KTH Climate Action Centre Multi-disciplinary research team At the heart of KTH Climate Action Centre is our multi-disciplinary research team, which conducts and coordinates the centre's research projects. Daniel Adshead postdoc adshead@kth.se Profile Haluk Akay haluk@kth.se Profile Shoaib Azizi postdoc sazizi@kth.se Profile Christophe Duwig professor duwig@kth.se , 0737652262 Profile Elina Eriksson associate professor elina@kth.se , +4687906277 Profile Anna Furberg postdoc annafur@kth.se , 0737650509 Profile Francesco Fuso-Nerini associate professor francesco.fusonerini@energy.kth.se Profile Mattias Höjer professor mattias.hojer@abe.kth.se , +4687906451 Profile Francesca Larosa postdoc larosa@kth.se Profile Ricardo Vinuesa Motilva associate professor rvinuesa@mech.kth.se , +4687907152 Profile