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FFF Seminar: Wearable and Immersive Technologies for Good: Designing Technology to Support Mental Health and Well-being

We are pleased to invite you to our next FFF seminar with Alexandra Kitson from Simon Fraser University.

Tid: Fr 2023-06-02 kl 16.00

Språk: English

Medverkande: Alexandra Kitson, Simon Fraser University

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As the industry drives advancements in on-body (wearable) and immersive (VR/AR) technologies, it becomes crucial for HCI researchers to play a role in shaping a more positive future. They need to consider potential ethical issues, propose mitigations, and ensure that the knowledge being generated incorporates the perspectives of a diverse population. Dr. Kitson’s research focuses on exploring the potential of technologically-mediated interventions for mental health and well-being. She has designed, developed, and evaluated technical prototypes to gain insights into both the long-term implications and transformative possibilities of wearable and immersive technologies. Examples include a neurofeedback-augmented AI-enhanced virtual reality experience that simulates aspects of lucid dreaming. She has also created a breathing wearable maker kit for youth, enabling them to reflect on its long-term impact on their sense of self. Additionally, Dr. Kitson has developed a virtual reality application that facilitates the learning process of emotion regulation skills. In her talk, Dr. Kitson will discuss the integration of theory, input from experts in practice, and engagement with community stakeholders in the design, development, and evaluation of mental health and well-being technologies. She hopes to inspire a discussion about how emerging technologies can go beyond treating mental illness to promote flourishing.


Dr. Alexandra Kitson is a postdoctoral fellow in the School of Interactive Arts and Technology at Simon Fraser University in Canada. She is actively involved in research within the Tangible Embodied Child-Computer Interaction Lab. Dr. Kitson’s work revolves around collaborating with various community stakeholders, including industry partners and vulnerable populations. Her primary focus is to facilitate the design, development, and evaluation of digital well-being and mental health technologies. By harnessing the potential of emerging technologies such as wearables and mixed reality, Dr. Kitson aims to increase accessibility to mental health and well-being support systems. Simultaneously, she strives to empower diverse populations by recognizing their expertise as individuals with unique lived experiences.