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Education Office

The Education Office handles all forms of educational administration. We are located on the third floor, near to elevator B, in the Electrum building.

Student Office

Please contact the Student Office if you have questions regarding

  • course registration/re-registration on courses
  • registration of grades
  • request of review of grade
  • if you have problems registering for your examination,
  • if you wish to take an extra examination for a higher grade
  • if you have special needs for exam, or other issues. 

The Student Office can only be reached via e-mail. 


Study Counselling

Nilgün Tosun and Agnieszka Stasiak are Study Counsellors for programme students at first cycle at the School of Information and Communication Technology. Contact the Study Counsellors if you need guidance in educational issues.You can get help with your questions on courses, study plans, study breaks and practice assessments. If you are a master student you should contact the Master Coordinators.

E-mail:  Drop-in:  

Master Coordinators

May-Britt Eklund Larsson and Nina Werner are Master Coordinators at The School of Information and Communication Technology. The Master Coordinators can help you with, for instance, course selection, certificates, application for credit transfer, application for approved leave from studies and application for degree certificate. They can be reached via e-mail or during their drop-in hours at the reception room on the third floor.

E-mail:  Drop-in:

International Coordinator

Malin Hedberg is International Coordinator at The School of Information and Communication Technology. She takes care of incoming and outgoing exchange students at the school. She helps the incoming students with practical issues and makes sure that outgoing students are as well prepared as possible when they start their studies abroad. In addition, she handles contacts with our partner universities around the world.



Sandra Hjert is administrator for undergraduate programmes at the School of Information and Communication Technology. She handles issues regarding credit transfer. 


PhD Student Office

The administrators at the PhD Student Office process applications for admission to doctoral studies, applications for licentiate seminars and public defences as well as applications for licentiate and doctorate degrees. The administrators also coordinate the follow-up of the annual revision of study plans, process changes to a doctoral programme, change of supervisor and process the establishment of new doctoral courses.
