TEDxKTH Salon: Facets of AI – Exploring the Various Uses of AI in Research
Artificiell intelligens (AI) är idag en integrerad del av våra liv och det finns en stor nyfikenhet kring hur det tillämpas inom olika områden. Hur banbrytande är AI och hur ser användningen ut inom olika forskningsfält?
Se inspelningen av TEDxKTH Salon
När? Torsdag 16 maj 2024, 17.30–20.00 Var?Ångdomen
, KTH Biblioteket, Osquars backe 31 och via
TEDxKTH den 16 maj är för närvarande fullbokat på plats i Ångdomen. Du kan istället följa sändningen via Youtube.
Välkomna till TEDxKTH Salon där forskare från olika discipliner sammanstrålar för att belysa möjligheterna med AI.
TEDxKTH Salon anordnas av KTH Biblioteket i samarbete med
KTH AI Society
. För deltagande via live-streaming på Youtube behövs ingen anmälan. Evenemanget är på engelska.
17.00 Dörrar öppnas
17.15 Fika
17.30 Välkommen! Moderator Avid Fayaz
“What might we lose when we begin to rely on generative AI?” – Haluk Akay, KTH
"Sustainable AI for sustainable societies" – Francesca Larosa, KTH
"Tackling climate change using AI" – Olof Mogren, RISE
"AI and research – tool, collaborator or spy?" – Arnold Pears, KTH
"AI in the OR: advances of artificial intelligence in the operating room" – Mario Romero, KTH
18.40 Paus
18.55 Programmet fortsätter
"Towards face-to-face interaction with AI” – Gabriel Skantze, KTH
"Nobody’s perfect, not even your robot: Understanding and resolving failures in human-robot interaction" – Rebecca Stower, KTH
19.20 Panelsamtal (sänds inte live på Youtube)
20.00 Slut
Haluk Akay
Haluk Akay
is a postdoc at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, researching data-driven engineering design methods applied to sustainable manufacturing cases in Sweden. Haluk holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from MIT developing language model-based design representation methods. He also has experience fabricating micro-scale energy harvesting systems and in consumer electronics product design.
Francesca Larosa
Francesca Larosa
is a Marie Curie Fellow at Royal Institute of Technology, where she leads her project on sustainability trade-offs of AI investments. Her research focuses on the two-way relationship between the green and digital transition and aims at advancing policy-relevant actions to reach a climate-compatible and sustainable society by 2030.
Olof Mogren
Olof Mogren
, with a PhD in machine learning from Chalmers University of Technology, is the director of deep learning research at RISE. His expertise lies in applied AI modeling, particularly in computer vision and soundscape analysis for climate change adaptation and environmental monitoring.
Arnold Pears
Arnold Pears
is a Professor of Engineering Education at KTH and has more than 30 years of experience as a discipline based educational researcher in the computing and engineering disciplines. He is passionate about broader participation in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics disciplines, and believes firmly that creativity, and the sense of achievement associated with solving a challenge are some of the most powerful motivational forces for human endeavour.
Mario Romero
Mario Romero
is an Associate Professor at KTH, the National Technical Manager of InfraVis, the Swedish research infrastructure for data visualization, and a member of the Digital Futures Executive Committee. His research focuses on how immersive visualizations enhance human learning and cognition.
Gabriel Skantze
Gabriel Skantze
is a Professor of Conversational AI at KTH. His research is focused on using AI to model spoken, face-to-face interaction between humans and robots and understanding the potential applications of the technology. He is also co-founder and Chief scientist of the company Furhat Robotics.
Rebecca Stower
Rebecca Stower
is a postdoctoral researcher at the Division of Robotics, Perception, and Learning at KTH. Her background is in experimental and social psychology and she is passionate about combining psychology with technology. Her research focuses on human-robot-interaction, and especially what happens when robots fail.
Moderator, Avid Fayaz
Avid Fayaz
studies computer science at KTH and is the head of education at the KTH AI Society. He is also the host of The AI Pod, a scientific podcast focused on studying the impacts of artificial intelligence.
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