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KTH Alfvén lecture

World-leading scientists in space or laboratory plasma physics have been giving annual Alfvén lecture at KTH since 1995

Margaret Kivelson giving Alfvén lecture
Professor Margaret Kivelson (UCLA) giving Alfvén lecture 2015
  • 2024-09-24 Professor Tünde Fülöp, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, "Faster Than Lightning: Electron Beams in Laboratory Plasmas"
  • 2023-10-12 Sir Steven Cowley, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, USA, "The Quest for Fusion Power – Standing on the shoulders of Hannes Alfvén"
  • 2022-09-13 Philippe Escoubet, ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, "Cluster from 20 years of multiprobing the magnetosphere"
  • 2019-09-18 Rickard Lundin, Professor Emeritus, IRF, "Magnetized plasma Acceleration Processes in Cosmos: The Legacy of Hannes Alfvén"
  • 2018-09-05 Professor Larry Lyons, Dept. of Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences, UCLA, “Earth’s Aurora: A Two-Dimensional Monitor of Near-Earth Space Environment Dynamics

  • 2017-06-07 Professor Vladimir Evegenievich Fortov, Joint Institute for High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences i Moskva, Russia, "Extreme states of plasma on earth and in space"

  • 2016-06-01 Professor Per Helander, Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, Greifswald, Germany, "Fusion energy with a twist"

  • 2015-09-09 Professor Margaret Kivelson, University of California, Los Angeles. ”Magnetic fields from the ocean floor to outer spacevideo

  • 2014-09-29 Professor Roy Tobert, University of New Hampshire, USA, "Magnetospheric Multi-Scale, a multi-satellite mission to study the mysteries of magnetic reconnection",
  • 2012 Dr Guy F. Matthews, Joint European Torus, Culham, England. ”Putting the Sun into a Box
  • 2011 Professor Hiroshi Matsumoto, President of Kyoto University, Japan. "Can Humans survive without Solar System Civilization?"
  • 2010 Dr E. I. Moses, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Kalifornien, USA. "The National Ignition Facility: An Experimental Capability for High Energy Density, Science and Fusion Energy"
  • 2008-09-10 Professor Walter Gekelman, UCLA, USA, ”The Many Faces of Alfvén Waves”
  • 2007 Professor Gregor Morfill, Max Planck – Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik, Garching. "Complex Plasmas - a New State of Matter with Unusual Properties"

  • 2006 Dr. Jean Jacquinot, Scientific Advisor to the High Commissioner for Atomic Energy, France. "Fusion Energy: From the Sun to ITER"

  • 2004 Professor Franklin Chang-Diaz, astronaut, Advanced Space Propulsion Lab., JSC, USA. "Plasma rocket engines for space travel"

  • 2003 Professor Anders Brahme, Medicinsk Strålningsfysik, Karolinska Institutet. "From Panspermietheory to Iontherapy - the Effects of Radiation from Cosmos to Microcosmos"

  • 2002 Professor Osamu Motojima, National Institute for Fusion Science, Japan. "Frontiers in Fusion Research from the Japanese Perspective"

  • 2001 Professor Roald Sagdeev, University of Maryland, USA. "Challenges in Space for the 21st Century"

  • 2000 Professor Carlo Rubbia, ENEA, Rom. "New concepts for deep space propulsion: the ASI project Am242"

  • 1999 Professor Richard Dendy, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon. "Sandpiles, Fusion, Space and Astrophysics"

  • 1998 Professor Gerhard Haerendel, Max Planck – Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik, Garching. "Birkeland currents"

  • 1996 Professor Derek Robinson, Research Director, UKAEA Fusion, England. "Alfvénic Phenomena in Plasmas"

  • 1995 Professor Alex Dessler, University of Arizona, Tucson, USA. "Plasma Universe"