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Vinnovapengar till Multicore-forskning

Professor Mats Brorsson har fått 2 Mkr från Vinnova för för projektet "Scalability and Programmability in the Manycore era". Därtill kommer 2,3 Mkr från industripartners, varav Ericsson bidrar med 1 Mkr.

Professor Mats Brorsson

Forskningen bedrivs inom ramen för SICS-projektet "Industrial Multicore Research" vid Kista Multicore Center.

We propose a project addressing the challenges for Swedish software-intensive systems industry of scalability and programmability of emerging manycore architectures. This involves both near-term challenges and preparing for the longer-term technology evolution.

In response to near-term challenges, we will explore execution models of industrial applications on many-core platforms and a qualitative and application-drive characterization of multicore architectures in different industrial-relevant use-cases. To prepare for the longer-term technology evolution, we will explore innovative tools and methods for safe task-based parallel programming.

The project will be located and managed at SICS as the research program of a joint research group formed by the proposers, under the leadership of Prof. Mats Brorsson. The budget is 7.7 MSEK, of which 2 MSEK from VINNOVA with matching contributions of 2.3 MSEK from the industrial partners and in-kind contributions from SICS and KTH amounting to 3.4 MSEK.

Expected results include industrial solutions and prototypes, open source software, publications and reports, and contributions towards Ph.D. degrees.

Läs mer om projektet Industrial Multicore Research

Läs mer på Vinnovas hemsida

Kista Multicore Center