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Doktorsintervjuer 2018

New Doctor

Rapid Urbanization: An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Urban Transition in Developing Countries

Kyle Farrell wanted to better understand the dynamics underpinning the unprecedented growth of cities in developing countries. He found that changing macrolevel circumstances, particularly those related to economic and demographic trends, have accelerated the urbanization process presenting new challenges for managing the growth of cities.


Marknadsorientering bland allmännyttiga bostadsföretag och dess inverkan på val av byggstrategier

Zahra Ahmadi hur studerat hur de allmännyttiga bostadsföretagen arbetar marknadsorienterat och vilken inverkan det har på val av byggstrategier. Hennes avhandling visar att utvecklingen inom de svenska allmännyttiga bostadsföretagen är starkt påverkad av förändringar som rör ny lagstiftning, ekonomiska och demografiska förhållanden.

New Doctor

Producing Publicness: Investigating the dialectics of unintended consequences in urban design

Elahe Karimnia wanted to understand and solve the gap between design intentions and outcomes in relation to quality of publicness in urban spaces. She found that rather than being a problem to solve, the gap provides a potential that should be welcomed.

New Doctor

The Construction of Construction: The Wenner-Gren Center and the possibility of steel building in postwar Sweden

Frida Rosenberg has studied the construction of the Wenner-Gren Center (1954 - 1966). She found that the high-rise building can be understood not only as a specific building designed for research administration, but also as a collective and purposeful attempt to research construction whilst building the structure.

New Doctor

Monitoring and modeling hydrological impacts on roads and resulting pollution on groundwater

Hedi Rasul's research aims to increase awareness of hydrological conditions of water and solute transport in road layers down to the groundwater in order to minimise environmental impacts during construction and operation.


Analys av strategiskt beslutsfattande i fastighetsinvestering

Sigrid Katzler har studerat fastighetsinvesterares strategiska beslutsfattande på olika nivåer. Hennes avhandling visar bl.a. att potentialen för riskspridning mellan indirekta och direkta fastighetstillgångar är begränsad och att diversifiering över fastighetstyp är en bättre strategi för den svenska fastighetsportföljen än att diversifiera över regioner.

New Doctor

New models to evaluate the inelastic dynamic response of steel structures in collision

Piseth Heng has studied solutions for vehicle collisions leading to failure of load bearing columns.
In a time where the risks of terrorist acts or extreme accidents leading to vehicles colliding into loadbearing columns of regular buildings is an increasing worry, his suggested mechanical models to prevent collapse could make a difference.

Tillhör: Skolan för arkitektur och samhällsbyggnad (ABE)
Senast ändrad: 2019-01-03