E. (2019).
Anatomy of tunnel congestion: Causes and implications for tunnel traffic management.  
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 83, 498-508.


Cebecauer, M., Jenelius, E. and Burghout, W. (2018).
Integrated framework for real-time urban network travel time prediction on sparse probe data.
IET Intelligent Transport Systems 12(1), 66-74.

Grumert, E., & Tapani, A. (2018a).
Bottleneck mitigation through a variable speed limit system using connected vehicles.
Transportmetrica A.

Grumert, E., & Tapani, A. (2018b).
Traffic State Estimation Using Connected Vehicles and Stationary Detectors.  
Journal of Advanced Transportation.

Grumert, E., Tapani, A., & Ma, X. (2018).
Characteristics of variable speed limit systems.  
European Transport Research Review, 10(2).

Tympakianaki, A., Koutsopoulos, H. N., Jenelius, E. and Cebecauer, M. (2018).
Impact analysis of transport network disruptions using multimodal data: A case study for tunnel closures in Stockholm.
Case Studies on Transport Policy 6(2), 179-189.


Jenelius, E., & Koutsopoulos, H. N. (2017).
Urban network travel time prediction based on a probabilistic principal component analysis model of probe data.  
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, in press.

Jin, J., Ma, X., & Kosonen, I. (2017).
An intelligent control system for traffic lights with simulation-based evaluation.  
Control Engineering Practice, 58, 24–33.

Ma, X., Al Khoury, F., & Jin, J. (2017).
Prediction of arterial travel time considering delay in vehicle re-identification.  
Transportation Research Procedia, 22, 625–634.

Rahmani, M., Koutsopoulos, H. N. and Jenelius, E. (2017).
Travel time estimation from sparse floating car data with consistent path inference: A fixed point approach.
Transportation Research Part C 85, 628-643.

Tsanakas N, Ekström J, Olstam J. (2017).
Reduction of errors when estimating emissions based on static traffic model outputs.  
Elsevier; Transportation Research Procedia. 2017;22:440-449.

Zhang, W., Jenelius, E., & Ma, X. (2017).
Freight transport platoon coordination and departure time scheduling under travel time uncertainty.
Transportation Research Part E, 98, 1–23.


Allström, A., Ekström, J., Gundlegård, D., Ringdahl, R., Rydergren, C., Bayen, A.M., et al. (2016).
Hybrid Approach for Short-Term Traffic State and Travel Time Prediction on Highways.  
Washington, DC, USA: The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; Transportation Research Record. 2016;2554:60-68.

Chen, C., Ma, J., Susilo, Y., Liu, Y., & Wang, M. (2016).
The promises of big data and small data for travel behavior (aka human mobility) analysis.  
Transportation Research Part C, 68, 285–299.

Ekström, J., Kristoffersson, I. & Quttineh, N. (2016).
Surrogate-based optimization of cordon toll levels in congested traffic networks.  
Wiley-Blackwell; Journal of Advanced Transportation. 2016;50(6):1008-1033.

Gundlegård, D., Rydergren, C., Breyer, N. & Rajna, B. (2016).
Travel demand estimation and network assignment based on cellular network data.  
Elsevier Science BV; Computer Communications. 2016;95:29-42.

Konsonen, I., & Ma, X. (2016).
Traffic Signal Control with Autonomic Features.  
In Autonomic Road Transport Support Systems (pp. 253–267).

Kristoffersson, I., Engelson, L. (2016).
Estimating preferred departure times of road users in a large urban network.  
Transportation [Internet]. 2016;1–21.

Ma, X., & Luo, D. (2016a).
Modeling cyclist acceleration process for bicycle traffic simulation using naturalistic data.  
Transportation Research Part F, 40, 130–144.

Posada, M., Andersson, H. & Häll, C.H. (2016).
The integrated dial-a-ride problem with timetabled fixed route service.  
Springer; Public Transport. 2016;:1-25.

Silvano, A., Koutsopoulos, H., & Ma, X. (2016).
Analysis of vehicle-bicycle interactions at unsignalized crossings : A probabilistic approach and application.
Accident Analysis and Prevention, 97, 38–48.

Zhang, Y., Jenelius, E., & Kottenhoff, K. (2016).
Impact of real-time crowding information : A Stockholm metro case study.  
Public Transport. Published.


Grumert, E., Ma, X. & Tapani, A. (2015).
Analysis of a cooperative variable speed limit system using microscopic traffic simulation.
Transportation Research Part C [Internet]. 2015;52:173–86.

Guan, W., Yan, X., Radwan, E., Wong, S. C., & Ma, X. (2015).
Advanced Dynamic Simulations in Transportation.  
Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2015. Published.

Häll, C.H., Lundgren, J.T. & Voß S. (2015).
Evaluating the performance of a dial-a-ride service using simulation.  
Springer Berlin/Heidelberg; Public Transport. 2015;7(2):139-157.

Jenelius, E., & Koutsopoulos, H. N. (2015).
Probe vehicle data sampled by time or space : Consistent travel time allocation and estimation.  
Transportation Research Part B, 71, 120–137.

Jin, J., & Ma, X. (2015a).
Adaptive group-based signal control by reinforcement learning.  
Transportation Research Procedia, 207–216.

Johansson, F., Peterson, A. & Tapani A. (2015)
Waiting pedestrians in the social force model.  
Physica A [Internet]. 2015;419:95–107.

Rahmani, M., Jenelius, E., & Koutsopoulos, H. (2015).
Non-parametric estimation of route travel time distributions from low-frequency floating car data.  
Transportation Research Part C, 58B, 343–362.

Silvano, A. P., Ma, X., & Koutsopoulos, H. N. (2015).
When do drivers yield to cyclists at unsignalized roundabouts? : Empirical evidence and behavioral analysis.
Transportation Research Record, (2520), 25–31.

Strömgren, P., Olstam, J. & Tapani, A. (2015).
A Model for Traffic Simulation of Flared Rural Road Intersections.
Transportation Research Procedia. 2015;6(2015):239-258.

Tympakianaki, A., Koutsopoulos, H. N., & Jenelius, E. (2015).
c-SPSA : Cluster-wise simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation algorithm and its application to dynamic origin-destination matrix estimation.
Transportation Research Part C, 55, 231–245.

Wiklund, M., Carlsson, A., Eriksson, O., Olstam, J. & Tapani, A. (2015).
Effects of desired speeds for queuing and delay on single-lane road segments.  
Transportmetrica A [Internet]. 2015;11(8):716–28.

Xiong, Z. & Olstam J. (2015).
Orchestration of driving simulator scenarios based on dynamic actor preparation and automated action planning.
Transportation Research Part C [Internet]. 2015;56:120–31.


Allström, A., Bayen, A. M., Fransson, M., Gundlegård, D., Patire, A. D., Rydergren, C., et al. (2014).
Calibration Framework based on Bluetooth Sensors for Traffic State Estimation Using a Velocity based Cell Transmission Model.
 17th Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Transportation, EWGT2014, 2-4 July 2014, Sevilla, Spain. Elsevier; Transportation Research Procedia. 2014;3:972-981.

Ding, J., Gao, S., Jenelius, E., Rahmani, M., Huang, H., Ma, L., … Ben-Akiva, M. (2014a).
Routing Policy Choice Set Generation in Stochastic Time-Dependent Networks Case Studies for Stockholm, Sweden, and Singapore.
Transportation Research Record, (2466), 76–86.

Ekström, J. (2014).
Finding second-best toll locations and levels by relaxing the set of first-best feasible toll vectors.  
Technische Universiteit Delft; European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research. 2014;14(1):7-29.

Ekström, J., Engelson, L. & Rydergren, C. (2014).
Optimal Toll Locations and Levels in Congestion Pricing Schemes : a Case Study of Stockholm.  
Routledge; Transportation planning and technology (Print). 2014;37(4):333-353.

Ekström, J., Rydergren, C. & Sumalee, A. (2014).
Solving a Mixed Integer Linear Program Approximation of the Toll Design Problem Using Constraint Generation within a Branch and Cut Algorithm.
Taylor & Francis Group; Transportmetrica A: Transport Science. 2014;10(9):791-819.

Farah, H., & Koutsopoulos, H. N. (2014).
Do cooperative systems make drivers’ car-following behavior safer?  
Transportation Research Part C, 41, 61–72.

Johansson, F., Peterson, A. & Tapani, A. (2014).
Local performance measures of pedestrian traffic.  
Public Transport [Internet]. 2014;6(1–2):159–83.

Ma, X., Huang, Z., & Koutsopoulos, H. (2014).
Integrated Traffic and Emission Simulation : a Model Calibration Approach Using Aggregate Information. Environmental Modelling and Assessment, 19(4), 271–282.

Ma, X., Jin, J., & Lei, W. (2014).
Multi-criteria analysis of optimal signal plans using microscopic traffic models.  
Transportation Research Part D, 32, 1–14.

Silvano, A. P., Farah, H., & Koutsopoulos, H. (2014).
Simulation-based evaluation of I2V systems’ impact on traffic performance : Case study - COOPERS.  In WIT
Transactions on the Built Environment (pp. 429–446).


Cacciabue, P. C., Enjalbert, S., Söderberg, H. & Tapani, A. (2013).
Unified Driver Model simulation and its application to the automotive, rail and maritime domains.  
Transportation Research Part F [Internet]. 2013;21:315–27.

Häll, C. H. & Peterson, A. (2013).
Improving paratransit scheduling using ruin and recreate methods.  
Taylor & Francis; Transportation planning and technology (Print). 2013;36(4):377-393.

Jenelius, E., & Koutsopoulos, H. N. (2013).
Travel time estimation for urban road networks using low frequency probe vehicle data.  
Transportation Research Part B, 53, 64–81.

Kazagli, E., & Koutsopoulos, H. N. (2013).
Estimation of Arterial Travel Time from Automatic Number Plate Recognition Data.  
Transportation Research Record, (2391), 22–31.

Kristoffersson, I. (2013).
Impacts of time-varying cordon pricing: Validation and application of mesoscopic model for Stockholm.
Transport Policy, vol. 28, pp. 51-60.

Ma, X., & Jansson, M. (2013).
A model identification scheme for driver-following dynamics in road traffic.  
Control Engineering Practice, 21(6), 807–817.

Rahmani, M., & Koutsopoulos, H. N. (2013).
Path inference from sparse floating car data for urban networks.  
Transportation Research Part C, 30, 41–54.

Rydergren, C. (2013).
Comparison of headway-based public transport models: Numerical experiments for Stockholm .
Springer Berlin/Heidelberg; Public Transport. 2013;5(3):177-191.


Cats, O., Burghout, W., Toledo, T. & Koutsopoulos, H. (2012).
Modeling real-time transit information and its impacts on travelers’ decisions.
Transportation Research Record, vol. 2217, pp. 46 – 54.

Cats, O., Koutsopoulos, H., Burghout, W. & Toledo, T. (2012)
Evaluating the role of real-time transit information provision on dynamic passenger path choice.
Transportation Research Record.

Cats, O., Larijani, A. N., Burghout, W. & Koutsopoulos, H. N. (2012).
Impacts of holding control strategies on transit performance: A bus simulation model analysis.  
Transportation Research Record, vol. 2584, pp. 51 – 58.

Cats, O., Nabavi Larijani, A., Ólafsdóttir, Á., Burghout, W. & Koutsopoulos, H. (2012)
Bus-holding control strategies: A simulation-based evaluation and guidelines for implementation.  
Transportation Research Record.

Ekström, J., Sumalee, A. and Lo, H.K. (2012)
Optimizing Toll Locations and Levels Using a Mixed Integer Linear Approximation Approach.
Transportation Research Part B 46(7).

Ma, X., Huang, Z. and Koutsopoulos, H. (2012)
Integrated modeling of the impacts of road traffic.

Tapani, A. (2012).
Vehicle trajectory effects of adaptive cruise control.
Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning, and Operations 16(1), 2012, pp. 36-44.


Cats, O., Koutsopoulos, H. N., Burghout, W. & Toledo, T. (2011).
Effect of real-time transit information on dynamic path choice of passengers.
Transportation Research Record, 2217, 46-54.

Cats, O., Larijani, A. N., Burghout, W. & Koutsopoulos, H.N. (2011)
Impacts of holding control strategies on transit performance: A bus simulation model analysis.
Transportation Research Record, vol. 2584, pp. 51 – 58.


Burghout, W., Koutsopoulos, H. N. & Andreasson, I. (2010).
Incident Management and Traffic Information: Tools and Methods for Simulation-Based Traffic Prediction.
Transportation Research Record: Journal of TRB No.2161, pp 20-28, 2010. CTR-JB2010:05.

Cats, O., Burghout, W., Toledo, T. & Koutsopoulos, H. N. (2010).
Mesoscopic Modeling of Bus Public Transportation.
Transportation Research Record: Journal of TRB No.2188, pp 9-18, 2010. CTR-JB2010:03.

Ekström, J., Engelson, L. & Rydergren, C. (2010).
Heuristic algorithms for a second-best congestion pricing problem.
NETNOMICS, Vol10(1), pp.85-102, 2010. CTR-JB2010:01.

Ma, X. & Koutsopoulos, H. N. (2010).
Estimation of the automated vehicle identification based spatial travel time information collected in Stockholm.
IET Intelligent Transport Systems, Vol.4, Iss.4, pp 298-306, Dec. 2010. CTR-JB2010:04.

Toledo, T., Cats, O., Burghout, W. & Koutsopoulos, H. N. (2010).
Mesoscopic Simulation for Transit Operations.
Transportation Research Part C – Emerging Technologies, 18(6), pp896-908, 2010. CTR-JB2010:02.


Anund, A., Kecklund, G., Kircher, A., Tapani A. & Åkerstedt, T. (2009).
The effects of driving situation on sleepiness indicators after sleep loss: A driving simulator study.
Industrial Health, 47(4), pp.393-401, 2009.

Hegeman, G., Tapani, A., & Hoogendoorn, S. (2009).
Overtaking assistant assessment using traffic simulation.
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 17 (6), pp. 617-630, 2009.

Kristoffersson, I. and Engelson, L. (2009).
A Dynamic Transportation Model for the Stockholm Area: Implementation Issues Regarding Departure Time Choice and OD-pair Reduction.
Networks and Spatial Economics, Vol.9, Issue 4, pp. 551-573.


Janson Olstam, J., Lundgren, J., Adlers, M. & Matstoms, P. (2008).
A framework for simulation of surrounding vehicles in driving simulators.
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation 18(3).

Tapani, A. (2008).
Analysis of rumble strips and driver fatigue using traffic simulation.
Advances in Transportation Studies, B14 pp69-80, 2008.


Burghout, W. & Wahlstedt, J. (2007).
Hybrid traffic simulation with adaptive signal control.
Journal of the Transportation Research Record, No. 1999, 191-197, 2007 ref.

Ma, X. & Andreasson, I. (2007).
Behavior measurement, analysis and regime classification in car-following.
IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems , Vol 8:1, 144-156, 2007.

Ma, X. & Andreasson, I. (2007).
Statistical analysis of driver behavioral data in different regimes of the car-following stage.
Journal of the Transportation Research Record, No. 2018, 87-96, 2007.


Engelson, L. (2006).
Existence of toll equilibrium in traffic network with drivers having different time values.
Proc. of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Sect. B, Vol 60, No 2/3 pp 55-57.

Lundgren, J. & Tapani, A. (2006).
Evaluation of safety effects of driver assistance systems through traffic simulation.
Transportation Research Record, No. 1953 (2006), pp. 81-88.

Ma, X. & Andréasson, I. (2006).
Driver reaction delay estimation from real data and its application in GM-type model evaluation.
Transportation Research Record: Journal of TRB, No. 1965, 130-141.


Burghout, W., Koutsopoulos, H. & Andréasson, I. (2005).
Hybrid mesoscopic-microscopic traffic simulation.
Transportation Research Record 1934, pp. 218-225.

Ma, X. & Andréasson, I. (2005).
Predicting of the effect of various ISA penetration grades on pedestrian safety by simulation.
Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol37:6, 1162-1169, 2005.


Lindberg, P. O. & Engelson, L. (2004).
Convexification of the traffic equlibrium problem with social marginal cost tolls.
Operations Research Proc 2003, Springer 2004.


Toledo, T., Koutsopoulos, H., Davol, A., Ben-Akiva, M. E., Burghout, W., Andréasson, I., Johansson, T. & Lundin, C. (2003).
Calibration and validation of microscopic traffic simulation tools: Stockholm Case Study.
Transportation Research Record No.1831, 65-75, 2003

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