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Programme 2022

1 September, 2022

Programme 2022

12.00-13.30 What is Deep Sea Mining?

Brownbag seminar with short documentaries and a panel discussion on deep sea and resources. Everyone who signs up will get a vegan lunch sandwich.

What is Deep Sea Mining? (directed by Inhabitants with MargaridaMendes) is a five-episode short film series dedicated to the topic of deep sea mining, a new frontier of resource extraction at the bottom of the ocean, set to begin in the next few years.


Robert Blasiak , Researcher at the Stockholm Resilience Centre, where he focuses onthe sustainable management of ocean resources and ocean stewardship.

Staffan Lindberg , Journalist at Swedish paper Aftonbladet and author, focusing on foreign and climate news.

Krzysztof Jurdziński , Doctoral student in Environmental Genetics at KTH Royal Institute ofTechnology

Moderated by Tirza Meyer , acontemporary historian and postdoctoral researcher in the history of media and and environment with a specific focus on the history of ocean governance and environment, KTHRoyal Institute of Technology.


14.30-16.30 How to Change the World

Screening of the Greenpeace film How to Change the World. The filmis introduction by Karl Andreasson, Trainer Lead at The MovementHub project by Greenpeace in Europe.

How to Change the World is a documentary film, from writer-directorJerry Rothwell (Deep Water), which chronicles the adventures of aneclectic group of young pioneers who set out to stop Richard Nixon’snuclear bomb tests in Amchitka, Alaska, and end up creating theworldwide green movement with the birth of Greenpeace.

Jojk session

17.00-18.00 Poetry and Jojk Session.

Juan Carlos Galeano , Professor, poet and translator. Juan teaches Spanish American poetry, the environmental imagination in Spanish American literature,and cultures of Amazonia at Florida State University.

Juan will be performing his poetry from the Amazonia

Evelyn Reilly , New York-based poet, scholar, and environmentalist.

Evelyn will be reading her poetry on plastic and ecopoetic critic of self/others, multispecies relations, etc.

Ylva Gustafsson Sami activist, stage artist and public educator.

Ylva will perform a joik.

Juan and Evelin will join us online for a reading followed by a discussion with the audience. Ylva will be performing live on stage.


18.00-18.30 Mingle

Break between sessions. Mingle with snacks, canapes and soft drinks in Ångdomen.

18.30-20.30 Historjá – Stygn för Sapmí

Screening of the film Historjá – Stygn för Sapmí (directed by Thomas Jackson), followed by a panel discussion. The film is shown with English subtitles.

Historjá – Stygn för Sapmí is a poetic and striking depiction of the Sami artist Britta Marakatt-Labba. Her art describes the Sami culture, today and historically, and about the Sami reindeer husbandry, which is fundamentally threatened by the global climate crisis.


Tomas Colbengtson , Sami visual artist, works with graphics, painting, sculpture and digital art.

Ylva Gustafsson, Sami activist, stage artist and public educator

Thomas Jackson , Director of the film Historjá – Stygn för Sapmí

Gunhild Ninis Rosqvist , a Professor at Stockholm University, with expertise in both past and present effects of climate change on mountain and polar environments.