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The four Swedish Schools of Architecture (SSA) at LTH, Chalmers, KTH and Umeå University have collaborated through the cooperative platform Swedish Schools of Architecture to propose a national research school.
Director of the school is Lars-Henrik Ståhl, LTH.

A variety of issues are currently calling the attention to a sustainable platform for architectural research education: social challenges related to migration, equality and climate; professional needs reflecting the changing working conditions for architects; and a disciplinary need to create stronger links between different international research interests. On a national level, this calls for a qualitative and well-grounded collaboration between Swedish architecture schools and their research departments.

In order to establish a platform with the possibility to support Sweden´s aim to cope with these demands, the four Swedish Schools of Architecture have collaborated since spring 2009 to form a research network. A main objective for this collaboration is the establishing of a national research school that can answer to the task of being a strong conjoining force for current and future research environments.

This research school will provide:

  • An educational program with courses, seminars, symposia and other pedagogical forms, with a content and syllabus that can meet the needs of the contemporary condition
  • A learning culture that encourage experimental research approaches as well as international peer-reviewed publishing
  • A support for architectural researchers to take personal part in international peer and public debate.
  • A subject-specific web based information tool about academic production as a service to peers, professionals and other actors in society.