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Program - 2019

13.45 - 14.15 - Registration at AlbaNova entrance level 5, with coffee and tea

14.15 - 15.30 - Scientific talks in Oscar Klein Auditorium (FR4), level 4 at AlbaNova

  • Welcome by Oscar Tjernberg, head of Department
  • Gentler and Faster Fluorescence Nanoscopy for live cell imaging - Ilaria Testa, Associate Professor at Biophysics division, Applied Physics, KTH
  • Photons and electrons for sustainable cleaning of water - Professor Joydeep Dutta at Materials and Nano Physics division, Applied Physics, KTH

15.30 - 16.15 - Fika and poster session

16.15 - 17.30 - Scientific talk and alumni talks in Oscar Klein Auditorium (FR4), level 4 at AlbaNova

  • Multifunctional Materials for Green Energy - Martin Månsson, Associate Professor at Materials and Nano Physics division, Applied Physics, KTH

Alumni talks by:

  • Skillful Candidate!? YOU BET! - Mohsen Tafti
  • What can you do with a PhD? Ask Prof. Balthazar - Ida Iranmanesh

17.30 - 18.15 - Mingle and poster session

18.30 - Dinner at Syster O Bror (at KTH Main Campus)