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Workshop - Learning in networks

Important: June 29, to enter the E building and access the room E3, please enter at Osquars backe 2  (KTH, Stockholm), using the code 2429. If the door is closed, please contact us at +46(0)734618051 or by email .

Find below the program of the workshop. You can find the list of invited speakers, their bios, and the abstracts of their talks here

On June 29, the workshop will start at 2pm and will be held in the room E3 at KTH . The room is on the 5th floor, directions will be provided.

On July 4, the workshop will be held in the digital futures hub .


June 29 - Room E3 KTH

To enter the E building and access the room E3, please enter at Osquars Backe 2 (see below for a link) KTH, Stockholm) using the code 2429. If the door is closed, please contact us at +46(0)734618051 or by email

Osuqars Backe 2, KTH


2:00 - 2:15: Opening remarks

3:45 - 4:00 Break

July 4 - Digital Futures hub KTH

3:30 - 3:45 Break