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Watch lecture with Federico Savini on Urban planning and degrowth: what, why and how

Publicerad 2024-02-15

Föreläsningen hölls den 7e februari inom TRANSPLACE doktorandkurs: Teorier om hållbarhetsomställning (FAG3189). Kursen behandlar teorier och perspektiv på målen för och hindren för hållbarhetsomställning samt strategier för omställning inom planeringsområdet.

Federico Savini is Associate Professor in Environmental Planning, Institutions and Politics at the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, University of Amsterdam. He is specialized in the study of the relationship between planning institutions, regulations, and politics. He approaches planning and urban studies from a degrowth perspective, explaining the regulations and practices that slow down, downscale, and close the metabolism of city regions.

Savini is part of the scientific advisory board attached to the school to contribute with international perspectives on the research school's themes and provide input to the various doctoral and post-doc projects.