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Graduate level courses, mathematics, 2018-2019

The "broad courses" are supposed to be accessible and meaningful for all graduate students, not only those working in the particular subject area.

The "reading courses" are courses without traditional lectures. There should still be some form of regular course meetings where for example the participants present material for each other.

If not otherwise stated the courses are for 7.5hp credits.

Fall 2018



Theory of distributions  (broad course)

Pavel Kurasov (SU)

SF3670 Semi-Riemannian geometry  (reading course)

Mattias Dahl (KTH)
Hans Ringström (KTH)
SF3625 Partial Differential Equations John Andersson (KTH)

Fall 2018/Spring 2019

Advanced Topics in Proof Theory and the Foundations of Mathematics Erik Palmgren (SU)

Spring 2019

Fourier analysis methods for PDEs

Salvador Rodrigues-Lopez (SU)
Odysseas Bakas (SU)

SF3709 Characteristic classes (broad course) Tilman Bauer (KTH)
Tannakian categories Wushi Goldring (SU)
Andreas Holmström (SU)
A short course on Cohen-Macaulay complexes Afshin Goodarzi (KTH)