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Guest lecture

Circular transition in the plastics industry

Publicerad 2022-02-11

CE@KTH is delighted to invite you to attend the guest lecture with Kristin Geidenmark Olofsson, director of strategic innovation and compliance at Trioworld, a leading organization in plastic packaging solutions.

About the speaker:

Kristin is ambassador for the circular economy, and is driving a change movement within the plastics industry to transform towards circular economy. She acts as the chairperson in international standardization committees, both on European level; CEN TC 249 Plastics/ WG 11 Plastics recycling and international level; ISO TC 61 Plastics/ SC 14 Environmental aspects/ WG 5 Mechanical and chemical recycling, where the first standards on plastic recycling, taking on environmental and circular aspects have been developed. Listen to the journey Trioworld have made towards circularity, and about the current state regarding circular thinking in the plastics industry.


The guest lecture will be around 25 + 25 minutes including a break. Afterwards, there is room for questions and comments. 

Date and time: February 17, 2022 at 13:15 CET


Click here to register for the guest lecture