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  • New method against summer plague

    A green porridge on the surfas´ce of the water.
    A new method to collect the algae and sanitize the water during algal blooms (Photo:Mostphotos)
    Published Jul 03, 2024

    A new method to combat algal bloom has been developed at KTH and will be tested this summer in the waters off Klintehamn and Tofta on Gotland. ​​​​​​​"We will trawl up accumulations of cyanobacteria ...

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  • Water conflicts more frequent - how to solve them

    - The trend in recent years is that conflicts over water have increased. We have not recognised this in time and have let things go in the wrong direction," says Zahra Kalantari. (Photo: Christer Gummeson)
    Published Jun 17, 2024

    Water is a scarce resource,causing an increasing number of conflicts. A project at KTH Royal Institute of Technology is exploring how nations and regions can better resolve the problems.

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  • Photo gallery and proceedings from the Innovations for the Blue Planet 2024 conference

    Published Jun 10, 2024

    The international conference Innovations for the Blue Planet 2024 gathered renowned speakers and participants from several countries and fields, with water as the common denominator. Now, conference p...

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  • New on-going project: RESOLVE

    A passenger train on a railway track
    Photo: Dylan Burns, Unsplash
    Published Jun 04, 2024

    The European railways span nearly 230,000 kilometers across the continent, covering over 420,000 hectares of land and serving as a critical facilitator of human mobility and goods transportation for c...

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  • Seminar with Magnus Linton on writing for wider publics

    Published May 08, 2024

    WaterCentre@KTH proudly invites you to a seminar with Magnus Linton, non-fiction writer and editor at the Institute for Futures Studies, who elaborates seven crucial points in his book Text and Style ...

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  • Climate is one culprit in spread and growth of Middle East dust levels

    brown haze over city
    A haze sets in over Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, during a dust storm. Photo: Leo Morgan
    Published May 02, 2024

    Climate change is transforming dust storms—a natural phenomenon in the Middle East—into a more frequent and widespread threat to health and economies throughout the region, a new study shows.

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  • KTH researcher's invention saves salmon from damage at hydropower plants

    Jowan Rostami at KTH courtyard
    "It feels rewarding to contribute to the utilization of renewable resources in the forest industry while at the same time promoting biodiversity at hydropower plants," KTH researcher Jowan Rostami says.
    Published Mar 19, 2024

    Hydropower plants have major problems with migrating fish getting injured in turbines. KTH researcher Jowan Rostami has developed a unique bio-based foam material to serve as a protective barrier, red...

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  • New on-going project: NEEDED

    Published Feb 23, 2024

    The overarching aim of NEEDED is to establish a new biobased production platform by embracing microbial communities for achieving sustainable production of specific biobased chemicals from source sepa...

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  • New on-going project: SEAREFINERY

    Published Feb 21, 2024

    SEAREFINERY aims to establish a novel bio-based blue food, blue feed and blue food packaging materials production platform by embracing marine-based sources and wastes targeting five seas.

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  • New on-going project: LandEX

    Published Feb 13, 2024

    LandEX seeks to create synergies that mitigate the impacts of hydroclimatic extremes such as floods and droughts by employing nature-based solutions (NBS) and advanced hydrological modelling.

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  • Gia Destouni is elected to the US NAE and leads a groundbreaking project on African freshwater

    Woman standing in front of a glacier
    Published Feb 09, 2024

    Water researcher and guest professor at KTH, Gia Destouni, has been elected to the US National Academy of Engineering.

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  • New on-going project: "Puddle Jump"

    Published Jan 26, 2024

    Puddle Jump will contribute to “joined up” thinking about hydrological and other ecosystem services that can be provided by small artificial waterbodies.

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  • Meet a water researcher: Gia Destouni

    woman standing in front of a glacier on Greenland
    Gia Destouni
    Published Jan 19, 2024

    When Gia Destouni, professor at Stockholm University and guest professor at KTH, first set her foot at KTH as a civil engineering student, the research path was nothing she had ever even considered. S...

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  • Innovations for the Blue Planet 2024

    Published Jan 10, 2024

    The BluePlanet2024 conference aims to bring together researchers from different disciplines and other relevant societal actors to jointly discuss and explore the latest findings on processes, methods,...

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  • KTH researchers in new project granted by Horizon Europe

    Published Dec 19, 2023

    Three collaborating KTH researchers, from different parts of the university, have been granted a new project in a Horizon Europe call.

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  • Stone from the new metro enriches Stockholm's waters

    a visualisation of an artificial lagoon
    The Isbladslagunen Illustration: Gaia arkitektur
    Published Dec 15, 2023

    Soon, Stockholm's predatory fish will have a sanctuary, parts of Stockholm's shoreline will be shielded against erosion, and the city's residents will get a new place for recreation. This results from...

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  • Soviet nuclear power plants closely connected to rivers

    Flyer introducing WaterCentre@KTH's lunch seminar with Achim Klüppelberg
    Published Nov 23, 2023

    Nuclear power production in the Soviet Union was closely connected to rivers. Many were built next to rivers dammed for construction of the hydro-power plants. But all plans were not finalised. A nuc...

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  • KTH researchers on robots, sailboats, seaweed, and släke in the Baltic Sea Seminar

    A man holding macroalgae
    Published Oct 05, 2023

    Several research projects and areas of research at KTH share a common theme: water. Visitors to this year's Baltic Sea Seminar at Kolskjulet, titled 'A Blue Economy Requires the Well-being of the Balt...

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  • New project: Understanding and securing the resilience of forest-based climate change mitigation

    a pine forest
    Photo: Siggy Nowak, Pixabay
    Published Sep 27, 2023

    Management of forests is an important tool to counteract climate change, but the temporal aspect of boreal climate change mitigation is not fully explored or understood. A new collaborative research p...

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  • Lunch seminar on the history of deep sea research

    Published Sep 26, 2023

    In WaterCentre@KTH's latest lunch seminar, Tirza Meyer - a contemporary historian and postdoctoral researcher in the history of media and environment with a specific focus on the history of ocean gove...

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