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Böcker, bokrecensioner och kapitel i böcker

E. Smeds, "Urban transport experimentation - a network or hybrid governance process?," i Handbook of Transportation and Public Policy, Anthony Perl, Rosalie Ray, Louise Reardon red., London : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2025.
A. Alyaseen et al., "From waste to resource : Incorporating foundry sand in SCC for sustainable construction solutions," i Alternative Cementitious Materials for Self-Compacting Concrete : Woodhead Publishing Series in Civil and Structural Engineering, : Elsevier BV, 2024, s. 205-224.
S. Brolund de Carvalho et al., Solidarity Report : Two Witness Seminars on Danish and Swedish Welfare Housing in Crisis. 1. uppl. Stockholm : Aktion Arkiv, 2024.
V. Ceccato, Säkra städer : Aktivt arbete mot brottskoncentration. 1. uppl. Stockholm : Studentlitteratur AB, 2024.
A. Cowie et al., "Biochar, greenhouse gas accounting, and climate change mitigation," i Biochar for Environmental Management: Science, Technology and Implementation, : Informa UK Limited, 2024, s. 759-784.
C. Gustafsson, S. Lundström och B. Söderberg, "Bostadsmarknaden och dess upplåtelseformer," i Fastighetsnomenklatur : Fastighetsekonomi och fastighetsrätt, Institutet för värdering av fastigheter och Samhällsbyggarna red., 15. uppl. Lund : Studentlitteratur AB, 2024, s. 469-488.
C. Gustafsson och B. Söderberg, "Uthyrning och hyreskontrakt," i Fastighetsnomenklatur : Fastighetsekonomi och fastighetsrätt, Institutet för värdering av fastigheter och Samhällsbyggarna red., 15. uppl. Lund : Studentlitteratur AB, 2024, s. 357-384.
"Geographies of Nuclear Energy in Past and Present : International Studies," Mannheim, GESIS, Historical Social Research, 49.1, 2024.
P. Högselius, Death on the Beach : Essays from a Marginal World. London and Los Angeles : Barbican Press, 2024.
P. Högselius, Kärnkraften. Göteborg & Stockholm : Makadam Förlag, 2024.
P. Högselius och A. Klüppelberg, The Soviet Nuclear Archipelago : A Historical Geography of Atomic-Powered Communism. Vienna/ Budapest/ New York : Central European University Press, 2024.
E. Isberg, "Havsarkivet," i Bildningsboxen 3, Magnus Bremmer, Lars Molin and Hedvig Härnsten red., Stockholm : Norstedts Förlag, 2024.
S. Jolly, "Governing the transition towards smart grids through organised industry events," i Smart cities, energy and climate: governing cities for a low-carbon future, Oleg Golubchikov, Komali Yenneti red., : Wiley, 2024, s. 277-291.
A. Kaijser et al., Maktens maskiner : Hur stora datorer moderniserade folkhemmet. 1. uppl. Lund : Arkiv förlag & tidskrift, 2024.
Z. Kalantari, C. S. Ferreira och O. Rahmati, "Water and Cities: Natural Solutions to the Urban Challenges," i Elgar Encyclopedia of Water Policy, Economics and Management, : Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 2024, s. 312-314.
D. Kitsakis et al., "Бүлэг 1 Эрх зүйн үндэслэл (Chapter 1: Legal foundations)," i 3DКАДАСТРЫН ШИЛДЭГ ТУРШЛАГУУД (Best Practices 3D Cadastres), Peter van Oosterom red., Copenhagen : International Federation of Surveyors (FIG), 2024, s. 1-67.
A. Klüppelberg, "Water, Fish, and Contamination in Chernobyl’s Cooling Pond," i The Nuclear-Water Nexus, Per Högselius and Siegfried Evens red., Cambridge, MA : MIT Press, 2024.
D. Koch, "Narrative, dramaturgy, and spatial choreography : Movement and subjectivity in museum configurations," i Museum Configurations : An Inquiry Into The Design Of Spatial Syntaxes, John Peponis red., New York : Routledge, 2024, s. 120-159.
J. Lehmann et al., "Persistence of biochar: Mechanisms, measurements, predictions," i Biochar for Environmental Management: Science, Technology and Implementation, : Taylor and Francis, 2024, s. 277-311.
F. Mazzeo Rinaldi et al., "A classification algorithm to link official documents to Sustainable Development Goals," i Towards Sustainable Futures: The Role of Evaluation, : Informa UK Limited, 2024, s. 166-185.
K. Müller, "Responsive Research Quality Articulations of the Humanities," i Making Universities Matter : Innovation, Technology, and Knowledge Management, Pauline Mattsson; Eugenia Perez Vico; Linus Salö red., Cham, Switzerland : Springer Nature, 2024, s. 165-184.
K. Müller, "Varför våga lita på det omätbara?," i Humanioras betydelse – en idéskrift, Lovisa Brännstedt, Linus Salö & Kim Silow Kallenberg red., Lund : Humtank, 2024, s. 77-81.
E. Perez Vico et al., "Valorizing the Humanities," i Making Universities Matter: Collaboration, Engagement, Impact, Pauline Mattsson, Eugenia Perez Vico & Linus Salö red., Cham, Switzerland : Springer Nature, 2024, s. 211-232.
A. H. Persson, "Konsumenter som borgenärer i insolvensförfaranden : Vänbok till Gertrud Lennander," i Vänbok till Gertrud Lennander, Kerstin Calisendorff, Annina H Persson, Marie Karlsson- Tuula, Hans Renman red., Stockholm : Jure, 2024, s. 161-167.
A. H. Persson, "Om snabbspår för mikroföretag i spansk rätt," i Festskrift till Mikael Möller, Jonathan Schytzer, Peter Strömgren, Margareta Brattström red., Uppsala : Iustus förlag, 2024, s. 427-441.
L. Rahm, "Bildung : an exploration of postdigital education in the Anthropocene," i Framing Futures in Postdigital Education : Critical Concepts for Data-driven Practices, Anders Buch, Ylva Lindberg, Teresa Cerratto Pargman red., : Springer Nature, 2024, s. 119-137.
P. Roberts och K. Lindström, "Animals, colonialism and Antarctica," i Colonialism and Antarctica : Attitudes, logics and practices, Roberts, P. and Mancilla, A. red., Manchester : Manchester University Press, 2024, s. 225-247.
C. Sundberg och E. S. Azzi, "Biochar sustainability," i Biochar for Environmental Management: Science, Technology and Implementation, : Informa UK Limited, 2024, s. 785-804.
S. Sörlin, "Ett utvidgat uppdrag," i Humanioras betydelse : en idéskrift, Lovisa Brännstedt, Linus Salö & Kim Silow Kallenberg red., 1. uppl. Lund : Humtank, 2024, s. 35-43.
M. Armiero, "Foreword," i Basilicata and Southern Italy between Film and Ecology, : Springer Nature, 2023, s. 1-269.
C. Bengtsdotter et al., Katalysator : Restaureringskonst 2022–2023. Stockholm : Kungl. Konsthögskolan, 2023.
S. H. Bengtsson, "Urban development project ecologies : An organisational routines perspective," i Construction Project Organising, : Wiley Blackwell, 2023, s. 135-147.
A. Bergström, "I städernas mitt : Restaurering i miljömedvetandets tid," i Katalysator : Restaureringskonst 2022–2023, Lone-Pia Bach, Victor Edman red., Stockholm : Kungl. Konsthögskolan, 2023, s. 9-27.
F. Bertilsson, "Användbar humaniora : Textbedömning, argumentationsanalys och källkritik i den svenska försvarsforskningen och det psykologiska försvaret," i Humaniora i välfärdssamhället : Kunskapshistorier om efterkrigstiden, Johan Östling, Anton Svensson och Ragni Svensson Stringberg red., Göteborg & Stockholm : Makadam Förlag, 2023, s. 267-289.
W. J. Boonstra, R. Hedling och A. Rieser, "Urban nature does not stop at the waterfront, neither should urban planning: A case study of street fishing in Stockholm," i Climate-Proof Planning : Creative Design Solutions in Stockholm, Ressano Garcia, Pedro; Suleiman, Lina; Larsen, Katarina red., Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2023.
E. Brandão et al., "Design Activism in Education : Making Changes to the Architectural Profession through Collaborative and Radical Pedagogy," i Emerging Perspectives on Teaching Architecture and Urbanism, Newcastle : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2023, s. 137-171.
R. Danenberg, "Main Street Morphology, Adaptability, and Resilience," i Streetlife : Urban Retail Dynamics and Prospects, Conrad Kickert, Emily Talen red., : University of Toronto Press, 2023, s. 244-259.
C. Dobbs, D. Haase och U. Mörtberg, "Understanding land use, land cover, and landscape patterns of the world's cities for sustainable biodiversity planning," i The Routledge Handbook of urban biodiversity, C. Nilon and M. Aronson red., 1. uppl. : Taylor & Francis, 2023, s. 20.
F. Emil och E. Isberg, "Temporality and Environmental History in the Anthropocene : Timing Climates, Modelling Futures," i The Routledge Handbook of Environmental History, Emily O'Gorman, William San Martín, Mark Carey and Sandra Swart red., 1. uppl. London : Routledge, 2023, s. 217-229.
C. S.S. Ferreira et al., "Agricultural Land Degradation in Portugal and Greece," i Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, : Springer Nature, 2023, s. 105-137.
C. S.S. Ferreira et al., "Impacts of land use and land cover changes on soil erosion," i Remote Sensing of Soil and Land Surface Processes: Monitoring, Mapping, and Modeling, : Elsevier BV, 2023, s. 229-248.
S. O. Hansson, "The Failure of Luck Anti-Egalitarianism," i Risk and Responsibility in Context, : Informa UK Limited, 2023, s. 111-126.
P. Högselius, "The political history of fossil fuels: Coal, oil, and natural gas in global perspective," i Handbook on the Geopolitics of the Energy Transition, : Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 2023, s. 67-83.
P. Högselius, "The Political History of Fossil Fuels : Coal, Oil, and Natural Gas in Global Perspective," i Handbook on the Geopolitics of the Energy Transition, Daniel Scholten red., Cheltenham, UK & Northampton, MA : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023.
S. Höhler, "Spaceship Earth : A Review of a Concept," i Objective: Earth : Designing Our Planet, Jolanthe Kugler, Scott Longfellow red., Lausanne : mudac Museum of Contemporary Design and Applied Arts, 2023, s. 112-125.
K. Isaksson, L. Eriksson och J. Witzell, "Discursive power dynamics affecting how climate targets are framed and integrated in national transport planning : The case of Sweden," i Discourse Analysis in Transport and Urban Development : Interpretation, Diversity and Controversy, Robin Hickman, Christine Hannigan red., : Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 2023, s. 39-51.
A. Karvonen och J. Bylund, "Blessed mess : New modes of thinking, acting, and learning for sustainable urban transformations," i A Research Agenda for Sustainable Cities and Communities, : Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 2023, s. 131-139.
S. Keerthanan, P. Bhattacharya och M. Vithanage, "Geochemical provenance of metalloids and their release : Implications on medical geology," i Medical Geology : En route to One Health, : Wiley, 2023, s. 217-234.
A. Klüppelberg, "Using Historical Media to Start a Public Debate on Nuclear Energy : Watching HBO's “Chernobyl” 25 Metres Underground," i Public History in Action : Past and Present Practices of Making History Public, Armel Cornu, Carl-Filip Smedberg, Sarah Vorminder red., Uppsala : Opuscula Historica Upsaliensia, 2023, s. 93-111.
Fullständig lista i KTH:s publikationsportal
Tillhör: Skolan för arkitektur och samhällsbyggnad (ABE)
Senast ändrad: 2021-04-08