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Road2Science 2.0 Management

Road2Science 2.0 Leadership team

The leadership team has weekly administrative meetings to discuss the activities of the Center as well as to have a follow-up on all ongoing structural, administrative and communication developments. On an as-needed basis, the leadership will invite the coordinators of the Internationalization Committee, Impact Committee and Chair of the Advisory Board to take part in leadership meetings.

The leadership team members for 2018-2020 are:

  • Niki Kringos - Center Director
  • Fredrick Lekarp - strategic collaboration coordinator
  • Marta Marko Tisch - communications coordinator
  • Terje Jontell - Chair of the Advisory Board
  • Denis Jelagin - Coordinator Internationalization Committee
  • Lena Furuhovde - Coordinator Impact Committee

Road2Science 2.0 Advisory Board

The advisory board consists of members that, through their responsibility at their current and previous employment as well as through their personal engagement in the sector, will be able to give substantiated and inspiring guidance and feedback to the overall development of the KTH Road2Science Competence Center in order to meet its aims.

The board members for 2018-2020 are:

  • Terje Jontell (Veidekke) - Chairman
  • Niki Kringos (KTH) - Director
  • Christina Sandin (Trafikverket)
  • Jenny-Ann Östlund (Nynas)
  • Johan Silwerbrand (KTH/Byv)(*)

(*) Suppleant: Mats Wilhelmsson (KTH/ABE)

Road2Science 2.0 Internationalization Committee

The main purpose of the Road2Science Internationalization Committee is to work towards the establishment of a Nordic Research School on Road Engineering. At the start of the committee, its members consist of representatives of the 4 main Nordic technical universities that have a pavement engineering Professor. Depending on the developments of the Graduate School, new members should be added to the committee to enhance its anchoring within the Nordic countries, both with relevant academic and industry stakeholders.

The Road2Science Internationalization Committee members are:

  • Inge Hoff (NTNU, Norway)
  • Denis Jelagin (KTH)
  • Eyal Levenberg (DTU, Denmark)
  • Niki Kringos (Center director, KTH)
  • Terhi Pelinnen (Aalto University, Finland)
  • TBD (Sveriges Bygguniversitet)

Road2Science 2.0 Impact Committee

The main purpose of the Road2Science Impact Committee is to collaboratively build activities that enhance the innovation capacity and sustainability of the road infrastructure sector. In this, strategic choices will have to be made towards a prioritization of activities, in line with the identified GAPS. These activities could be related to specific research, demonstration or education projects, networking or dissemination events or collaborative programs such as an industry-mentoring program.

The Road2Science Impact Committee members are:

  • Anders Gudmarsson (PEAB)
  • Bernadita Lira (NCC)
  • Fredrik Åkesson (AtlasCopco)
  • Glenn Lundmark (Asfaltskolan)
  • Johan Granlund (WSP)
  • Lena Furuhovde (Bjerking)
  • Lena Strand (Stockholm Stad)
  • Lisa Lövqvist (KTH-student representative)
  • Maria Paavola (Teknikkvinnor)
  • Markus Tunlid (Veidekke)
  • Per-Ola Möller (Nynas)
  • Niki Kringos (Center director, KTH)
  • Peter Westbye (AkzoNobel)