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Tidigare utexaminerade Doktorer

År Namn Titel
2022 Newlove Eriksson, Lindy Critical Infrastructure at the Dawn of a Techno-Organizational Shift: Accountability and Public-Private Governance
2021 Hetemi, Ermal Path Dependence and Path Shaping: Unearthing institutional dynamics in large-scale project organizing
2021 Nevzorova, Tatiana Barriers, drivers and context environment of technological innovation - An analysis of the biogas industry in Russia
2021 Jazayrli, Amer Engaging in green logistics - An eye on shippers, logistics service providers, and their interactions
2021 Nilsson, Håkan Utvecklingsförmåga - En relationell process mellan ledning och arbetarkollektiv
2021 Svarts, Anna In the Wake of the General Hospital - Focus and Scale in Healthcare Operations
2021 Riandita, Andra Inter-firm relationships for sustainability: Incumbent firms and sustainability ventures
2020 Wadström, Pontus Corporate strategizing - Building the group without busting the businesses
2020 Saiedi, Hamed Essays on Financial Technology and SME Finance: A Tale of Two Effects of the Global Financial Crisis: Financing SMEs and Innovative Financing
2020 Törnblom, Oskar Organizational Design and Leadership Development: The Role of Increasing Complexity
2020 Pitt, Christine Sarah Automated Text Analysis of Online Content in Marketing:\nDictionary-Based Methods and Artificial Intelligence\n
2020 Manca, Claudia A Brave New Workplace. Disclosing the smart and the dark sides of the alternative office spaces
2020 Dabirian, Amir Hossein Unpacking Employer Branding in the Information Technology Industry
2020 du Preez, Rose Internal brand management in South African contact centers
2020 Paschen, Jeanette Creating market knowledge from big data: Artificial intelligence and human resources
2020 Morgunova, Maria The global energy system through a prism of change: The oil & gas industry and the case of the Arctic \n
2020 Nordin Forsberg, Britta Talent management i organisationer: Ett kritiskt managementperspektiv
2020 Innergård, Anna Helena Ridkonst, konsultmannaskap och kunnig vägledning
2020 Jocevski, Milan Going digital. Business model innovation in omni-channel retailing
2019 Brännvall, Ruth They are so damn grateful. A longitudinal study of how postcolonial attitudes influence the innovation process in social ventures
2019 Bäcklander, Gisela Autonomous, yet Aligned: Challenges of Self-Leadership in Context
2019 Temiz, Serdar Entrepreneurship in Virtual Worlds: A Look at Trust "In Fashion Store Context"
2019 Lougui, Monia Vilka hinder möter svenska entreprenörer? En studie baserad på startlinjen.
2019 Åsberg, Per Challenges of Self-Leadership in Context
2019 Chipp, Kerry Deconstructing Value: The role of resource access in determining value and value outcomes at different stages of the consumption journey
2019 Wilson, Matthew The role of resource access in determining value and value outcomes
2019 Lokatt, Erika at different stages of the consumption journey
2019 Sinha, Vikash Kumar Negotiating leadership in an era of interprofession-based organizing.
2018 Stefan, Ioana Knowing the Ropes in Open Innovation. Understanding Tensions through a Paradox Lens
2018 Malm, Arvid The Absent Entrepreneur. Exploring the Role of the Entrepreneur in Economics
2018 Ingvarsson, Caroline What’s Next? Organising Complex Product Development with Lean
2018 Lapko, Yulia Opening the black box of materials criticality: heterogeneity and interrelations of companies within and across industrial sectors
2018 Jovanovic, Marin Navigating Manufacturing Firms to Service-led Business Models
2018 Tongur, Stefan Preparing for takeoff. Analyzing the development of electric road systems from a business model perspective
2018 Lashgari, Maryam Digital Marketing Strategy: B2B and Stakeholders Communication
2017 Jonsson, Peder Kommunikationsmodeller inom public relations
2017 Bigi, Alsessandro Political Marketing: understanding and managing stance and brand positioning
2017 Johansson, Petter A silent Revolution. The Swedish Transition Towards heat pumps, 1970-2015
2017 Okwir, Simon Collaborative Measures: Challenges in Airport Operations
2017 Gummeson, Karl Traning measures and technologies for air contaminant risks
2017 Linse, Charlotta Ambiquity: at the heart of design work. Sensing and negotiating ambiquity in knowledge creation work
2017 Miterev, Maxim Organizing project-based operations: The interplay of content, context and social processes
2016 Ding, Ding Heterogeneous Innovation and Labour Mobility.
2016 Wang, Qi Studies in the dynamics of science, Exploring emergence, classification, and  interdisciplinarity.
2016 Ann, Deborah Consumer knowledge and its implications for aspects of consumer purchasing behaviour in the case of information-intensive products.    
2016 Darmani, Anna Who is in the driver’s seat? Insights into the mixed outcomes of renewable policy instruments in the electricity industry.
2016 Ramirez Portilla, Andres The unexpected implications of opening up innovation. A multi-perspective study of the role of open innovation practices in mature industries
2016 Dwaikat, Nidal Flexibility through information sharing. Evidences from the automotive industry in Sweden
2016 Lee, Linda Customer-to-customer roles and impacts in service encounters
2016 Bredican, John Apps in the U-space: from mobile to ubiquitous marketing.
2016 Hall, Daniel  Understanding the provision and processing of information for information- intensive products as a basis for market segmentation.
2015 Karakaya, Emrah Diffuson of dynamic innovations - A case study of residential solar PV systems
2015 Birkie, Seyoum Be lean to be resilient - Setting capabilities fo turbulent times
2015 Freilich, Jonatan When Innovation Is Not Enough. The Managerial Challenges of Technology Change In Pharmaceutical R&D
2015 LARIJANI, PARDIS NABAVI Innovation and Productivity. A Microdata Analysis
2015 LONG, VICKY XIAOYAN A technological capabilities perspective on catching ut - The case of the Chinese information and communications technology industry
2015 LEVIHN, FABIAN Investments, system dynamics, energy managment, and policy: a solution to the metric problem of bottom-up supply curves
2015 SRIWANANWIT, PRANPREYA Power to the people: Diffusion of renewable electricity in rural areas of developing countries
2014 BOTHA, ELSIE MARGARETHA Contagious communications: The role of emotion in viral marketing
2014 BOON, EDWARD Deal of the day: An Assessment of a New Fform of Sales promotion
2014 LILFORD, NEIL An exploration of factors determining salesperson effictiveness
2014 GRANT, PHILIP   Exploring Branded Frash Mobs  A study of the impact of branded flash mobs on consumer behavior and brand equity
2014 WIID, MARIA An Assessment of the Application of Semiotics in the Analuysis of Mass Communication Messages
2014 LÖFQVIST, LARS Product Innovation in Small Established Enterprises: Managing processes and Resource Scarcity
2014 MARKGREN, FREDRIK Industriellt hantverk - Om en svensk trähusfabrikants känsla för konfektionering
2014 ENGSTRÖM, MARGARETHA Yrkeskunnande som säkerhetsmetod. En studie kring svåra driftsituationer vid svenska kärnkraftverk
2013 REGNÖ, KLARA                            Det osynliggjorda ledarskapet – kvinnliga chefer i majoritet
2013 RÅSBRANT, JONAS Essays on Share Repurchases and Equity Ownership 
2012 VON HAARTMAN, ROBIN Manufacturing Capabilities: Expendable Commodities or Catalysts for Effective Supply Chain Management 
2012 BERGLUND, JOHAN Formalisering och yrkeskunnande - en explorativ studie om säkerhetskulturen inom kärnkraftsindustrin 
2011 ÅKERBLOM, CECILIA Ledarskap, makt och känsla. En narrativ studie av unga ledare. 
2011 CREVANI, LUCIA Clearing for action: Leadership as a relational phenomenon 
2011 SKOGLUND, ANNIKA Homo Clima- Klimatmänniskan och den produktiva makten- styrning genom klimatförändring som bioestetisk inramning 
2011 HERDENSTAM, ANDERS Den arbetande gommen vinprovarens dubbla grepp, från analys till upplevelse 
2011 MANKERT, CHARLOTTA The Black-Litterman Model Towards its use in practice 
2010 GÖRLING, STEFAN Samarbete utan gemensamma mål-  Att styra och stimulera innovation 
2010 DYMEK, MIKOLAJ Industrial Phantasmagoria Subculturel Interactive Cinema Meets Mass-Cultural Media of Simulation 
2010 ERICSSON, ULF Om organisering av det regenerativa arbetet Samtal om roll, process och interaktivt meningsskapande 
2010 UPPVALL, LARS The Collaborative Challenge of Product Development Exploring Sustainable Work Systems Through Critical Incidents in R&D Alliances 
2010 BERGSTEN, ANDREAS Fackets kulturkris-metaforer som organisationsterapi 
2010 BERGVALL, SVEN Through the Mirror Perspectives on Brand Heritage 
2010 HALLIN, ANETTE Size matters: Ostensive and performative dimensions of organizational size 
2009 JERBRANT, ANNA Organisering av projektbaserade företag Ledninga, styrning och genomförande av projektbaserad industriell verksamhet 
2009 JONSSON, SARA New Insights on Financing and Business Development of Start-up Firms and SMEs 
2009 ROSENGREN, CALLE Arbetstidens symbolvärde om historisk kontinuitet och förändring i synen på arbetstid samt normers inverkan på arbetstidens gestaltning 
2009 GUSTAFSSON, LINDA Creating Advantage: On the complexity of industrial knowledge formation in the knowledge - based economy 
2009 LINGHAG, SOPHIE Från medarbetare till chef Kön och makt i chefsförsörjning och karriär 
2009 STRÖMBERG, ANNIKA Organisering och identifikation i byggherrerollen Dialektik, möten och meningsskapande 
2009 NISS, CAMILLA Project Becoming and Knowing Trajectories An Epistemological Perspective on Human and Nonhuman Project Making 
2009 SVAHN, JOHAN Kunskap i Resonans Om yrkeskunnande, teknologi och säkerhetskultur 
2009 LJUNGBERG, ROLAND En resa från det ordlösa En kartläggning av ett personligt yrkeskunnande 
2008 LÖFGREN, ALEXANDER Making Mobile Meaning -expectations and experiences of mobile computing usefulness in construction site management practice 
2008 STEINSVIK, KARI Kunnskap om kroppen mellom grep och begrep 
2008 HEMPHÄLÄ, JENS The Instrumentality of Talk On the Creation of Sustainable Organizations Through Social Interactions 
2008 ÅBERG, SVEN SPELRUM - om paradoxer och överenskommelser i musikhögskolelärarens praktik 
2008 PALM, KRISTINA Det riskabla engagemanget Om regenerativ utveckling av mänskliga resurser, eldsjälar och ledarskap i radikal utveckling 
2008 SKÖLD, DAVID Bakom den gröna lacken Den estetiska ekonomins perverterande kärna 
2008 BAUNER, J DAVID Towards a sustainable automotive industry - experiences from the development of emission control systems 
2008 LENNERFORS, THOMAS The Vicissitudes of Corruption Degeneration - transgression - jouissance 
2008 THORÉN, KENT Corporate Entrepreneurship as a Business Development Strategy 
2007 BARCHÉUS, FREDRIK Who is responsible? Communication, coordination and collaboration in the future Air Traffic Management System 
2007 HEDLUND, ANN Attraktivitetens dynamik -studier av förändringar i arbetets attraktivitet 
2007 SJUNNESSON, JAN Erfarenhet och processer En metod för reflekterande ledarskap 
2007 VICTOR TILLBERG, ANN-CHARLOTTE Konsten att vårda och ge omsorg 
2007 CSARMANN, HELENA Berg-och-Dalbanan Jakten på den heliga G-kraften 
2007 EL GAIDI, KHALID Lärarens Yrkeskunnande Bildning och reflekterade erfarenheter 
2007 DABHILKAR, MANDAR Acting creatively for enhanced performance: challenges for Swedish manufacturers in an age of outsourcing 
2006 UNGER, CARINA Industrialised house building - a fundamental change or business as usual? 
2006 FATOLLAHZADEH, KIANOUSH A laboratory vehicle mock-up research work on truck driver's selected seat position and posture. A mathematical model approach with respect to anthropometry, body landmark locations and discomfort 
2006 MOUWITZ, LARS Matematik och bildning -berättelse, gräns, tystnad 
2006 ÅTEG, MATTIAS Aktiviteter och lärande för attraktivt arbete Utvecklingsprocesser inom verkstadsindustrin 
2006 BACKLUND, GÖRAN Om ungefärligheten i ingenjörsarbete 
2006 HELLGREN HAVEMOSE, KARIN Konsten att uppfinna hjulet två gånger Om uppfinnandets teknik och estetik 
2006 RATKIC, ADRIAN Dialogseminariets forskningsmiljö 
2006 KARRBOM GUSTAVSSON, TINA Det tillfälligas praktik -om möten och småprat som organiserande mekanismer i anläggningsprojekt 
2005 NUUR, CALI Cluster Dynamics and Industrial Policy in Peripheral Regions: A study of cluster formation as a local development process 
2005 LINDHULT, ERIK G Management by Freedom. Essays in moving from Machiavellian to Rosseauian approaches to innovation and inquiry 
2004 CERIN, PONTUS Turning Corporate Behaviour into Sustainability: Challenges of Environmental Strategies in Industry 
2004 LAGERGREN, FREDRIK Rethinking energy systems - an energy usage approach 
2004 LINDBLOM HÄGGQVIST, SUSANN Arbetsmiljö och utveckling i skolan Förutsättningar för samverkan mellan elever och personal 
2004 GONZALEZ GUVE, BERTIL Att bestämma sig utan grund Om omdöme och övertygelse i riskkapitalinvesteringar 
2004 ULFVENGREN, PERNILLA Design of Natural Warning Sounds in Human-Machine Systems 
2003 LINDFORS, CHRISTIAN Process oriented information management in construction - Information systems supporting the work processes of project managers and project groups 
2003 PINEIRO HÖGBERG, ERIK The Aesthetics of Code - On excellence in instrumental action 
2003 LEIRINGER, ROINE Technological innovations in the context of public-private partnership projects 
2003 LINDAHL, MARCUS Produktion till varje pris om planering och improvisation i anläggningsprojekt 
2003 PALMBERG, CHRISTOPHER TURNING OPPORTUNITIES INTO INNOVATIONS - Essays on the sources, nature and success of innovations 
2003 KIRA, MARI From Good Work to Sustainable Development - Human Resources Consumption and Regeneration in the Post-Bureaucratic Working Life 
2003 SÖRLING, STIG Konstruktion av ekonomistyrning 
2002 LÖÖF, HANS The Knowledge Production Function Evidence from New Micro Data 
2002 FROMMER, RANJA Between Expectations and Experience. 
2002 ANDERSSON GUSTAFSSON, GUNILLA Den inre teatern i lärandet En studie om kunskapsväxandet inom hantverk 
2002 WIKSTRÖM, PER-ARNE Att producera förändring - Marknadsorientering och IT i fastighetsföretag 
2002 GESSLER, FREDRIK The development of wireless infrastructure standards 
2002 ALSTERDAL, LOTTE Hertig av ovisshet -aspekter på yrkeskunnande 
2002 REHN, ALF Electronic Potlatch - a study on new technologies and primitive economic behaviors. 
2002 ORRE, INGER Reporterskap - äventyr, irrbloss, dygder. Studie av en yrkespraxis. 
2001 JOHANSSON, DAN The Dynamics of Firm and Industry Growth: The Swedish Computing and Communications Industry 
2001 JONASON, ANDREAS Innovative Pricing 
2000 OLOFSSON, BARBRO Kvinnor och män i byggyrken - en jämförande studie. Women and men in the construction industry - a comparative study. 
2000 STORM, PER Perspektiv på  processutveckling 
1999 BJÖRING, GUNNAR Ergonomics in the wood-working industry 
1998 EKMAN, STEN Kompetens och effektivitet En studie av tidsanvändning och tillverkningskvalitet i NC-arbete 
1997 BLOMGREN, HENRIK Arbetsfördelningen i produktionskedjan 
1997 GRAMENIUS, JACOB CAD-teknikens roll och värde Ett resultat av aktörernas teknik- och verksamhetsuppfattning 
1995 HOLLANDER, ERNST ESAIAS Varför var det så segt? Om lågriskkemi,miljödriven innovation och kravformning 
1995 ENGWALL, MATS Jakten på det effektiva projektet 
1994 KARLSON, BO Product Design - Towards a New Conceptualization of the Design Process
1993 LAESTADIUS, STAFFAN Arbetsdelningens dynamik
1990 BERGGREN, CHRISTIAN H Det nya bilarbetet
1990 GÖRANZON, BO Det praktiska intellektet
1988 LIND, PÄR MAGNUS On the applicability of computerized production control in Egyptian industry
1981 GIERTZ, ERIC Om arbetsstudieutbildningens institutionalisering i Sverige
1981 CHADHA, SKYLARK Technology transfer project management - an empirical afterstudy of two complex industrial construction projects
1978 SOUROUR, ALY SOROUR Studies on algerian oil inventor policy
1974 ANDERSSON, JOHN  Industriföretagens produktionsstyrning - om undersökning, syntes och förändring
1973 DE MONTHOUS, PIERRE GULLET Tre producenters köp: om kundforskning och industriell marknadsföring
1973 JOHANSSON, SVEN ÅKE B Produktionsteknisk systemsyn - en beskrivning
Tillhör: Industriell ekonomi och organisation
Senast ändrad: 2023-03-09
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