Hierarchy of classes

The table shows classes above and classes immediately below the current class.
Level Class label P_total Tot. no. of
Swe. publ.
No. of Mine
and minerals
research publ.
No. of Swe.
Mine and
Basic info - Whole publ. class Statistics per country Statistics per organization Swe. Org. statistics
4 PLANT SCIENCES//AGRONOMY//HORTICULTURE 1576817 27149 21836 489 Basic info - Whole publ. class Country statistics Organization statistics Swe. Org. statistics
3             HEAVY METALS//CADMIUM//ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY 59404 1019 15024 330 Basic info - Whole publ. class Country statistics Organization statistics Swe. Org. statistics
2                         HEAVY METALS//PHYTOREMEDIATION//PHYTOEXTRACTION 20872 289 7772 159 Basic info - Whole publ. class Country statistics Organization statistics Swe. Org. statistics
2                         ACID MINE DRAINAGE//ACID SULFATE SOIL//ACID SULFATE SOILS 2732 133 2732 133 Basic info - Whole publ. class Country statistics Organization statistics Swe. Org. statistics
2                         WATER QUALITY INDEX//GROUNDWATER QUALITY//ENRICHMENT FACTOR 6679 36 2345 14 Basic info - Whole publ. class Country statistics Organization statistics Swe. Org. statistics
2                         JOURNAL OF GEOCHEMICAL EXPLORATION//GEOCHEMISTRY-EXPLORATION ENVIRONMENT ANALYSIS//COMPOSITIONAL DATA 1667 15 1493 15 Basic info - Whole publ. class Country statistics Organization statistics Swe. Org. statistics
2                         ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY//SEDIMENT TOXICITY//CHIRONOMUS RIPARIUS 7138 135 682 9 Basic info - Whole publ. class Country statistics Organization statistics Swe. Org. statistics

Publications per year within Mine and minerals research

1990-1994 1995-1999 2000-2004 2005-2009 2010-2014 All years
1318 1880 2553 3909 5364 15024

Bar chart of publication_year

Publications per year, all publications in class

1990-1994 1995-1999 2000-2004 2005-2009 2010-2014 All years
6271 8531 10443 14875 19284 59404

Bar chart of publication_year