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Lab tours

Welcome to visit KTH's exciting research environments

During EECS's lab tours (14:30-16:00) you will get the chance to visit and learn about the research conducted in our labs, see unique facilities and try ongoing projects. There are four tours, ranging from 15 to 20 spots per tour. Note! You can only choose one.

Labs that will be avaliable to visit:

KTH’s supercomputer

KTH’s Parallel Computer Centre (PDC) is home to Sweden’s most powerful supercomputer. During the tour, you will gain an insight into the structure of the supercomputer and how it is used in research through its ability to handle complex data and perform advanced calculations.

PDC Center for High Performance Computing

VIC studio

The Visualization Studio

The Visualization Studio, VIC, at KTH hosts state-of-the-art technology supporting high-end graphics and visualization of complex data over many platforms, from hand-held mobile devices to wall-sized 4K displays to immersive augmented and virtual reality environments. 

Anechoic Chamber

Anechoic Chamber

In this lab, our researchers perform measurements of electromagnetic antennas, from 2 to 40 gigahertz (GHz). The walls of the lab are covered with blue foam rubber that absorbs electromagnetic echoes.


Robotic lab

The Division of Robotics (RPL) focuses on a number of research directions. including Mobile Robotics, Planning and Decision-Making, Grasping and Manipulation, physical human-robot interaction, Social Robotics and Maritime robotics.

Visit the different labs


Fusion Plasma Device EXTRAP T2R

The EXTRAP T2R device is an experimental facility for research on fusion energy. Here researchers study magnetic confinement of fusion plasmas. Current research topics include plasma instability control and plasma-wall interaction.

Fusion Plasma Device EXTRAP T2R

The Sustainable Power Laboratory

The Sustainable Power Laboratory looks at prototype development and testing of power electronics, antennas, electrical machinery and drive systems. This also includes the high-voltage lab, which is used for research in high-voltage, insulation materials and components in electric power systems.
The Sustainable Power Laboratory (SPL)