Vinnovapengar till Multicore-forskning
Professor Mats Brorsson har fått 2 Mkr från Vinnova för för projektet "Scalability and Programmability in the Manycore era". Därtill kommer 2,3 Mkr från industripartners, varav Ericsson bidrar med 1 Mkr.
Forskningen bedrivs inom ramen för SICS-projektet "Industrial Multicore Research" vid Kista Multicore Center.
We propose a project addressing the challenges for Swedish software-intensive systems industry of scalability and programmability of emerging manycore architectures. This involves both near-term challenges and preparing for the longer-term technology evolution.
In response to near-term challenges, we will explore execution models of industrial applications on many-core platforms and a qualitative and application-drive characterization of multicore architectures in different industrial-relevant use-cases. To prepare for the longer-term technology evolution, we will explore innovative tools and methods for safe task-based parallel programming.
The project will be located and managed at SICS as the research program of a joint research group formed by the proposers, under the leadership of Prof. Mats Brorsson. The budget is 7.7 MSEK, of which 2 MSEK from VINNOVA with matching contributions of 2.3 MSEK from the industrial partners and in-kind contributions from SICS and KTH amounting to 3.4 MSEK.
Expected results include industrial solutions and prototypes, open source software, publications and reports, and contributions towards Ph.D. degrees.