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Sound Forest 2.0 - The role of lighting in inclusive interactive museum installations

We are very glad to invite you to the Sound and Music Interaction Seminar with Ines Bartl.

Tid: Ti 2023-05-16 kl 15.00

Plats: Room 1440 "Henrik Eriksson", Osquars backe 2, floor 4

Videolänk: Zoom link

Språk: English

Medverkande: Ines Bartl, Architectural Lighting Design, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

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This thesis focuses on creating an interactive installation as an immersive experience for the hearing-impaired user. To date, little research has been conducted on interactive (sound) installation for impaired visitors, particularly those with hearing impairments or who are hard of hearing. Based on literature research and a case study, a new lighting design proposal was developed for Soundforest, an interactive musical installation at Scenkonstmuseet in Stockholm, Sweden. The audio experience is enhanced ambient lighting, which alters in brightness depending on the interaction of visitors. For evaluation, a prototype was set up in the installation space and tested by one participant. The first testing leads to the assumption that the additional layer of ambient lighting can enhance the emotional experience of the visitors. The results show that the test person had great pleasure in interacting with the prototype. Still, to develop a full picture of the consequences and emotional effects, additional research is required.

Bio Ines Bartl  (*1994) is a Lighting and Stage Designer based in Stockholm, Sweden.

With a background in Interior Architecture, Stage-and Costume design, and Architectural Lighting Design, she loves to create emotional experiences and design immersive spaces that take visitors to a different world. With her work, she wants to amaze and inspire people.

Recently, she set up her own business, where she combines her passion for theatre, culture, scenography, and light. She is collaborating with curators, art galleries, dancers and theatres in Sweden and Germany.

Ines is interested in exploring the relationship between space and humans and what role we take towards our surroundings. She is inspired by the playfulness and diversity of light and the people she meets on her way. She loves to hear their stories, share experiences, and run projects together in order to grow continuously and gain experience.