Hierarchy of classes

The table shows classes above and classes immediately below the current class.
Level Class label P_total Tot. no. of
Swe. publ.
No. of Mine
and minerals
research publ.
No. of Swe.
Mine and
Basic info - Whole publ. class Statistics per country Statistics per organization Swe. Org. statistics
4 PHYSICS, CONDENSED MATTER//PHYSICS, APPLIED//MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY 1303122 18572 28124 532 Basic info - Whole publ. class Country statistics Organization statistics Swe. Org. statistics
3             POSITRON ANNIHILATION//POSITRONIUM//MAEAM 20919 337 1989 132 Basic info - Whole publ. class Country statistics Organization statistics Swe. Org. statistics
2                         SHOCK WAVE DETONAT PHYS//HIGH PRESSURE RESEARCH//SCI EXTREME CONDIT 7531 199 1989 132 Basic info - Whole publ. class Country statistics Organization statistics Swe. Org. statistics

Publications per year within Mine and minerals research

1990-1994 1995-1999 2000-2004 2005-2009 2010-2014 All years
174 246 420 557 592 1989

Bar chart of publication_year

Publications per year, all publications in class

1990-1994 1995-1999 2000-2004 2005-2009 2010-2014 All years
3432 4087 4307 4560 4533 20919

Bar chart of publication_year