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Dr. Roger Enblom

Roger Enblom


Department of Aeronautical and Vehicle Engineering
Division of Rail Vehicles
Royal Institute of Technology
SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden

Phone: +46-736441424




In parallel to a lengthy carrier in industrial research and development, 20 years with ABB Corporate Research and Bombardier, I have had the opportunity to pursue academic interests. The industrial background includes solid mechanics in terms of strength and fatigue analyses, structural dynamics substantiated in seismic design and rotor dynamics, and numerical optimisation applied to structures and dynamic mechanical systems like railway vehicles. The latter drew attention to the field of railway vehicle dynamics and a closer look at the features specific to that area, being the wheel-rail contact and the vehicle-track interaction.


  • Ph.D. in Railway Technology, Royal Institute of Technology, 2006.
  • Licentiate of Technology in Railway Technology with focus on wheel-rail contact and wear simulation, Royal Institute of Technology, 2004.
  • Master of Science in Applied Mathematics with focus on multidisciplinary optimisation of railway vehicles. Uppsala University/Mälardalen University, 1998.
  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science with focus on structural optimisation. Uppsala University, 1993.

Research focus

The research focus remains on modelling of deterioration mechanisms in the wheel-rail interface. The approach is multi-disciplinary, combining models from tribology, contact mechanics, and vehicle dynamics to facilitate prediction of rail and wheel durability.

Currently this work is accommodated in the project aiming at the development of models for the trade-off between wear in the sense of material loss, and rolling contact fatigue in terms of surface crack evolution, and  aiming at the development of improved contact models feasible for surface damage prediction and less restrictions compared to traditional application conditions.


Journals and conferences

  • Dirks B, Enblom R, Ekberg A, Berg M: The development of a crack propagation model for railway wheels and rails. Accepted for publication in Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, 2015.
  • Sichani M Sh, Enblom R, Berg M: A novel method to model wheel-rail normal contact in vehicle dynamics simulation. Accepted for publication in Vehicle System Dynamics, available online 2014.
  • Sichani M Sh, Enblom R, Berg M: A fast non-elliptic contact model for application to rail vehicle dynamics simulation. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance, Ajaccio (Corsica), France, April 8-11, 2014.
  • Sichani M Sh, Enblom R, Berg M: Comparison of non-elliptic contact models: Towards fast and accurate modelling of wheel–rail contact. Wear 314, 2014, pp 111-117.
  • Enblom R: Some non-standard applications of MBS in vehicle design. 18th Nordic Seminar on Railway Technology, Bergen, Norway, October 14-15, 2014.
  • Burgelman N, Sichani M Sh, Li Z, Dollevoet R, Enblom R, Berg M: Comparison of wheel/rail contact models applied for online vehicle dynamic simulation. Proceedings of 23rd IAVSD Symposium, Qingdao, China, August 19-23.
  • Sichani M Sh, Enblom R, Berg M: Comparison of non-elliptic contact models: Towards fast and accurate modelling of wheel–rail contact. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail/Wheel Systems, Chengdu, China, August 27-30, 2012.
  • Kabo E, Enblom R, Ekberg A: A simplified index for evaluating subsurface initiated rolling contact fatigue from field measurements. Wear 271, 2011, pp 120-124.
  • Enblom R, Stichel S: Industrial implementation of novel procedures for prediction of railway wheel surface deterioration. Wear 271, 2011, pp 203-209.
  • Dirks B, Enblom R: Prediction model for wheel profile wear and rolling contact fatigue. Wear 271, 2011, pp 210-217.
  • Dirks B, Enblom R: Prediction of wheel profile wear and rolling contact fatigue for the Stockholm commuter train. Proceedings of the 16th Wheelset Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, March 14-19, 2010.
  • Enblom R: Getting to the root of wheel wear. Railway Gazette, March 2010.
  • Björklund S, Enblom R, Iwnicki S: Wheel-rail contact mechanics. In: Lewis R, Olofsson Ulf: Wheel-rail interface handbook. Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge, September 2009, ISBN 1 84569 412 0, ISBN-13: 978 1 84569 412 8, 856 pages.
  • B. Dirks, R. Enblom: Prediction model for wheel profile wear and rolling contact fatigue. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail/Wheel Systems, Florence, Italy, September 15-18, 2009.
  • R. Enblom, S. Stichel: Industrial implementation of novel railway wheel damage prediction procedures. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail/Wheel Systems, Florence, Italy, September 15-18, 2009.
  • E. Kabo, R. Enblom, A. Ekberg: Assessing risks of subsurface initiated rolling contact fatigue from field measurements. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail/Wheel Systems, Florence, Italy, September 15-18, 2009.
  • Enblom R: Deterioration mechanisms in the wheel-rail interface with focus on wear prediction - A literature review. Vehicle System Dynamics, vol 47, iss 6, 2009, pp 661-700.
  • Enblom R and Berg M: Impact of non-elliptic contact modelling in wheel wear simulation. Wear 265, 2008, pp 1532-1541.
  • Enblom R and Berg M: Proposed procedure and trial simulation of rail profile evolution due to uniform wear. Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, vol 222, March 2008, pp 15-25. (Best paper award for 2008).
  • Enblom R: On simulation of uniform wear and profile evolution in the wheel-rail contact. Doctoral thesis, KTH, Stockholm 2006, TRITA AVE 2006:83. ISBN 978-91-7178-605-3.
  • Enblom R and Berg M: Impact of non-elliptic contact modelling in wheel wear simulation, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail/Wheel Systems, Brisbane, Australia, June 24-27, 2006.
  • Enblom R: Two-level numerical optimization of ride comfort in railway vehicles. Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, vol 220 part F, March 2006, pp 1-11.
  • Enblom R and Berg M: Emerging engineering models for wheel/rail wear simulation. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference Railway Engineering 2005, London, June 29-30, 2005.
  • Enblom R: Ingenjörsmetoder för simulering av nötning, Trettonde Nordiska Seminariet i Järnvägsteknik, Hamar, 10-11 May.
  • Enblom R and Berg M: Simulation of railway wheel profile development due to wear-influence of disk braking and contact environment. Wear 258, 2005, pp 1055-1063.
  • Enblom R and Berg M: Wheel wear modelling including disc braking and contact environment – Simulation of 18 months of commuter service in Stockholm. Proceedings of the 14th International Wheelset Congress, Orlando, October 17-22, 2004.
  • Enblom R and Berg M: Towards calibrated wheel wear simulation – A comparison between traditional approach and novel methods. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Railway Bogies and Running Gears, Budapest, September 13-16, 2004.
  • Enblom R: Simulation of wheel and rail profile evolution – Wear modelling and validation, Licentiate thesis, KTH, Stockholm 2004, TRITA AVE 2004:19. ISBN 91-7283-806-X.
  • Enblom R and Berg M: Prediction of successive rail wear by vehicle-track dynamic solutions, Tolfte nordiska seminariet i Järnvägsteknik, Luleå, June 1-2, 2004.
  • Enblom R and Berg M: Simulation of wheel profile development due to wear – influence of disk braking and contact environment, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail/Wheel Systems, Gothenburg, Sweden, June 10-13, 2003.
  • Ågren J, Enblom R: Wheel damages on the Regina train and the need for further research – a summary. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail/Wheel Systems, Gothenburg, Sweden, June 10-13, 2003.
  • Enblom R: Prediction of wheel and rail wear – A literature survey, Report TRITA AVE 2003:27, KTH, 2003.
  • Enblom R: Numerical methods for wear prediction – Recent research and future prospects, Tionde nordiska seminariet i Järnvägsteknik, Borlänge, April 17-18, 2002.
  • Enblom R: Procedure for mechanical train set optimisation using a two-level collaborative optimisation approach. Report MdH_IMa-1998:003, M.Sc. thesis, Mälardalen University, Västerås, 1998.
  • Enblom R: Implementation of plane elements in the optimisation system Optsys. B.Sc. thesis, Uppsala University, Uppsala, 1993.
  • Orrenius U, Enblom R: Acoustic optimisation of carbody structures: Weight efficient setting of subsystem requirements. Proceedings of the 2001 International Congress and Exhibition on Noise Control Engineering, The Hague, August 27-30 2001.
  • Bråmå T, Enblom R: Extension of structural optimisation software to enable multidisciplinary applications. Proceedings of the 6th AIAA/USAF/NASA/ISSMO Symposium on Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimisation, Seattle, September 4-6, 1996; Structural Optimisation, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp 33-41, February 1998.
  • Enblom R, Coad J N O, Berggren S: Living with a major fault. Asian Electricity, pp 17-20, June 1995.
  • Enblom R, Coad J N O, Berggren S: Design of HVDC converter station equipment subject to severe seismic performance requirements. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp 1766-1772, October 1993.
  • Enblom R, Berggren S: Design of electrical power equipment to withstand seismic loads. ABB Review, No. 10, pp23-32, October 1993.
  • Enblom R, Coad J N O, Berggren S: Seismic verification of the converter stations for New Zealand’s upgraded DC hybrid link. ABB Review, No. 8, pp 29-38, August 1993. 

Reports and books

  • Björklund S, Enblom R and Iwnicki S: Wheel-rail contact mechanics. In: Lewis R, Olofsson Ulf: Wheel-rail interface handbook. Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge, ISBN 1 84569 412 0, ISBN-13: 978 1 84569 412 8, September 2009.
  • Enblom R: On simulation of uniform wear and profile evolution in the wheel-rail contact, Doctoral thesis, TRITA AVE 2006:83, ISBN 978-91-7178-605-3, KTH, Stockholm, 2006. Download thesis from DiVA.
  • Enblom R: Simulation of wheel and rail profile evolution – Wear modelling and validation, Licentiate thesis, TRITA AVE 2004:19, ISBN 91-7283-806-X, KTH, Stockholm, 2004. Download thesis from DiVA.
  • Enblom R: Prediction of wheel and rail wear – A literature survey, Report TRITA AVE 2003:27, KTH, 2003.
  • Enblom R: Procedure for mechanical train set optimisation using a two-level collaborative optimisation approach, Report MdH_IMa-1998:003, M.Sc. thesis, Mälardalen University, Västerås, 1998.
  • Enblom R: Implementation of plane elements in the optimisation system Optsys, B.Sc. thesis, Uppsala University, Uppsala, 1993.