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InfraSweden2030 was selected in April 2015 as a Strategic Innovation Program (SIP) for a joint funding by Vinnova (The Swedish government agency for innovation), Energimyndigheten (The Swedish Enerygy Agency) and Formas (The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning). Currently, there are a total of 17 SIPs in different areas. The current funding is until 2018 but it may be extended up to a maxium of 12 years, depending on the progress and outcome of the program.

Road2Science has played a central role in preparing the application for InfraSweden2030. The members of Road2Science continue being involved in the program which KTH coordinates.

Short Summary

InfraSweden2030: A Strategic Innovation Program aimed at strengthening Sweden's competitiveness and increasing sustainability development within the Swedish transport infrastructure industry.

Vision: By 2030, Sweden has a competitive transport infrastructure that enables climate-neutral transport in facing society's economic and social challenges.

Offers: Project support to develop innovative solutions for resource-efficient and environmentally and socially sustainable transport infrastructure.

Activities: Open calls, targeted projects and activities within the program's five specified Focus Areas.

Program Office: Available at KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE School).

More information: Visit  or Vinnovas webbsida for samtliga strategiska innovationsprogram .

Contact: Programkontoret ; Camilla Byström  (Program Director); Fredrick Lekarp (Program Coordinator).