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Conference Proceedings and Presentations


Pérez Castro, G., Johansson, F., Olstam, J. (2022).
How to Model the Effect of Gradient on Bicycle Traffic in Microscopic Traffic Simulation?
Transportation Research Board (TRB) 101st Annual Meeting, January 9–13, 2022, Washington, D.C


Badia, H. and Jenelius, E. (2021).
Implications of shared e-scooter services: a literature review.
National conference in transport research, Malmö, October 19-20 2021.

Cebecauer, M. (2021).
Large-scale origin-destination matrices pattern recognition and short-term prediction for public transport management.
VTI Transportforum 2021.

Dong, Z., Cebecauer, M. and Jenelius, E. (2021).
Travel time variability analysis in Stockholm vehicular traffic network.
8th International Symposium on Transport Network Reliability (INSTR), Stockholm, 16-18 June 2021.

Postigo, I., Olstam, J. and Rydergren, C. (2021).
Effects on Traffic Performance Due to Heterogeneity of Automated Vehicles on Motorways: A Microscopic Simulation Study.
In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems, p. 142-151.


Burghout, W. (2020).
Charging management of shared taxis: Neighbourhood search for the E-ADARP.
In: 2020 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, ITSC 2020, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Cebecauer, M., Jenelius, E., Babicheva, T., Leffler, D. and Burghout, W. (2020).
Public transport disruption management by collaboration with demand responsive services. Transportation Research Board (TRB) 99th Annual Meeting.

Grumert, E. & Gundlegård, D. (2020).
Clustering of fundamental traffic relations for capacity estimation.
23rd EURO Working Group on Transportation Meeting, EWGT 2020, 16-18 September 2020, Paphos, Cyprus.

Grumert, E. & Tapani, A. (2020).
Bottleneck mitigation through a variable speedlimit system using connected vehicles.
Paper presented at 20th EURO-Working-Group-on-Transportation Meeting (EWGT), Budapest Univ Technol & Econ, Fac Transportat Engn & Vehicle Engn, Budapest, Hungary, Sep 04-06, 2017.. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 16(2), 213-233

Johansson, F. (2020).
A Method for Joint Estimation of Homogeneous Model Parameters and Heterogeneous Desired Speeds.
In: Proceedings of Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2018 / [ed] Anne Dederichs, Gerta Köster, Andreas Schadschneider, 2020, Vol. 5, p. 299-306

Leffler, D., Burghout, W., Cats, O. and Jenelius, E. (2020).
Distribution of passenger costs in fixed versus flexible station-based feeder services.
Transportation Research Procedia 47, 179-186.

Leffler, D. (2020).
Design och utvärdering av flexibla matartjänster med delade självkörande fordon.
VTI Transportforum 2020.

Lindberg, T., Johansson, F., Peterson, A. and Tapani, A. (2020).
Microsimulation of Bus Terminals: A Case study from Stockholm
In: Proceedings of the 2020 Winter Simulation Conference, 2020

Olstam, J., Johansson, F., Liu, C. and Pereira, I. (2020).
An approach for systematic assessment of infrastructure automation readiness from a traffic performance perspective
In: Proceedings of 8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020, 2020, s. 10-

Peftitsi, S., Jenelius, E. and Cats, O. (2020).
Evaluating crowding in individual train cars using a dynamic transit assignment model.
Transportation Research Board (TRB) 99th Annual Meeting.


Cebecauer, M., Gundlegård, D., Jenelius, E. and Burghout, W. (2019).
3D speed maps for short-term urban traffic prediction.
Transportation Research Board (TRB) 98th Annual Meeting.

Cebecauer, M., Gundlegård, D., Jenelius, E. and Burghout, W. (2019).
Real-time city-level traffic prediction in the context of the Stockholm city.
VTI Transportforum 2019.

Grumert, E., Bernhardsson, V., Ekström, J., Gundlegård, D. & Ringdahl, R. (2019).
Traffic state estimation as a complement to stationary detectors in variable speed limit systems.
In: TRB 98nd Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, No. 19-00848.

Leffler, D., Jenelius, E., Cats, O. and Burghout, W. (2019).
Utvärdering av delade självkörande fordon inom efterfrågestyrd kollektivtrafik genom simulering.
VTI Transportforum 2019.

Leffler, D. (2019).
Simulation based evaluation of fixed versus on-demand feeder operations.
National conference in transport research, Linköping, 22-23 October 2019.

Peftitsi, S., Jenelius, E. and Cats, O. (2019).
Measuring train crowding unevenness: A Stockholm metro case study.
8th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART), Budapest, Hungary, 4-6 September 2019.


Cebecauer, M., Jenelius, E. and Burghout, W. (2018).
Spatio-temporal partitioning of large urban networks for travel time prediction.
2018 21st International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC) 1390-1395.

Cebecauer, M. (2018).
Travel time prediction and spatio-temporal partitioning in the context of large-scale urban road networks. National Conference in Transport Research, Gothenburg, 15-16 October 2018.

Flötteröd, G. (2018a).
DTA simulation with reduced number of iterations.  
Presented at the Swedish national transport conference, Göteborg, Sweden, October 16, 2018.

Flötteröd, G. (2018b).
Dynamic Traffic Signal Control, Dynamic Queueing, and Dynamic Route Choice.  
Smart Transportation: Proceedings of The 7th International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment 6-8 June 2018 Hong Kong.

Gundlegård, D., Jenelius, E., Cebecauer, M., Ringdahl, R., Ekström, J. and Burghout, W. (2018).
Travel time estimation and prediction for traffic management in Stockholm.
VTI Transportforum 2018.

Gyergyay, B., Gomari, S., Friedrich, M., Sonnleitner, J., Olstam, J., & Johansson, F. (2018). Automation-ready framework for urban transport and road infrastructure planning.  
Presented at the TUM 2018 ‘Urban Mobility – Shaping the Future Together’ - International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport, June 13, 2018, Munich, Germany.

Gyergyay, B., Gomari, S., Olstam, J., Johansson, F., Friedrich, M., Sonnleitner, J., Backhaus, W. (2018).
Automation-ready framework for urban transport planning.  
Proceedings of 7th Transport Research Arena TRA 2018, April 16-19, 2018, Vienna, Austria.

Kristoffersson, I. (2018).
Effekter av förarlösa fordon: Analys av simuleringar för att nå en helhetsbild.  
Presented at the Nationell konferens i transportforskning 2018.

Peftitsi, S., Jenelius, E. and Cats, O. (2018).
Determinants of passengers' metro car choice revealed through automated data sources: A Stockholm metro case study.
CASPT 2018, Brisbane, Australia, 23-25 July 2018.

Tympakianaki, A., Koutsopoulos, H. N. and Jenelius, E. (2018).
Robust SPSA algorithms for dynamic OD matrix estimation.
Procedia Computer Science 130, 57-64.


Allström, A., Kristoffersson, I., & Susilo, Y. (2017).
Smartphone based travel diary collection : Experiences from a field trial in Stockholm.  
Transportation Research Procedia (Vol. 26, pp. 32–38). Elsevier B.V.

Bernhardsson V. (2017).
Trafiksimulering av E20 Ribbingsberg-Vara : En simuleringsstudie av framkomlighet för en mötesfri utformning av E20.

Fu, J., & Jenelius, E. (2017).
Transport efficiency of off-peak urban goods deliveries : A Stockholm pilot study.
Presented at the the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB).

Grumert, E., & Tapani, A. (2017).
Using connected vehicles in a variable speed limit system.  
Transportation Research Procedia (pp. 85–92). Elsevier B.V.

Hong, B., & Ma, X. (2017).
Quantification of Emissions for non-road Machinery in Earthwork : Modeling and Simulation Approaches.
Presented at the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 96th Annual Meeting.

Häll, C. H., Ceder, A., Ekström, J. & Quttineh, N. (2017).
Adjustments of Public Transit Operations Planning Process for the Use of Electric Buses.
TRB Annual Meeting Online, 2017: . Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, January 8-12. Transportation Research Board; 2017.

Jenelius, E., Kristoffersson, I., & Fransson, M. (2017a).
Aggregated Validation of Traffic Simulation Models Based on the Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram.  
Presented at the European Working Group on Transportation (EWGT).

Jenelius, E., Kristoffersson, I., & Fransson, M. (2017b).
Validation of Traffic Simulation Models Based on the Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram  
Presented at the 20th EURO Working Group on Transportation Meeting, EWGT 2017 (pp. 561–568), 4-6 September 2017, Budapest, Hungary.

Jin, J., Ma, X., & Johansson, I. (2017).
Modeling and Analysis of Pid-controlled Heavy-duty Vehicle Platoons in Real Traffic.  
Presented at the Transportation Research Board 86th Annual Meeting.

Leffler, D., Cats, O., Jenelius, E. and Burghout, W. (2017).
Real-time short-turning in high frequency bus services based on passenger cost.
5th IEEE International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (MT-ITS), pp. 861-866.

Lindberg, T., Peterson, A. & Tapani, A. (2017).
A Simulation Model of Local Public Transport Access at a Railway Station.  
Proceedings of Raillille 2017 - 7th lnternational Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis: . 7th International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis (RailLille2017), ( pp. 922-943), Lille, France April 4-7 2017.

Tsanakas, N., Ekström, J. & Olstam, J. (2017).
Reduction of errors when estimating emissions based on static traffic model outputs.  
Transportation Research Procedia [Internet]. 2017;22:440–9.

Tsanakas, N., Ekström, J., & Olstam, J. (2017a).
Emission estimation based on cross-sectional traffic data.  
Proceedings of the 22nd International Transportation and Air Pollution Conference, 2017 (p. 15).


Allström, A., Ekström, J., Gundlegård, D., Ringdahl, R., Rydergren, C., Bayen, A. M., et al. (2016).
A hybrid approach for short-term traffic state and travel time prediction on highways.
TRB 95th annual meeting compendium of papers: . Transportation Research Board 95th Annual Meeting, 2016-1-10 to 2016-1-14 Washington DC, United States.

Aria, E., Olstam, J. & Schwietering, C. (2016).
Investigation of Automated Vehicle Effects on Driver’s Behavior and Traffic Performance.  
Transportation Research Procedia [Internet]. 2016;15:761–70.

Bergh, T., Remgård, M., Carlsson, A., Olstam, J. & Strömgren, P. (2016).
2+1-roads Recent Swedish Capacity and Level-of-Service Experience.  
Transportation Research Procedia [Internet]. 2016;15:331–45.

Fu, J., Jenelius, E., & Haris, K. (2016).
Driving time and path generation for heavy construction sites from GPS traces.  
IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Proceedings, ITSC (pp. 1141–1146).

Fu, J., Jenelius, E., & Koutsopoulos, H. (2016).
Identification of workstations in earthwork operations from vehicle GPS data.  
Presented at the Transportation Research Board 95th Annual Meeting.

Grumert, E., Tapani, A. & Ma, X. (2016).
Evaluation of Four Control Algorithms Used in Variable Speed Limit Systems.  
TRB 95th Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers: . Transportation Research Board 95th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., USA, January 10-14, 2016. Washington: Transportation Research Board; 2016. :16-2880.

Hong, B., Ma, X., Chen, H., & Lv, L. (2016).
Modeling of dynamic NOx emission for nonroad machinery : a study on wheel loader using engine test data and on-board measurement.
Presented at the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 95th Annual Meeting.

Jin, J., & Ma, X. (2016a).
A Learning-based Adaptive Group-based Signal Control System under Oversaturated Conditions.
IFAC-PapersOnLine, 49(5), 291–296.

Jin, J., & Ma, X. (2016b).
A Learning-based Adaptive Signal Control System with Function Approximation.
IFAC Papers-Online, 49(3), 5–10.

Johansson, I., Jin, J., Ma, X., & Pettersson, H. (2016).
Look-ahead speed planning for heavy-duty vehicle platoons using traffic information.
Presented at the 19th EURO Working Group on Transportation Meeting, Istanbul, September 5-7, 2016.

Laskaris, G., Cats, O., Jenelius, E., & Viti, F. (2016).
A real-time holding decision rule accounting for passenger travel cost.
2016 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC) (pp. 2410–2415).

Nitsche, P., Olstam, J., Taylor, N., Reinthaler, M., Ponweiser, W., Bernhardsson, V., et al. (2016).
Pro-active Management of Traffic Incidents Using Novel Technologies.
Transportation Research Procedia [Internet]. 2016. p. 3360–9.

Ranjan, A., Fosgerau, M., & Jenelius, E. (2016).
Emergence of macroscopic fundamental diagram.
Presented at the 5th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART), September 2016, Delft, Netherlands.

Strömgren, P. & Olstam, J. (2016).
A Model for Capacity Reduction at Roadwork Zone.
Transportation Research Procedia [Internet]. 2016;15:245–56.

Zhang, W., Ma, X., & Jenelius, E. (2016).
Planning of heavy-duty vehicle platoon formulation: basic scheduling problem considering travel time variance.
Presented at the Transportation Research Board 95th Annual Meeting, January 10-14, 2016, Washington, USA.


Burghout, W., Rigole, P. J., & Andreasson, I. (2015).
Impacts of Shared Autonomous Taxis in a Metropolitan Area.
Proceedings of the 94th annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Washington DC.

Ding, J., Gao, S., Jenelius, E., Rahmani, M., Pereira, F., & Ben-Akiva, M. (2015).
Latent-class routing policy choice model with revealed-preference data.
Presented at the Transportation Research Board 94th Annual Meeting.

Eilers, S., Mårtensson, J., Pettersson, H., Pillado, M., Gallegos, D., Tobar, M., … Adolfson, M. (2015).
COMPANION-Towards Co-operative Platoon Management of Heavy-Duty Vehicles.
IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Proceedings, ITSC (pp. 1267–1273).

Gundlegård, D., Allström, A., Bergfeldt, E., Ringdahl, R. & Bayen, A. M. (2015).
Travel Time and Point Speed Fusion Based on a Macroscopic Traffic Model and Non-linear Filtering.
2015 IEEE 18th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems: . 2015 IEEE 18th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 15-18 Sept. 2015, Las Palmas. IEEE conference proceedings; 2015. p. 2121-2128. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems-ITSC.

Gundlegård, D., Rydergren, C., Barcelo, J., Dokoohaki, N., Hess, A. & Görnerup, O. (2015).
Travel demand analysis with differential private releases.
Netmob 2015: Mobile phone data for development. Netmob 2015 - Fourth International Conference on the Analysis of Mobile Phone Datasets, April 8-10, 2015, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA. 2015.

Jin, J., & Ma, X. (2015b).
Adaptive Group-Based Signal Control Using Reinforcement Learning with Eligibility Traces.
IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Proceedings, ITSC (pp. 2412–2417).

Liang, K.-Y., Deng, Q., Mårtensson, J., Ma, X., & Johansson, K. H. (2015).
The Influence of Traffic on Heavy-Duty Vehicle Platoon Formation.
Presented at the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), June 28 - July 1, 2015. COEX, Seoul, Korea.

Strömgren, P., Olstam, J. & Tapani, A. (2015).
A Model for Traffic Simulation of Flared Rural Road Intersections.
Transportation Research Procedia [Internet]. 2015;6:239–58.


Bång,. K-L, Olstam, J., Köhler, J., Wahlstedt, J. & Andersson, J. (2014).
Handbok för kapacitetsanalys med hjälp av simulering .
[Internet]. Borlänge; 2014.

Deng, Q., & Ma, X. (2014a).
A fast algorithm for planning optimal platoon speeds on highway.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings Series, 19, 8073–8078.

Deng, Q., & Ma, X. (2014b).
Fast Algorithm for Planning Optimal Platoon Speeds on Highway.
Proceedings of the 19th IFAC World Congress, 2014.

Ekström, J. & Quttineh, N. (2014).
Surrogate-based optimisation of toll levels in congestion pricing schemes.
Transportation Infrastructure: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS). 19th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Society of Transportation Studies Limited; 2014. p. 209-216.

Jin, J., & Ma, X. (2014).
Implementation and Optimization of Group-based Signal Control in Traffic Simulation.
2014 IEEE 17th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC) (pp. 2517–2522).

Johansson, F., Duives, D., Daamen, W. & Hoogendoorn, S. (2014).
The Many Roles of the Relaxation time Parameter in Force based Models of Pedestrian Dynamics.
Transportation Research Procedia [Internet]. 2014;2:300–8.

Rahmani, M., Jenelius, E., & Koutsopoulos, H. (2014a).
Floating Car and Camera Data Fusion for Non-Parametric Route Travel Time Estimation.  
Presented at the 2014 IEEE 17th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), (pp. 1286–1291), October 8-11, 2014. Qingdao, China.


Fu, J., & Jenelius, E. (2013).
Optimal Fleet Selection for Earthmoving Operations.
Presented at the ISEC 7.7th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference,Honolulu, Hawaii.

Grumert, E., Ma, X., & Tapani, A. (2013).
Effects of a Cooperative Variable Speed Limit System on Traffic Performance and Exhaust Emissions.
TRB 92nd Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers.

Grumert, E. & Tapani, A. (2013).
Microscopic traffic simulation for evaluation of a cooperative variable speed limit system.
1st SUMO User Conference 2013 Proceedings, Berichte aus dem DLR-Institut für Verkehrssystemtechnik, Band 21 [Internet]. Berlin; 2013. p. 147–64.

Jenelius, E. (2013).
Data fusion of instantaneous speeds and point-to-oint travel times from probe vehicle data.
Presented at the 2nd Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART), Stockholm, Sweden.

Kosonen, I., & Ma, X. (2013).
An Agent-base Traffic Signal Control System : Autonomous Features.
Presented at the EU COST ARTS competition, Den Haag.

Ma, X. (2013a).
Optimal Controls of Fleet Trajectories for Fuel and Emissions.
Proceedings of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium (IEEE IV13) (pp. 1059–1064).

Ma, X. (2013b).
Towards Intelligent Fleet Management : Local Optimal Speeds for Fuel and Emissions.
Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE ITSC 2013). Den Haag, Netherland.

Olstam, J. & Elyasi-Pour, R. (2013).
Combining traffic and vehicle simulation for enhanced evaluations of powertrain related ADAS for trucks.
Proceedings of the 16th International IEEE Annual Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2013), The Hague, The Netherlands, October 6-9, 2013 [Internet]. 2013. p. 851–6.

Rahmani, M., Jenelius, E., & Koutsopoulos, H. (2013a).
Route travel time estimation using low-frequency floating car data.
Presented at the 2nd Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART), September 4-6 2013, Stockholm.

Rahmani, M., Jenelius, E., & Koutsopoulos, H. (2013b).
Route travel time estimation using low-frequency floating car data.
2013 16th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems - (ITSC) : Intelligent Transportation Systems for All Modes (pp. 2292–2297).

Tapani, A. (2013).
Integrerad fordons- och trafiksimulering för uppskattning av emissioner och energieffektivitet.

Tapani, A. & Olstam, J. (2013).
Microscopic modelling of 2+1-roads.
In Stockholm; 2013.

Tapani, A. & Rydergren, C. (2013).
Modellering av stadstrafik med resekedjor som inkluderar cykel och andra färdmedel.

Tympakianaki, A., Koutsopoulos, H., Burghout, W., & Jenelius, E. (2013).
A Comparative Evaluation of Gradient-based and Stochastic Approximation Algorithms for Estimation of Dynamic Origin-Destination Matrices.
Presented at the hEART 2013, 2nd Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, September 4-6 2013, Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden.


Cats, O., Mach Rufi, F., Koutsopoulos, H. N., Burghout, W. & Toledo, T. (2012).
Optimizing the Number and Location of Time Point Stops,
Proceedings of CASPT12, Conference on Advanced Systems for Public Transport, Santiago, Chile, 2012.

Grumert, E. & Tapani, A. (2012).
Impacts of a Cooperative Variable Speed Limit System.
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies, Changsha, China, 2012.

Jenelius, E., Rahmani, M. & Koutsopoulos, H. (2012).
Travel time estimation for urban road networks using low frequency GPS probes.
Transportation Research Board 2012 Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, Transportation Research Board.

Johansson, F., Peterson, A. & Tapani. A. (2012).
Performance evaluation of railway platform design using microscopic simulation,
Proceedings of CASPT12, Conference on Advanced Systems for Public Transport, Santiago, Chile, 2012.


Allström, A., Rahmani, M., Koutsopoulos, H., Gundlegård, D. &Archer, J. (2011).
Mobile Millennium Stockholm.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Models and Technologies for ITS, Leuven, Belgium.

Cats, O., Koutsopoulos, H. N., Burghout, W. & Toledo, T. (2011).
Evaluating the role of real-time transit information provision on dynamic passenger path choice.
Proceeding of the 90th annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, January 2011.

Kristoffersson, I. & Engelson, L. (2011).
Alternative Road Pricing Schemes and their Equity Effects: Results of Simulations for Stockholm. Proceeding of the 90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Bord, Washington DC, Jan 2011.

Ma, X,. Huang,, Z. & Koutsopoulos, H. (2011).
A Numerical Approach on Model Calibration for An Emission Simulation Platform.
Proceeding of the 90th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, US., Jan. 2011.

Olstam, J. & Tapani, A. (2011).
A review of guidelines for applying traffic simulation to level-of-service analysis.
6th International Symposium of Highway Capacity and Quality of Service, Stockholm, Sweden, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 16, 2011, pp. 771-780.

Tapani, A. (2011).
Traffic simulation modelling of driver assistance systems.
Advances in Transportation Studies 23, 2011, pp. 41-50.


Cats O., Burghout, W., Toledo, T. & Koutsopoulos, H. N. (2010).
Evaluation of real-time holding strategies for improved bus service reliability.
Proceedings of 13th international IEEE conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Madeira, Portugal, Oct. 2010. CTR-KTH-CP2010:04.

Cats, O., Burghout, W., Toledo, T. & Koutsopoulos, H. N. (2010).
Mesoscopic Modeling of Bus Public Transportation.
Proceedings of the 89th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Jan. 2010. CTR-KTH-CP2010:01.

Huang, Z., Ma, X. &Koutsopoulos, H. (2010).
A Numerical Optimization Approach for Calibration of Dynamic Emission Models using Aggregate Estimation by ARTEMIS.
Proceeding of the 13th IEEE international conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, (IEEE ITSC’10), Portugal, Oct. 2010. CTR-KTH-CP2010:06.

Kristoffersson, I. (2010).
Departure Time Choice Effects of Congestion Charges with and without Time Differentiation.
Proceedings of the 12th World Conference on Transport Research, Lisbon, June. 2010.CTR-KTH-CP2010:02.

Kristoffersson, I. (2010).
Modifications of the Stockholm Congestion Pricing Scheme and Effects on Different User Groups.
Proceedings of the 50th European Congress of the Regional Science Association, Sept. Jönköping, 2010.CTR-KTH-CP2010:03.

Lei, W., Ma, X. & Chen, H. (2010).
Assessment of Traffic Environment using Fine-tuned Dynamic Vehicle Emission Models.
Proceeding of the 13th IEEE international conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, (IEEE ITSC’10), Portugal, Oct. 2010. CTR-KTH-CP2010:05.

Ma, X. & Koutsopoulos, H. (2010).
The Camera based Spatial Travel Time Information: analysis platform and estimation approaches.
Proceeding of the 15th international conference of the Hong Kong Society for Transport Studies (HKSTS), Hong Kong, December 2010. CTR-KTH-CP2010:07.

Ma, X., Lei, W. & Chen, H. (2010).
Environmental Impact of Road Transport: Emission Modeling for Evaluation of Urban Traffic Controls.
Proceeding of the international conference on sustainable urbanization, Hong Kong, December 2010. CTR-KTH-CP2010:08.

Olstam, J. & Tapani, A. (2010).
Enhancements to the Intelligent Driver Model.
TRB annual meeting, Washington D.C., Jan 2010. CTR-VTI-CP2010:01.

Tapani, A. (2010).
Estimating traffic system wide impacts of driver assistance systems using traffic simulation.
Proceeding of the HMAT workshop on Human Modelling in Assisted Transportation, Belgriate, 2010. CTR-VTI-CP2010:02.


Burghout, W., Koutsopoulos, H. N. & Andreasson, I. (2009).
Incident Management: Tools and Methods for Simulation Based Prediction.
Proceeding of ITS World Congress 2009, Stockholm.

Cats, O., Burghout, W., Toledo, T. & Koutsopoulos, H. N. (2009).
Mesoscopic modelling of bus public transport.
Proceedings of ITS World Congress 2009, Stockholm.

Huang, Z. & Ma, X. (2009).
Integration of emission and fuel consumption computing with traffic simulation using a distributed framework.
The 12th IEEE international conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, St. Louis, Missouri, Oct. 2009.

Ma, X. & Baradahan, S. (2009).
Space travel time information system in Stockholm city: prototype system and algorithm developments using AVI measurement data.
Scientific Paper at the 16th ITS World Congress, Stockholm, Sept. 2009.

Ma, X., Burghout, W,. Andréasson, I. & Koutsopoulos, H. (2009).
Evaluation of real-time travel time estimation methods and disruption warning using noisy AVI measurements.
The 88th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Jan. 2009.

Ma, X., Huang, Z., Zaman, A. G. & Andréasson, I. (2009).
A prototype distributed simulation platform for online energy consumption and traffic emission predictions.
The 11th International Conference on Computers for Urban Planning and Urban Management (CUPUM09), June 2009.

Olstam, J. (2009).
Combining autonomous vehicles and controlled events in driving simulator experiments.
Proceedings of Young Researchers Seminar (YRS09), Turin, Italy; (Received "Best paper award").

Tapani, A. (2009).
Traffic simulation modelling of driving assistant systems.
Proceedings of the internation conference on road safety and simulation, Paris, 2009.

Tapani, A. (2009).
Traffic simulation modelling of driving assistant systems.
Proceedings of ITS World COngress 2009, Stockholm.


Avery, R., Burghout, W. & Andreasson, I. (2008).
An Interactive Tool for Collecting Traveler Behavior Information.
Proceedings of the 87th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Jan. 2008.

Cats, O., Toledo, T., Burghout, W. & Koutsopoulos, H. N. (2008).
Mesoscopic simulation for transit.
International Symposium on Transport Simulation 2008, Queensland, Australia.

Ekström, J., Engelson, L. & Rydergren, C. (2008).
A heuristic method for finding congestion pricing schemes in transportation networks with modal choice.
International conference of Hong Kong society for transportation studies (2008: Hong Kong )p. 773 - 782 Hong Kong, China : Hong Kong Society of Transportation Studies Ltd., 2008.

Ekström, J., Engelson, L. & Rydergren, C. (2008).
Decision support for finding locations and toll levels within a congestion pricing scheme.
Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting Washington D.C., Jan. 2008.

Ma, X. & Koutsopoulos, H. (2008).
A new on-line travel time estimation approach using distorted automatted vehicle identification data.
IEEE international conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, (IEEE ITSC08), Oct. 2008.

Janson Olstam, J., Rydergren, C. & Matstoms, P. (2008).
Estimation of Volume Delay Functions for Urban Environments Based on an Analytical Intersection Model.
Proceedings of the 87th annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, USA.

Tapani, A., Hegeman, G. & Hoogendoorn, S. (2008).
On the application of microscopic traffic simulation models in different regions.
Proceedings of the 87th annual TRB meeting 2008.


Burghout, W. & Koutsopoulos, H. N. (2007).
Vehicle loading in traffic simulation models.
Proceedings of the 86th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Jan. 2007.

Burghout, W. & Wahlstedt, J. (2007).
Hybrid traffic simulation with adaptive signal control.
Proceedings of the 86th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Jan. 2007.

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Decision support for finding locations and toll levels within congestion pricing schemes.
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Implementation of departure time and mode choice model with travel time uncertainty.
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Ma, X. & Andreasson, I. (2007).
Statistical analysis of driver behavioraldata in different regimes of the car-following stage.
Proceedings of the 86th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Jan. 2007.

Ma, X. & Jansson, M. (2007).
Model estimation for car-following dynamics based on adaptive filtering approach.
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Combination of autonomous and controlled vehicles in driving simulator scenarios.
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Hybrid traffic simulation models: vehicle loading at meso-micro boundaries.
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A discrete-event mesoscopic traffic simulation model for hybrid traffic simulation.
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Rural highway design through traffic simulation.
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Evaluation of Safety Effects of Driver Assistance Systems through Traffic Simulation.
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A neural-fuzzy framework for modeling car-following behavior.
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Ma, X. & Andréasson, I. (2006).
Driver reaction delay estimation from real data and its application in GM-type model evaluation.
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Generation and simulation of surrounding vehicles in a driving simulator.
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Hybrid mesoscopic-microscopic traffic simulation.
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Dynamic car following data collection and the noise cancellation based on the Kalman smoothing algorithm.
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Simulation of rural traffic for driving simulators.
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Resolving the driver's dilemma: Improving vehicle actuated signal control for safety and performance.
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Toward an integrated car-following and lane-changing model based on neural-fuzzy approach.
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A versatile model for rural road traffic simulation.
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