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Advanced courses 2016-2017


Code Course name Credit Period
 1   2   3   4 
SF2717 Mathematics, Advanced Course 6 hp   CLGYM4
SF2718 Mathematics for Chemists 6 hp   CLGYM4
SF2719 The History of Mathematics 6 hp CLGYM5  
SF2720 Chaotic Dynamical Systems 7.5 hp TMAKM  
SF2722 Differential Geometry 7.5 hp   TMAKM
SF2724 Topics in Mathematics IV 7.5 hp   TMAKM
SF2741 Enumerative Combinatorics 7.5 hp TMAKM  
SF2743 Advanced Real Analysis I 7.5 hp TMAKM  

There are also advanced courses in Mathematics at Stockholm university.

  • Fall 2016
    • MM8019 Algebraisk geometri och kommutativ algebra
    • MM7020 Matematisk kommunikation
    • Valda ämnen i matematik (ämne: kategoriteori)
  • Spring 2017
    • MM8309 Avancerad reell analys II
    • MM8005 Galoisteori
    • MM8002 Topologi

Mathematical statistics

Numerical analysis

Optimization and systems theory

Code Course name Credit Period
 1   2   3   4 
SF2812 Applied Linear Optimization 7.5 hp      
SF2822 Applied Nonlinear Optimization 7.5 hp    
SF2832 Mathematical Systems Theory 7.5 hp      
SF2842 Geometric Control Theory 7.5 hp      
SF2852 Optimal Control Theory 7.5 hp    
SF2863 Systems Engineering 7.5 hp      
SF2866 Applied Systems Engineering 7.5 hp    
SF2868 Systems Engineering, Business and Management, Part 1 7.5 hp