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KTH ICT students win the Nordic RFID prize

For the second year running the RFID EXPO announced RFID Nordic Scholarship for university students. This year’s winner was a team from KTH ICT with Majid B Nejad, PhD student from Iran and Zhibo Pang, visiting graduate student from China. Their contribution “TouchMe System” is a RFID Solution for Interactive Package.

prof. Li-Rong Zheng, Zhibo Pang and Majid B Nejad
The two winners Zhibo Pang and Majid B Nejad with prof. Li-Rong Zheng

10 teams competed for the scholarship. Each entry was evaluated according to novelty of idea, application potential, academic quality and Demo & prototype. The winners were announced at the RFID EXPO at the annual Technical Fair (Tekniska Mässan) October 22. The KTH ICT team have developed an interactive packaging with mediated service using advanced UWB/UHF RFID technologies”.

The two winners are of course very happy, excited and proud to be winners of this Nordic prize. And they enjoy the attention the Award means. But they are eager to give credit to an important person in the process.

“It started with an idea from prof. Li-Rong Zheng – he is a very creative manager, they explain. We begun our work about a year ago. We have developed the hardware, a multimedia terminal and also the application software for the TouchMe System.”

Majid B Nejad will finish his dissertation by the end of 2008 and hope to be able to continue doing research in Sweden. Zhibo Pang is a visiting Phd student and he also hope to be able to stay on in Sweden.