The degree project should examine an interesting problem in media technology. A task suitable as thesis work should investigate relevant questions from the subject area. The focus of the work should be on research and analysis. Any practical work, such as programming, should be of secondary importance, and aim to investigate the research questions.
The work includes making a detailed specification and schedule for the work and to search and read literature that is relevant to the degree project. The scope should be such that it is evident that the student has worked half time during one semester. The work should be presented in a report and orally. Mandatory supervision sessions will be offered.
The student should, after conducting a degree project in media technology, be able to
• apply the skills and knowledge acquired in the field of media technology at a problem
• identify, formulate and solve problems and undertake tasks in a timely manner
• reflect on, evaluate and critically discuss their own and others’ scientific results
• based on a given problem select, adapt and combine different methods, and be able to motivate and critically reflect on these choices
• search for, collect, evaluate and critically interpret relevant information
• explain and discuss information, problems and solutions
• identify needs of further knowledge and develop competence
• work independently in the field of media technology
• conducting assessments of media technology in the light of relevant scientific, societal and ethical aspects
• oral and written presentations and discussions of information, problems and solutions in dialogue with different groups.