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Education in the laserphysics group

Undergraduate courses

Laser physics 1, SK2411, 7,5 hp

Applied Electromagnetism SK2310, 6hp  Last given 2013

Elektromagnetism och vågrörelselära SK1111, 7.5 hp  Last given 2013

Vågor och partiklar SK1131 Discontinued

Graduate courses

Nonlinear optical technology SK3421, 12 hp  Ongoing

Nanofabrication, SK3760 7.5 hp  Last given 2013

Laserphysics - Siegman SK3410/3411, 10,5/12 hp

Thesis projects

We have Master- or Bachelor thesis projects at the department or in the industry in the following fields:

  • Lasers, nonlinear optics and optical materials
  • Optronics, photonics and fiber optics
  • Semiconductor physics and IR-physics and technology

Please contact us to find out more:

Carlota Canalias

Michael Fokine

Fredrik Laurell

Valdas Pasiskevicius