MST nyheter
Outstanding Paper Award at MEMS2015 conference for MST
Publicerad 2015-01-26Carlos Errando-Herranz, PhD student at KTH Micro and Nanosystems, received an Outstanding Student Paper Award at the 28th IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Conference (MEMS) 2015 held in Estoril, ...
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De ska besegra vinterkräksjukan
Publicerad 2015-01-14Snart kommer vi att kunna ta vi tekniken till hjälp för att undvika att bli smittade av den obehagliga vinterkräkssjukan. En forskargrupp vid KTH EE leder ett europeiskt projekt för att ta fram en vir...
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Joachim Oberhammer new member of the Young Academy
Publicerad 2014-06-12Joachim Oberhammer, associate prof. in the Nano and Microsystem department, is one of the seven new members of the Young Academy of Sweden.
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Miljonregn över bandbreddsforskning
Publicerad 2014-02-20Trådlös kommunikation med drastiskt ökad bandbredd, bättre medicinsk diagnostik och högupplösande radarsystem. Där har du några av målen med den forskning som KTH-professorn Joachim Oberhammer och han...
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KTH researchers test super sensitive sensor material
Publicerad 2014-02-18Graphene is the thing in 2024. By then transparent conductive electrodes and energy storage applications will run mainly on graphene material, presents a new report. KTH research shows that graphene c...
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Grants for developing microsystems at terahertz frequencies
Publicerad 2014-02-11Microsystems at terahertz (THz) frequencies are a thousand times smaller and lighter, and consume far less power, than today’s THz devices. They also promise a wide range of applications, including hi...
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Obama saw future fuel cell from EE
Publicerad 2013-09-04On his visit to KTH, Barack Obama was showcased PowerTrekk, a fuel cell and battery charger that runs on water - a spin-off from EE. The proud inventors of the future energy hybrid fuel cell are Woute...
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3D printing research showcased on top industry innovation list
Publicerad 2013-03-253D printing has the potential to revolutionize manufacturing processes in a vast number of fields and that includes objects both big and very, very small. The US-based Society of Manufacturing Engine...
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New dimensions of 3D printing
Publicerad 2013-03-24A drawing programme and a 3D printer: in the future, that’s all it will take to produce customised micro- and nanoscale silicon structures for sensors and other devices.
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Lyftet för spin-off-företaget som gör superplast
Publicerad 2013-03-12Nu står det klart att Mercene Labs AB, som står bakom en ny superplast med stor framtidspotential, får ta emot 2013 års Ingemar Croon Award. Förutom äran får Mercene Labs 2 miljoner kronor och en möjl...
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Micro and Nanosystems
Publicerad 2012-11-29"Micro and Nanosystems" is the new name for the lab that was previously called Microsystem technology. The acronym will still be MST. The change is made to reflect the fact that much of the research d...
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Ragnar Holm Fellowship awarded to Nikolai Chekurov, KTH-EE-MST
Publicerad 2012-10-25During a seminar on Wednesday, October 24, 2012, the recipient of the 2011 Postdoctoral Fellowship in honor of the physicist Ragnar Holm, Dr. Nikolai Chekurov, was formally awarded with the silver pla...
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MST research on 3D silicon nanostructuring on the front page of Advanced Functional Materials
Publicerad 2012-10-09In the latest issue of Advanced Functional Materials, Frank Niklaus and co-workers report on the fabrication of 3D nanostructures by alternating steps of silicon deposition and local ion implantation ...
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Gassensorer kan bli framtidens mobila näsor
Publicerad 2012-07-09KTH med industripartner får 10 miljoner i bidrag från Vinnova för att utveckla nästa generations uthålliga produktionssystem för gassensorer i massvolymer. Patientburna astmamätare, kontaktfria alkolå...
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Cutting the cost of micro- and nanomanufacturing
Publicerad 2012-06-21A drawing programme and a 3D printer: that could be all it will take to produce the micro- and nanostructures required for the millions of devices and sensors of the future. With a new manufacturing t...
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Kristinn B. Gylfason receives a Göran Gustafsson’s Young Researcher Prize
Publicerad 2012-05-04Kristinn B. Gylfason, researcher at the KTH Microsystem Technology Laboratory, has been awarded one of the Young Researcher Prizes of the Göran Gustafsson foundation this year, for his work on photoni...
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The IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S) PhD fellowship to Nutapong Somjit
Publicerad 2012-02-10The IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S) awards $2500 PhD fellowships each year to encourage students to pursue a career in the area of electromagnetics. One of the award recipients this year ...
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Så ska kostnaden för nya läkemedel kapas
Publicerad 2012-02-07Läkemedelsindustrin står inför en ekonomisk härdsmälta. Kostnaden för att ta fram läkemedel har fördubblats under de senaste 15 åren och för medicinforskningen uppgick summan under 2010 till svindland...
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Kapseln som kan motverka barncancer
Publicerad 2012-01-11Med pengar från Barncancerfonden ska tre forskare från KTH Mikrosystemteknik och Karolinska sjukhuset ta fram och testa en speciell stamcellsterapi mot den vanligaste typen av barncancertumörer.
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Strong interest in new fabrication method for micro-fluidics
Publicerad 2011-09-26"Beyond PDMS: off-stoichiometry thiol–ene (OSTE) based soft lithography for rapid prototyping of microfluidic devices" by researchers at The Microsystem technology lab and the Division of Coating Tech...
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