Hierarchy of classes

The table shows classes above and classes immediately below the current class.
Level Class label P_total Tot. no. of
Swe. publ.
No. of Mine
and minerals
research publ.
No. of Swe.
Mine and
Basic info - Whole publ. class Statistics per country Statistics per organization Swe. Org. statistics
4 POLYMER SCIENCE//ENGINEERING, CHEMICAL//CHEMISTRY, PHYSICAL 1528447 21980 35010 697 Basic info - Whole publ. class Country statistics Organization statistics Swe. Org. statistics
3             BIOSORPTION//MICROBIAL FUEL CELL//ADSORPTION 62734 572 18924 282 Basic info - Whole publ. class Country statistics Organization statistics Swe. Org. statistics
3             MINERALS ENGINEERING//INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MINERAL PROCESSING//FLOTATION 16882 343 9022 256 Basic info - Whole publ. class Country statistics Organization statistics Swe. Org. statistics
3             GROUND WATER//ENGINEERING, PETROLEUM//WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH 40459 481 1573 13 Basic info - Whole publ. class Country statistics Organization statistics Swe. Org. statistics
3             ATOMIC FORCE MICROSCOPY//SELF ASSEMBLED MONOLAYERS//ATOMIC FORCE MICROSCOPE 36713 441 1326 100 Basic info - Whole publ. class Country statistics Organization statistics Swe. Org. statistics
3             NACRE//BIOMINERALIZATION//CALCIUM CARBONATE 14060 148 1093 13 Basic info - Whole publ. class Country statistics Organization statistics Swe. Org. statistics
3             JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA//FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA//JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS 43118 277 861 7 Basic info - Whole publ. class Country statistics Organization statistics Swe. Org. statistics
3             FUEL//ENERGY & FUELS//PYROLYSIS 37064 804 790 12 Basic info - Whole publ. class Country statistics Organization statistics Swe. Org. statistics
3             POWDER TECHNOLOGY//FLUIDIZATION//GRANULAR MATTER 29094 349 703 8 Basic info - Whole publ. class Country statistics Organization statistics Swe. Org. statistics
3             JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT MATERIAL SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES//ELECTRORHEOLOGICAL FLUID//MAGNETIC NANOPARTICLES 30128 217 575 5 Basic info - Whole publ. class Country statistics Organization statistics Swe. Org. statistics
3             JOURNAL OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS//SUPERCRITICAL CARBON DIOXIDE//SUPERCRITICAL FLUID EXTRACTION 14644 177 143 1 Basic info - Whole publ. class Country statistics Organization statistics Swe. Org. statistics

Publications per year within Mine and minerals research

1990-1994 1995-1999 2000-2004 2005-2009 2010-2014 All years
3804 5420 6565 8587 10634 35010

Bar chart of publication_year

Publications per year, all publications in class

1990-1994 1995-1999 2000-2004 2005-2009 2010-2014 All years
174660 222088 264127 366308 501264 1528447

Bar chart of publication_year