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Open position: Post-doc on circular economy with focus on circular manufacturing systems

Publicerad 2018-10-27

One step in circular economy (CE) initiative is the formation of a multidisciplinary research group focusing on the development of theoretical and applied concepts and solutions to promote the circular economy. Within the program, a number of post-doc positions have been created.

We are now looking for a post-doc researcher who has sound track record with CE system perspective. This postdoc position aims to strengthen research and development activities to advance CE research through a local KTH CE initiative as well as globally. The candidate will primarily be involved with:

  • Developing research ideas and concepts and transforming these into actionable research tasks
  • Development of consortia for the purpose of creating funding proposals
  • Execution of own research tasks
  • Coordination of research proposals within the KTH CE initiative and other strategic research initiatives
  • Working on CE and other related education tasks
  • Publishing both in scholarly and popular science magazines

If you are interested, please apply before 2018-11-15

The link to the advertisment can be found
