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PDC News

  • Swedish roadmap for research e-infrastructures now available

    Published Feb 21, 2019
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  • PDC-SeRC seminar for Wed 20th Feb postponed

    Published Feb 18, 2019
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  • New blog post on using Python for parallel processing

    Published Feb 18, 2019
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  • Registration opens for OpenFOAM courses

    Published Jan 30, 2019

    If you work with computational fluid dynamics (CFD), here's a chance for you to learn about the open course CFD toolbox, OpenFOAM.

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  • PRACE Summer of HPC 2019 now open for applications

    Published Jan 28, 2019

    Late-stage undergraduate and Master’s students are invited to apply for the PRACE Summer of HPC 2019 programme, to be held in July & August 2019. Consisting of a training week and two months on placem...

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  • DECI-15 call for proposals is now open

    Published Jan 28, 2019

    The Distributed European Computing Initiative (DECI) offers computing time on Tier-1 European supercomputing resources for projects that need access to Tier-1 supercomputing resources not currently av...

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  • HPCE3 7th Call for Applications is now open!

    Published Jan 18, 2019
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  • Simplify your research workflow with Jupyter Notebooks!

    Published Jan 18, 2019
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  • Need some help to use PDC's HPC systems?

    Published Jan 15, 2019

    Then sign up for the free "Introduction to PDC Systems" course on the 13th of February!

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  • Registration for the CSC Summer School in HPC is now open!

    Published Jan 11, 2019
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  • Postdoc in HPC for Biomolecular Research (GROMACS)

    Published Dec 01, 2018
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  • PDC-PRACE Workshop: “HPC Tools for the Modern Era”

    PDC-PRACE Workshop, 25-26 October 2018
    Published Nov 11, 2018
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  • PDC needs more students to work part-time at PDC Support in the autumn of 2018

    Published Oct 06, 2018
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  • Introducing the PDC Blog

    Published Sep 18, 2018
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  • PDC Seeking Students for (Part-time) Support Engineer Positions

    Published Aug 29, 2018
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  • Two Scientific Programmer Positions Now Open at PDC

    Published Jun 21, 2018
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  • Cross-Infrastructure Services: Towards Seamless Access

    Dr. Michaela Barth being interviewed on collaboration enabling, as well as connecting, services and user communities at the EUDAT 2018 conference: “Putting the EOSC vision into practice”, Porto, Portugal, 22-25 January 2018.
    Published Jun 13, 2018
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  • First PDC Industry Day Great Success

    Mengmeng Zhang from Airinnova, PDC Industry Day, Stockholm, 1 March 2018
    Published Jun 02, 2018
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  • Software Carpentry in Stockholm

    A few of the happy participants at the Stockholm Software Carpentry workshop, 12-13 March 2018
    Published Jun 02, 2018
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  • The Nordic Research Software Engineer Initiative

    Published May 26, 2018
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