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Nyligen accepterade publikationer: September

Publicerad 2024-09-19

Följande artiklar har blivit accepterade och publicerade under föregående månader:

  • Noemie Jaquier*, Michael C. Welle*, Andrej Gams, Kunpeng Yao, Bernardo Fichera, Aude Billard, Ales Ude, Tamim Asfour, and Danica Kragic "Transfer learning in robotics: An upcoming breakthrough? A review of promises and challenges" accepterad hos The International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR)

  • Daniel Duberg*, Qingwen Zhang*, MingKai Jia, and Patric Jensfelt "DUFOMap: Efficient Dynamic Awareness Mapping" accepterad hos Robotics and Automation Letter (RA-L), 2024

  • Mingkai Jia*, Qingwen Zhang*, Bowen Yang, Jin Wu, Ming Liu, and Patric Jensfelt "BeautyMap: Binary-Encoded Adaptable Ground Matrix for Dynamic Points Removal in Global Maps" accepterad hos Robotics and Automation Letter (RA-L), 2024

  • Qingwen Zhang, Yi Yang, Peizheng Li, Olov Andersson and Patric Jensfelt "SeFlow: A Self-Supervised Scene Flow Method in Autonomous Driving" accepterad hosEuropean Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2024

  • Joseph La Delfa, Rachael Garrett, Airi Lampinen, and Kristina Höök "Articulating Mechanical Sympathy for Somaesthetic Human-Machine Relations" accepterad hos Designing Interactive Systems (DIS), 2024

  • Joseph La Delfa, Rachael Garrett, Airi Lampinen, and Kristina Höök "How to Train Your Drone: Exploring the umwelt as a design metaphor for human-drone interaction" accepterad hos Designing Interactive Systems (DIS), 2024

  • Joris Verhagen, Lars Lindemann, and Jana Tumova "Robust STL Control Synthesis under Maximal Disturbance Sets" accepterad hos Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2024

  • Luyao Zhang, Shaohang Han, and Sergio Grammatico "Automated Lane Merging via Game Theory and Branch Model Predictive Control" accepterad hos IEEE Transaction on Control System Technology

  • Luyao Zhang, Georgios Pantazis, Shaohang Han, and Sergio Grammatico "An Efficient Risk-aware Branch MPC for Automated Driving that is Robust to Uncertain Vehicle Behaviors" accepterad hos Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2024

  • Parag Khanna, Jonathan Fredberg, Mårten Björkman, Christian Smith, and Alexis Linard "Hand It to Me Formally! Data-Driven Control for Human-Robot Handovers With Signal Temporal Logic" accepterad hos Robotics and Automation Letter (RA-L), 2024

  • Youssef Mohamed, Arzu Guneysu, Séverin Lemaignan, Patric Jensfelt, and Christian Smith "Context Matters: Understanding Socially Appropriate Affective Responses Via Word Embeddings" accepterad hos International Conference on Social Robotics

  • Fereidoon Zangeneh, Leonard Bruns, Amit Dekel , Alessandro Pieropan, and Patric Jensfelt "Conditional Variational Autoencoders for Probabilistic Pose Regression" accepterad hos International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2024