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Programme Schedule

The SSPM programme is shown below.

There will be 20 mins long overview talks from the different Swedish space plasma research groups, followed by science talks of 10 min (+ 5 min discussion) or 5 min (+ 3 min discussion).

Posters can be displayed during day 1 (Feb 15) 1-6 p.m. in the light-court of the D-building (open space next to D2 and D3).

Day 1 / Feb 15 - Talks (lecture hall D2)

        SLOT 1 (13.00 - 14.10) MODERATOR: LORENZ ROTH
13.00 Lorenz Roth KTH Welcome, programme and practical informations
13.10 Anita Kullen KTH Overview of SPP group at KTH
13.30 Yuri Khotyaintsev IRFU Overview of IRF Uppsala group
13.50 Stas Barabash IRFK Overview of IRF Kiruna group
14.10 Herbert Gunell UMU Overview of SPP group at Umeå Univeristy
14.30       (Coffee Break + Posters)
        SLOT 2 (15.00 - 16.15) MODERATOR: LORENZ ROTH
15.00 Istvan Pusztai CHAL Chalmers activities in the XFLARE project: Symbolic regression of fluid closures for space plasma phenomena
15.15 Hans Nilsson IRFK Latest results from Rosetta
15.30 Sofia Bergman KTH Spacecraft charging simulations of probe B1 of Comet Interceptor during the cometary flyby
15.45 Herbert Gunell UMU Solar wind ions in the diamagnetic cavity of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko: hybrid simulations
16.00 Stas Barabash IRFK Degenerate induced magnetospheres: a new class of the solar wind interactions
16.15       (Break)
        SLOT 3 (16.30 - 17.30) MODERATOR: NYCKOLAY IVCHENKOV
16.30 Erik Vigren IRFU An algoritm of potential use for the target selection of the Comet Interceptor mission
16.38 Mats André IRFU Space Physics Meets Astrophysics: Winds from Red Supergiants and the Importance of Plasma Physics
16.46 Maria Chloi Katrougkalou KTH The connection between the cusp and transpolar auroral arcs
16.54 Gabriella Nordin UMU On the closure of the bow shock current
17.02 Daniel Graham IRFU Ion Dynamics Across a Low Mach Number Bow Shock
17.10 Eva Krämer UMU The ground-response of magnetosheath jets
17.25 Tomas Karlsson KTH Some science questions I want to address with the BepiColombo mission
17.33       (Break/Discussion + Posters)
18.00       (Dinner @EECS kitchen, Teknikringen 33, KTH)

Day 1 / Feb 15 - Posters (on display 1-6 pm in light-court)

Abiam Tamburrini KTH Statistical Mechanics Tools For the Study of Space Plasma: Radial diffusion coefficient from the Ehrenfest procedure in the Vlasov equation
Stephan Buchert IRFU Gradients and irregularities in the top side ionosphere and their effects on satellite positioning
Cecilia Norgren IRFU How do electrons in different parts of phase space contribute to the reconnection electric field?
Simon Thor KTH The connection between the cusp and multiple transpolar arcs
Julia Dahlberg IRFU Investigating the onset of magnetic reconnection by varying the relative drift of ions and electron in a Harris current sheet

Day 2 / Feb 16 - Talks (lecture hall D3)

09.30       (Coffee+sandwiches in front of D3)
        SLOT 1 (10.00 - 11.00) MODERATOR: HERBERT GUNNELL
10.00 Jordi Boldu IRFU Ion acoustic waves associated with interplanetary shocks
10.15 Ahmad Lalti IRFU Electron heating at quasi-perpendicular collisionless shocks: adiabatic vs non-adiabatic heating
10.30 Mats Holmstrom IRFK The Influence of Solar Wind Conditions on Heavy Ion Escape From Mars
10.45 Joshua Dreyer IRFU Electron to light ion density ratios during Cassini's Grand Finale
11.00 Lorenz Roth KTH Support observations of Jupiter moon Io around the two close NASA Juno flybys
11.15       (Break)
        SLOT 2 (11.30 - 13.00) MODERATOR: HANS NILSSON
11.30 Moa Persson IRFU Ion chemistry in the Martian ionosphere
11.38 Konstantin Kim IRFU Dispersive plasma structures in Titan’s induced magnetosphere observed by Cassini
11.46 Sushen Joshi KTH The Hydrogen Upper Atmosphere of Uranus: Insights Gained from HST Lyman Alpha Observations
11.54 Sara Nesbit-Östman UMU Variability of the Martian bow shock: A two space craft study
12.02 Niklas Edberg IRFU The far magnetotail of Venus from the Solar Orbiter, Parker Solar Probe and BepiColombo flybys
12.10 Vanina Lanabere IRFU Characterizing the distribution of extreme geoelectric field events in Sweden
12.25 Frank Wong Chan KTH Statistical study of SLAMS at Martian foreshock
12.33 Louis Richard IRFU Acceleration Potential from FlattopElectron Velocity Distributionwithin the Reconnection Exhaust
12.41 Tomas Karlsson KTH (Concluding remarks & Discussion)