The division has a research and educational profile that covers electronics from a very broad range of basic topics including semiconductor device technology and circuits to systems integration and embedded systems implementation in industrial applications oriented to industry automation and medical electronics. Several application areas also cover internet of everything, interaction with e-science, electrical power systems, microsystems technology and brain-like computing.
Research areas
Device and Circuit Fabrication
Semiconductor devices are the keys to building any electronic circuit. Our research ranges from nanometer scaled silicon and germanium MOSFETs to high voltage silicon carbide (SiC) devices and photonic devices like lasers and UV-detectors.
Research of vital functions in areas like transport, communication or health care. Embedded computer systems are integrated into a physical or electrical environment and react continuously with this environment and have to satisfy different requirements, such as real-time, power, size or costs.
Research in emerging devices in printed and flexible electronics, integrated photonics, quantum communication and spintronic devices and circuits. Neural network accelerators and neuromorphic brain-like computing are investigated as techniques useful for machine-learning.
Research focuses on analog/mixed signal ASICs covering a wide range of applications. The department has a track record in the area of fundamental innovations in VLSI/SoC architecture like Network on Chip, Clocking and Power Management, testing, security and high-performance massively parallel architectures.
Research wants to change fetal monitoring at birth
Researchers at KTH and KI want to reduce the risk of organ failure in children during labour. Therefore, they have started a programme, "Continuous lactate measurement and preventive hypoxia during de...
Research behind the efficiency of mobile phone networks - one of the most highly cited
The research behind using mobile phone masts with many small electrically steerable antennas has been included in Clarivate's annual Clarivate Highly Cited Researchers 2023 list. ”This is of cours...