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KTH is 73rd in the world: QS rankings!

KTH Royal Institute of Technology is one of the top public universities in Stockholm. It is ranked #73 in QS World University Rankings 2024! What an absolutely incredible year it has been! I decided to share this achievement with all of you guys and be proud together!

73rd place world rankings
#73rd in the WORLD!Woohoo!

On the 27th of June, QS released its world university rankings. In the last three years, KTH has strengthened its position as one of the top 100 universities worldwide. Joyfully, KTH jumped from 89th last year to 73rd this year! What an amazing accomplishment by all the students and staff who worked so hard!

The KTH staff and students gathered together in our magnificent main courtyard, creating an atmosphere brimming with excitement and pride as we celebrated a year filled with remarkable achievements. Amidst the vibrant energy and bustling conversations, I couldn’t help but feel a profound sense of honour in representing KTH, an institution that nurtures and empowers individuals with extraordinary potential. The event was a celebration of individual accomplishments and a recognition of the collaborative spirit that defines KTH.

kth courtyard celebration
Lovely to see everyone happy and smiling!

A sense of gratitude and optimism filled the air! It was a celebration of the past, the present, and the future—a testament to our shared commitment to push the boundaries of human understanding, to pursue excellence, and to make a positive impact on society. This year has truly been a magnificent journey, overflowing with knowledge, deep emotions, cherished memories, and an abundance of incredible individuals who have touched my life in the most wonderful ways. I am immensely grateful for the privilege of meeting such extraordinary people and for their profound impact on me.

Stefan Östlund, the Vice President of International Relations, not only extended heartfelt congratulations for this remarkable achievement but also ignited a spark of inspiration within all of us, encouraging us to passionately pursue our aspirations.

I happily say I graduated this year with a smile on my face! I moved out of my place in Stockholm and came back home to Lithuania to spend this wonderful summer with my family! Now it’s time for rest and other exciting things this summer. I can not wait for a fresh new start this coming Autumn and new adventures ahead! Lorenzo has shared some moments from his midsummer and his summer plans! What summer looks like in Stockholm can be found here!

I will give out a little secret to you! Next year, new bloggers will join our team and bring ‘fresh winds’ to you! Are you excited to hear their stories about KTH and Stockholm?!

As the academic year comes to a close, it saddens me to bid farewell to all of you. I genuinely hope that our paths will cross someday and we’ll have the opportunity to meet. Goodbye for now, and have a great summer!
